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30 seconds each question

o Please tell me about where you live

o Please tell me about your family.
o Where did you go on your last holiday?
o Please tell me about your last birthday
o Please tell me about your favourite school subject
o What kind of housing do most people in your country live in?
o How do you think housing will change in the future?
o Please tell me about your hobbies.
o Please tell me about your last holiday.
o Please tell me about your favourite actor.
o What is a typical schoolday for most students in your
o Why do people choose to shop in each of these places?
IDEAS: Talk about variety / quality / prices / parking / weather …

There are several possible reasons – for food shopping, markets are
often cheaper, and the fruit and vegetables are usually fresher. On the
other hand, in supermarkets you can choose your own produce, which
many people prefer to do. For clothes shopping, I think most people
choose malls because there’s so much variety and the clothes are better
quality, though some people might choose to shop in street markets
because the clothes are more original. And it also depends on the
weather – malls are more comfortable, especially when it’s raining, or in
summer when it’s so hot outside.

o Which place do you prefer to shop? Why?

Well, it depends … if I have enough time, I prefer to shop in markets,

because it’s more fun and you can sometimes find unusual things to
buy … and it’s more personal too. When I’m on holiday I always go to
street markets, as I think they give you a feeling of the country, and you
can find more original souvenirs, whereas in shopping centres
everything’s the same everywhere. On the other hand, in my daily life I
usually prefer to shop in malls, because it’s easy to park there
– parking’s a real problem in the city centre – and I can get everything I
need in the same place, so it’s much quicker too.
2 minutes
o Tell me about a time when you were late because of traffic.
o How did you feel about it?
o What do you think governments should do to solve the traffic

o Tell me about a time when you had to wear something

different or special.
o How did you feel about it?
o Do you think fashion has too much importance in our lives?
1. Compare the two pictures.

2. Why might people choose each type of holiday?

3. Which of these types of holidays are better for you?

The last part of the Speaking test for Aptis, you are once again given a photo with three
questions. This time, however, you’ll have one minute to prepare your ideas and two minutes
to cover all three questions.
1. Describe an old person you admire and why.

2. How do you know them?

3. What characteristics do they have that you like?

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