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Platino, Grace Anne P.


Based on my on what i learned on the class, preservation and sustainability is important in the context
of heritage tourism involve maintaining and protecting cultural and natural assets for the benefit of
present and future generations while respecting the values and traditions of the local culture.
Preservation efforts aim to maintain the authenticity and integrity of these resources, it includes
activities like restoration, conservation, and documentation to ensure that the heritage remains intact.
Sustainability in heritage tourism emphasizes responsible and long-term management of resources, it
involves practices that minimize negative impacts on the environment, local communities, and the
heritage itself. Respecting the culture of a heritage site is essential, it means acknowledging and
honoring the traditions, beliefs, and values of the local community. Tourists and stakeholders should
engage respectfully with the culture, learning from it and supporting local traditions rather than
disrupting or exploiting them.

Incorporating these principles into heritage tourism helps ensure that historical and cultural treasures
are preserved for future generations to enjoy, it also promotes responsible tourism that benefits both
the heritage and the communities that call it home.

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