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The diagram below shows the process of recycling glass bottles (29/04/2017)

The given diagram illustrates the process of plastic recycling.

Overall, there are essentially six stages in the plastic recycling process, beginning with the buying, using
and discarding of new plastic products and ending with newly recycled products entering the market
In the first stage, new products displayed in shops are purchased, used and thrown away. Plastic bags,
along with other garbage, are sent and buried in landfill sites. Plastic bottles and containers however, are
collected for recycling. After being gathered, the plastic bottles are then taken to sorting houses where
they are divided into different categories.
Once the plastic has been sorted, it is then loaded onto trucks and transported to factories where it is
processed and made into new plastic products. These new, recycled plastic products are then finally
distributed back to retail shops where they are sold, reused and discarded once again, thereby continuing
the process.

The picture below shows the recycling process of wasted glass bottles

The given diagram indicates information about how used glass bottles are recycled.
In general, it can be seen that there are three (separate) stages in this process, commencing with the
collection of wasted bottles, and culminating with newly recycled bottles used for storing drinks to be sold
in supermarkets.
At the initial stage of the process, glass bottles are used by customers and gathered at a collection point
before being delivered to a cleaning plant by a truck. The second stage begins when the bottles are
washed with high-pressure water, and subsequently sorted based on their colour (green, brown and
clear). After that, the bottles are broken down into pieces in a glass factory and melted in a furnace to
form a liquid. The recycled liquid glass is then mixed with new liquid glass and poured into a mould to
form new glass bottles.
During the final stage of the process, the recycled bottles are filled and packaged, and then transported to
supermarkets to be sold.

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry

The given diagram expresses different stages in the production of bricks for the building industries.
In general, brick production involves 7 steps, starting from the digging stages and ending at the delivery
As can be seen, the first step of brick manufacturing is digging the clay with a large digger. This clay is
then filtered and processed in a roller machine and then mixed with sand and water. In the third stage,
the mixture is either kept in a mould or cut in a wire cutter to make the raw shape of the bricks. In the
next step, the shaped raw bricks are dried for 24 to 48 hours in a drying oven.
After that, the dried raw bricks are kept in a kiln, both in moderate and high temperature, up
to 1300 degree centigrade and then placed in a cooling chamber for about 48 to 72 hours. This process
makes the brick to be packed and delivered in the final two steps. The delivery process is the final
process of brick manufacturing and as it is noted, brick making is a moderately complex process that
requires some predefined works to make it usable.

The diagram below shows the process for recycling plastic bottles.

The given image illustrates how plastic bottles are being reused.
Overall, there are a total of nine steps, beginning with the discarded plastic bottles in garbage cans and
culminating in making final items from raw substance.
At first, all the trash is being collected from trash cans by garbage trucks, which then brought to the
recycling center. At the center, workers categorize different types of bottles from the trash to select the
suitable ones to be recycled. After that, the chosen bottles are compressed into cube blocks, and then
crushed into small pieces by two rollers. Following that is the washing process of the pieces in a
After the decay process, the pieces of plastic are put into a machine to produce plastic pellets.
Afterwards, the pellets are turned into raw materials by heat, and then packed into packages to be

delivered to different manufacturers for the final steps . Finally, the unprocessed packages of plastic
pellets are being constructed to create recycled products such as bags, shirts, containers.

The diagram below gives information about the recycling of glass and plastic containers.

The given process diagram illustrates the recycling method of plastic and glass bottles.
Overall, both plastic and glass undergo a series of stages, beginning from the collection point of both
items as well as culminating in reshaping the plastic and glass with the aid of a machine and assembling
the new products.
In the first stage, the plastic and glasses are collected and sorted out based on the thickness, quality and
colour, and respectively then both items are separated for different processing stages. The sorted glass
undergoes crushing and washing for removing the impurities. In the subsequent stage, these clean glass
pieces melted and reshaped with the assistance of different machines.
Whereas categorized plastic went for the bundling and shredding process, once it has been done, the
micro-sized plastic segments are washed, melted and reshaped by the use of the same machine.
Eventually, both glasses and plastic were assembled as new products.

The flow chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling.

