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THE FUTUR - How to run a profitable bussines and make money


Cost = Effort + Materials. (Money, time, materials, taxes etc)

Price = Cost + Profit

Risk raises profrit

R.O.I - Return in Investment

Venture capital - Really volatile.

Higher the risk higher the reward.


Value is subjective.

Price is determined by the seller.

Value is determined by the buyer.

When value exceds price, people buys it.

Value - Emotions, the feeling you create by the product.

Examples: Coca-cola

Whosale - Requires planning time, and patience. 0,75

Vending machine - Spontaneous purchase, facilitty. 1,75 (Convinience)

Movie theater - Monopoly, if u want to drink, u need to buy from them, so they can
charge any premium they want. 4.50 (Emotional = Value)

Emotion - Acomplishment, convinience, exclusivity.

Positioning the product in the market.

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