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There is a possibility that some problems could contribute to health issues

in a long period of time.

It is a challenge to measure the scale of fear, intimidation and danger.

Doing some bit of a research work manages to support unreliable proof. The

degree of fear, intimidation and danger is connected to identify different levels of

road and personal safety. Fear, intimidation and danger are ranging from high

responses for few people to actually deliberate assessments of relative risk of

distinct locations by many. Unreliable proofs focuses on distinct locations which

are “dangerous’, but which provides zero records of accident, often because no

person would try to cross the location which is recognized of its level of danger,

fear or intimidation.

Road safety is where extensive research has been taken over and one in

which dependable data is available nationally for at least more severe and fatal

accidents. Figures show that pedestrians were killed, seriously injured and

slightly injured. Those who are killed or seriously injured were minors. Less

information is provided on minor accidents, involving a pedestrian tripping on


There is a significant data available on pollution levels on modelled or

measured urban areas. There are considerable problems of interpretation and

limited understanding of patterns of pedestrians to different levels of air pollution.

It is impossible to extract the range to the impact of health, resulting from

pedestrian activity. Studies shows that levels of air pollution in vehicles are

higher than on surrounding footways.

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