ANSWER (8.0):
The flow chart illustrates how waste paper is recycled.
It is clear that there are six main stages in the process of recycling waste paper. The first step of the
process involves collecting paper that has been thrown away, and the final step is creating usable paper.
At the initial stage of the process, used paper is collected from either individuals or companies. The
process continues with the paper being classified by workers, and inappropriate paper is eliminated. After
that, the paper is carried to a paper mill to be ready for the next stages.
At the paper mill, the paper is cleaned and pulped. This step involves getting rid of other materials such
as staples. The process continues with a step called “de-inking” where all inks and glues are removed
from the paper. At the final stage, paper is put into a machine, and then new paper is finally produced and
is ready to be used again.

The diagram below describes how storm water is recycled in an Australian city.

The diagram provides a breakdown of stormwater harvesting in an unspecified Australian city.

The initial impression from the diagram is that rainwater from drains undergoes various physical and
chemical processes underground to become clean water which is stored and then reused on sunny days.
The process commences when stormwater runoff is collected from drains and then flows in pipes into an
underground water recycling plant where it goes through four distinct treatment phases. Large wastes
such as plastic and rubbish are discarded in the first phase, and smaller particles are later filtered
out in the second phase. Microscopic impurities such as bacteria, viruses, molecules, and salt are then
removed in the third and fourth phases.
Once purified, stormwater is chlorinated at 4mg/l, after which it is stored in a chamber. The process ends
when the water, now safe for domestic use, is sent back to Australian households and reused on sunny

The process shows how waste is sorted for recycling. (04/09/2017)

ANSWER (7.0):
The diagram illustrates the process of separating different materials from waste for recycling purposes.
Overall, there are five stages in the process, commencing with shredding wasted items and culminating
with materials being sorted into categories.
At the first stage of the process, all kinds of waste in various shapes and materials including glass, steel,
iron, non-ferrous metals, wood, and aluminum are sent to a shredder, which later reduces the material to
smaller and uniform size for easier sorting. The process continues with the shredded waste going through
a primary air classifier, after which paper and plastic are sorted out and compacted.
At the subsequent stage, a magnetic separator is used for the removal of steel cans and iron from
the material flow. Then, materials namely glass, food and non-ferrous metals are separated by a
screening machine called a trommel screen. Finally, a secondary air classifier is utilized for the
separation of materials like aluminum, wood, rubber, and plastic.

The diagram below shows how to recycle organic waste to produce fertiliser (compost).

The diagram illustrates the steps by which to compost recycled from organic waste in order to produce a
natural garden fertiliser.
Overall, there are approximately 5 basic steps in the process of making fertiliser at home from recycled
organic waste matter, beginning with the preparation of an empty plastic container and ending with
composted organic garden fertiliser.
The first stage is to acquire a plastic container of approximately 2m³ that has several holes in the sides to
allow air to flow in and out of the container. Next, organic materials such as food scraps, grass clippings ,
and newspaper are layered inside the container in approximately 15cm thick layers.
Afterwards, hot water and some form of nitrogen are added to the compost to assist in the composting
process which follows. During this process, air will flow in and out of the air holes on the sides of the
container. Approximately six months later, the composted material will be ready to be removed from the
container and used in the garden as fertiliser.

The diagram below shows the stages in the food production chain of the United States

ANSWER (8.0+):
The given diagram illustrates how food is manufactured in the USA.
Overall, this is a man-made process and contains five linear stages, beginning with raw food materials
being produced and ending with cooked food being served at home, in restaurants or buffets.
In the first stage, raw food materials, including vegetables, livestock, and fish, are produced and collected
from different sources, typically from farms and seas. These raw, unprocessed materials are then sent to
factories where they are processed and made into fresh food products and prepared food products. After
that, these products are loaded onto trucks and transported to distribution agencies.
At the distribution agencies, food is delivered and supplied to food service facilities, including retailers or
restaurants, where they are consumed in different ways. In the final stage, food can be used to prepare
meals at home for families and it can also be cooked and served to diners in a restaurants or at in a

The diagram gives information about the process of making carbonated drinks. (05/09/2023)

ANSWER 1 (8.0):
The diagram demonstrates the steps necessary in the production of carbonated beverages
In total, there are five stages, beginning with water cleaning and ending with packaging and delivering to
Firstly, the water cleaning process starts with raw water being pumped into a water filter to remove any
unwanted substances. Subsequently, a water softener machine reduces the concentration of minerals
from the water. The water is then chemically treated, before being passed onto a pump.
In the second stage, water is evaporated and carbonated: it is first heated by an electronic device before
condensation is collected via a cooling pipe funneling the fluid into a tank that is pumped with carbon
dioxide - this process produces carbonated water.
Afterwards, this carbonated water is siphoned into a mixing tank where colouring, syrup and flavouring
are combined. The new mixture is run through a filter before being packaged into bottles and cans.
Finally, these are boxed up and loaded onto trucks, being delivered to supermarkets and sold to

The diagrams below give information about the manufacture of frozen fish

ANSWER (9.0):
The pictures illustrate the ingredients that go into a factory-made fish pie, and the various steps in its
The pie contains salmon, peas, sauce and potatoes, and there are ten stages in its manufacture,
from delivery to dispatch. One of the ingredients, potato, goes through its own six-stage preparation
process before it can be added to the pie.
Potatoes are the first ingredient to be prepared on the production line. They are delivered to the factory
up to a month before the process begins, and they must be cleaned, peeled and sliced. Potato peelings
are thrown away, and the sliced potatoes are boiled, then chilled and stored.
When fresh salmon arrives at the factory, lemon juice and salt are added, and the fish is cooked in
a steam oven within 12 hours of delivery. Next, factory workers remove and dispose of the skin and
bones, and the fish is inspected. Following inspection, pre-prepared peas, sauce and potatoes are
added. The resulting fish pies are wrapped, frozen and then stored or dispatched.

The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process,
and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes.

ANSWER (8.0):
The diagrams illustrate the production of cement, and how to use cement to make concrete.
It is clear from the diagrams that there are five stages in the process of making cement. Meanwhile, only
two steps are required to produce concrete.
At the first stage of producing cement, limestone and clay are put through a machine called crusher and
become powder. This powder is then mixed and is brought into a rotating heater where it is heated in high
temperature. The process continues with grinding the material, and then cement is produced. At the final
stage, cement is packaged into bags and is ready for the production of concrete.
The first step of making concrete is combining different materials. Cement is mixed with water, sand and
small stones in the proportions of 10%, 25% and 50% respectively. This mixture is then put into a
concrete mixer, where it becomes final concrete which can be used for building purposes.

The diagram details the process of making clothes from plastic bottles.

ANSWER (8.0+):
The picture illustrates the process in which plastic bottles are transformed into clothes.
Overall, it is apparent that there are three main stages involved in this recycling process, including the
collection and classification of plastic bottles, the preparation for plastic pieces and the production of
At the beginning, used plastic bottles of different sizes are gathered before being loaded onto trucks and
transported to the factory. There, as soon as the bottles are sorted out, they are shredded into minuscule
pieces. These pieces are then washed and left in the sun to dry for 10 hours.
Following this, once the plastic pieces are dry, they are put in a boiling machine, after which the water is
strained off, resulting in melted plastic. At this point, the melted plastic is spun into flexible yarn which is
later woven into fabric. The final stage is when the fabric is neatly rolled up and ready to be made
into garments

The picture shows the process of making wool. (26/02/2022)

ANSWER 1 (8.0):
The diagram illustrates how wool is produced for both personal and industrial use.
Generally, it is clear that there are various steps involved, beginning with the sheep being sheared and
ending with the woolen yarns being knitted or woven into commercially made jackets and carpets.
The process commences when the sheep are sheared for their fleece. Once the collective amount of
fleece is cleaned with water and chemicals to get rid of contaminants such as grease, twigs, dried
sweat, and other debris, it is taken to a drying machine. Following this, the fleece is carded, which
results in tufts of wool and pieces of string as byproducts, with the latter being reintroduced into the
process to maximize productivity.
Then, woolen tufts are sent to a warehouse for storage before being spun into balls of yarn. In the last
stage, these yarn balls are sold for either individual pastimes, like knitting, or the commercial
purpose of making jackets or carpets.
ANSWER 2 (8.0+):
The chart illustrates the various steps in the process of making woollen products.
Overall, there are 10 principal stages in this process, beginning with the rearing of sheep and ending with
the finished goods.
Firstly, sheep are reared, until they have enough wool on their bodies for the next step – removing the
wool, known as shearing. At the third and fourth stages, this wool is cleaned and dried. It is then ready
for spinning by machine, after which the wool is almost ready to be made into different products. At this
spinning stage, however, some of the product can be used to make string and may be recycled.
From the wool produced at the sixth stage, tufts of wool are manufactured and then stored. Next, the
tufted wool is used for spinning into balls of yarn. Finally, these balls of yarn may be used for knitting or
for making into woollen goods, such as jackets or carpets
The diagram below shows one way of manufacturing ceramic pots.

ANSWER (9.0):
The diagram illustrates the manufacturing stages that a ceramic pot needs to go through before it is ready
for sale.
Overall, from collecting raw materials to the finished product inclusive, broadly there are thirteen steps of
manufacturing a ceramic pot. Specially, the stages of making a proper mould occupy the most significant
part of the production procedure.
First of all, after collecting the raw materials, a truck is used to transfer it to the factory where the
materials are processed. After that, the materials are crushed by a machine into small pieces. In the
following step, the pieces are mixed with water to make mould, and the mould is poured into a drying
machine where the substance is put to dry for four to six hours.
When the mould is ready, it is used to form assembled clay pots. Next, the pots are heated over one-
thousand-degree Celsius temperature. Following this, the pots are coloured and placed into a firing
machine to make the colour permanent. When it comes out of the machine, the pot is ready for sale.

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building

ANSWER (9.0):
The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in
seven consecutive steps.
First the raw material, clay, which was just below the surface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be
dug up by a digger.
Then the lumps of clay are placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much
smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whose motion further segregates the bits
of clay. Sand and water are added to make a homogenous mixture, which is then either formed in molds
or cut into brick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.
Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, several
dozen if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are then transferred to a so-called kiln, another
type of high temperature oven. First they are kept at a moderate temperature of 200C – 1300C. This
process is followed by cooling down the finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber.
Once the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final
destination, be it a building site or storage.

The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugarcane.

ANSWER (9.0):
The process of sugar production from the sugar cane plant entails a three-pronged approach that
comprises natural growth, followed by a chemical transformation, culminating in the separation of the
sugar crystals from the end product. Taking a comprehensive view, it is evident that this multifaceted
process entails harvesting, processing, and purification.
The first phase is a natural occurrence that commences with the sugar cane plant's growth, spanning a
12-18 month cycle. Once the cane has reached maturity, it is harvested using either hand tools or robust
agricultural machinery. Following the harvesting process, the stalks undergo crushing via a grinder,
resulting in the extraction of raw sugar cane juice.
Subsequently, the extracted juice is directed through a limestone filter and then poured into an
evaporator, where it undergoes heating, reduction, and thickening, eventually resulting in a thick, viscous
syrup. Thereafter, the syrup undergoes separation from the sugar crystals using a centrifuge, which
serves to isolate the sugar crystals from the syrup. Lastly, the sugar is dried and cooled, resulting in the
refined granulated sugar as the final product.

The diagram below shows how ethanol fuel is produced from corn. (18/01/2020)

The diagram illustrates the production of ethanol fuel from corn.
Overall, there are nine stages in the process of corn ethanol production, beginning with harvesting the
corn and ending at the delivery stage.
At the first stage in the corn ethanol making process, corn is harvested and then put in a suitable place to
ensure safe storage before it is ready for milling. During the milling stage, the corn is ground into a fine
powder, which is then mixed with water. The resulting mixture is cooked for four hours.
After cooking, the mixture undergoes a fermentation process, which takes two days, and ethanol is
produced after this stage. After that, the liquid ethanol is separated from the fermented mixture, during
which some solid by-products are taken out. It then takes five hours for the resulting ethanol to be purified
to remove any impurities. Finally, this ethanol is stored for a set period of time before being transported to
retailers, ready to be sold.

The diagram provides a breakdown of how ethanol is produced from corn. From an overall perspective, it
is readily apparent that the making of maize-based ethanol includes corn undergoing various physical and
biological processes under different conditions, the product of which is later stored and eventually
delivered to gas stations.
The process commences when corn is harvested and stored in warehouses, before being ground by the
use of a turbine-driven mill. Thereafter the ground corn, with the addition of an unspecified amount of
water, is cooked within 4 hours in a cylindrical device before being fermented in another set of cylinders.
The mixture is left for fermentation for 2 days (48 hours) and subsequently liquidised, with solid wastes
being released as by-products. The liquidized substance, now called ethanol, is further purified under
laboratory conditions for another 5 hours, after which it is stored in large containers and eventually
transported to gas stations.

The diagram below shows how coffee is produced and prepared for sale in supermarkets and shops.

The diagram illustrates various steps in the process of coffee production.

Overall, there are 11 stages in the coffee manufacturing process, beginning with the collection of coffee
beans and ending at the packing stage.
At the first stage of the process, coffee beans are picked by hand before being dried in the sun. The dried
beans are then roasted, cooled quickly and put in a grinder where they become ground coffee. After that,
the ground coffee is mixed with hot water, and this mixture is then strained and frozen, ready for the next
At the following stage of the process, the grinder is used once again to grind the frozen liquid, which is
then dried in a vacuum. At this point, the high temperature in the vacuum causes the water to evaporate,
leaving only the ground coffee, which is put into different coffee containers. These coffee jars are
delivered to shops and supermarkets, ready to be sold to consumers.

The diagram below shows the process of making cheese (08/07/2023)


The diagram illustrates the different stages in the production of cheese.
Overall, there are several stages in cheese production, beginning with raw milk and ending with the final
product of ripened cheese.
Initially, in the most common method nowadays, raw milk undergoes pasteurisation and then
standardisation and filtration before it enters a coagulation process. However, in traditional cheese
making, the raw milk is coagulated directly. Next, fermenting micro-organisms are used to inoculate the
milk in the coagulation tank and an enzyme, rennet, is also added. In the tank, the milk curdles to form
curds and whey. Then, the curds and whey are cut before stirring and cooking.
In the next stage, the whey is drained and the curds are milled. The curds then pass along a conveyor
belt for salting. After salting, some are used to produce cottage cheese and cream cheese. The rest is
poured into moulds and pressed to drain additional whey. Finally, the resulting cheese is ripened for a
time and the process is finished. (Đề thi chỉ có nửa quá trình sau)

The diagram below shows the process of making soft cheese.

ANSWER (8.0):
The given flow chart illustrates how soft cheese is made.
In general, it can be seen that there are five stages in this process, starting with milk blended together
with water and ending with the final product all set to be consumed.
In the first stage, milk is mixed well with fresh water. Then, this mixture is ready for the second step,
which is the refrigerating process. At this stage, milk and water are stored in a specific cooling equipment
that continues to blend and freeze the mixture at 5 Celsius degrees at the same time. After 2 hours, salt is
added and the liquid is now brought to the fermentation stage where this mixture gets heated up
constantly for 6 hours.
Having been completely fermented, this liquid then lets off its steam via evaporation using more heat,
which is up to 100 Celsius degrees. After an 8-hour evaporation stage, the mixture becomes a thick liquid
and is put to chill at 5 Celsius degrees for 6 hours. In the final stage, wastewater and soft cheese are
sorted out via a special filter.

The diagram below shows two different processes for manufacturing black tea. (22/03/2023)

ANSWER (7.5):

The diagram provided depicts two distinct techniques for producing black tea.

Overall, the process of creating black tea involves five steps, starting with the collection of tea leaves
and culminating with the drying of processed tea leaves.
During the first step, only the buds and the top two leaves are collected in order to ensure
the desired quality of tea. In the next stage, the leaves are placed on a rack to allow air to pass through
and reduce their moisture content by 60%. Once the leaves have withered, they may be processed
using either the traditional or modern method. The traditional method involves rolling and crushing the tea
leaves to create loose tea, which releases enzymes from the leaves. Meanwhile, the modern method
is employed to produce tea bags and involves cutting, tearing, and curling the leaves to produce
smaller granules more quickly.
In the following step, the leaves undergo oxidation or fermentation. The rolled leaves are spread out on
flat surfaces such as tiles or cement, allowing enzymes to react with air and changing the color of the
leaves to copper. Finally, the leaves are dried in ovens or using hot air dryers, resulting in a
significant loss of moisture (97%) and the release of flavor and aroma from the leaves.

The process below shows the process of growing and making products from pineapple (28/03/2023)

ANSWER (8.0):
The visual illustrates the process of planting and manufacturing products from pineapples.
Overall, the process is comprised of three major stages, commencing at pineapples being grown on fields
and ending at pineapples of different size being converted into three different products including
pineapple juice, canned pineapples and fresh pineapples.
As can be seen from the diagram, pineapples are planted in rows. The suggested spacing between
pineapples is 26 cm, and the optimal temperatures for pineapple growth range between 28C and 30C.
After 7 months, chemicals are sprayed to the fields as a means of protections against bugs. 5 months
from then, when the pineapples reach maturation, weighing 2kg at 30 cm long, they are harverted and
delivered to the factory for processing. Here, they are cleaned and washed to remove chemical residues,
dirt or any insects.
Depending on the size, they are processed to variou products. As for the small and medium-sized ones,
the crown is chopped off and the skin is peeled. Next, an extractor collects juice from the small-sized
pineapples whereas the medium-sized ones are cut into slices and packaged into cans. As for the fresh,
big-sized pineapples, they are waxed and packed into crates before shipment.

The diagram below shows the production of olive oil.

The diagram illustrates the process by which olive oil is produced.

Overall, this is a step-by-step process that is comprised of seven stages, from the harvesting of the
mature fruit from olive trees, to the packaging and sale of the finished product.
Initially, ripe olives are harvested from trees by farmers and then taken to a rinsing machine where they
are washed in cold water. After being rinsed, the olives are transferred via conveyor belt to another
machine which grinds the olives to separate the fruit from the seeds. During this stage, the olives are
ground into a paste, and the olive stones are removed.
The olive paste is then placed in a type of perforated bag before being put through a pressing machine,
followed by another process where any excess water is separated from the oil. And finally, the olive oil is
packaged and delivered to shops where it can be sold.

The diagram below shows how concentrated apple juice is produced.

ANSWER (7.0):

The provided diagram illustrates how the process of producing apple juice takes places.
In general, this process includes 11 steps in which the first four steps involve preparing the ingredient, the
next four steps are the main parts with complicated technologies, and the last 3 steps include packaging
and distribution.
Specifically, the preparatory stage begins with harvesting and selecting the best apples from the trees.
After going through an automatic belt and being washed and sorted at step 2, the apples are sliced in an
apple grinder at step 3. Next, the apple slices are stored in a wooden bucket.
At stage 5, the apple slices are put into a pressing machine where water is separated from the apple by a
centrifuge. Afterwards, the apple goes through a system of boilers and pipes where aroma is added.
Steps 7 and 8 involve filtration and pasteurization at 80 degrees Celsius respectively.
At step 9, the apple juice is poured into bottles which are previously labeled. At the two final steps, the
bottles are packed into cardboard boxes before being delivered by lorries, and the process finishes at this

The diagram shows the small-scale production of smoked fish

ANSWER 1 (7.0):
The chart illustrates the steps involved in the production of smoked fish.
Overall, there are thirteen steps in the production of smoked fish, from catching the fish to distributing it to
sell in stores.
Firstly, fish are caught in large nets out at sea and then transported by boat back to the port. Once at the
port, the fish are then stored and frozen. When the fish are ready to be smoked, they are first thawed out
in fresh water and then have their heads removed and cut into suitable pieces. The fish are then soaked
in salty water with yellow colouring before being smoked.
Once the fish have been smoked, they are then packaged into boxes and then frozen at zero degrees
celsius. The frozen products are then kept in a cold store before they are distributed by truck to local fish
stores ready to be sold to the public.

ANSWER (8.0+)

The flow-chart illustrates the different stages in the small-scale process of smoking fish.
Overall, it is clear that the process has 8 stages, beginning with the preparation of the fish and ending
with the delivery of the finished product.
First, the fish are cleaned with a knife and prepared ready for the production process, before being placed
in a container of salt water for 30 minutes. Next, they are cooked for 5 minutes in hot salted water, and
the fish are then removed.
The process of smoking is now ready to start. In a vat, the fish are hung by wires on top of some material
which burns and produces smoke. The vat is covered with wood, so that the smoke cannot escape. After
30 minutes, the fish are smoked and ready for the next stage, which is the addition of yellow colouring.
The smoked fish are then packed in closed containers and, finally, transported in trucks to where they will
be sold.


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