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A Social Networks Approach to Understanding

Vaccine Conversations on Twitter: Network
Clusters, Sentiment, and Certainty in HPV Social

Itai Himelboim, Xizhu Xiao, Danielle Ka Lai Lee, Meredith Y. Wang &
Porismita Borah

To cite this article: Itai Himelboim, Xizhu Xiao, Danielle Ka Lai Lee, Meredith Y. Wang & Porismita
Borah (2019): A Social Networks Approach to Understanding Vaccine Conversations on Twitter:
Network Clusters, Sentiment, and Certainty in HPV Social Networks, Health Communication, DOI:

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Published online: 14 Jun 2019.

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A Social Networks Approach to Understanding Vaccine Conversations on Twitter:

Network Clusters, Sentiment, and Certainty in HPV Social Networks
Itai Himelboima, Xizhu Xiaob, Danielle Ka Lai Leeb, Meredith Y. Wangc, and Porismita Borahb
Social media Engagement and Evaluation, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication; bEdward R. Murrow College of Communication,
Washington State University; cDepartment of Mass Communication, Stephen F. Austin State University

Individuals increasingly rely on the Internet, and social media in particular, for health-related information.
A recent survey reports that 80% of Internet users search for health information online. In the present study, we
employ Twitter data to understand content characteristics and the patterns of content flow of the conversa-
tions about the HPV vaccine debate. Approaching the HPV vaccine conversations on Twitter as a social
network, we can identify key self-formed subgroups—clusters of users who create “siloes” of interactions
and information flow. Combining network analysis, computer-aided content analysis, and human-coded
content analysis, we explored the communication dynamics within the groups in terms of group members’
affective and cognitive characteristics. Our findings show that positive emotion is positively correlated with
cluster density, an indicator of strong ties and rapid information flow. In the case of negative emotion, we
found that anger is a significant negative predictor for graph density. We also found a correlation between
certainty and tentativeness; both at cluster as well as at tweet level, suggesting that clusters bring together
people who are sure about the HPV vaccine and people who are exploring for answers.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted Individuals then have more control than ever of the content
infection in the United States. There are approximately 79 million that they choose to tune to and share with others. Users rely on
people infected with HPV, and an estimated 14 million becomes their social media connections to determine what content—estab-
newly infected every year (Markowitz et al., 2014). Although the lished as news media and health institutions or less verified user-
majority of these infections resolve without many serious conse- generated content—they see and what may go unnoticed. As the
quences, HPV is considered responsible for 90% of anal and traditional one-to-many model loses its dominance in the new
cervical cancers, 50% and more vaginal, vulvar, and penile cancers information ecosystem, a more complex approach is needed to
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018). HPV understand the flow of health-related information—the growing
vaccination can protect against strains of HPV and have become public controversy around vaccinations, and HPV vaccination in
an integral part of adolescent preventive health care (CDC, 2018). particular. Since an increasing number of individuals seek and
The traditional information source, such as television and share health information on platforms such as Twitter, it is crucial
newspapers, as well as health institutions, plays an essential to understand how characteristics of HPV vaccine-specific con-
role in informing and educating the public about health. More tent are associated with their information flow patterns. This
recently, however, the dissemination of health information study applies social network analysis to identify the clusters—
has changed as user-generated content online become easy siloes of information flow—that users create on Twitter when
to produce and conveniently accessible through social media. posting and sharing content about HPV vaccines. Applying com-
A recent survey reports that 80% of Internet users search for puter-aided content analysis and manual coding, we explore the
health information online (Weaver, 2013). As the media land- communication dynamics within the groups regarding group
scape evolves, more and more individuals are receiving health members’ affective and cognitive characteristics.
information from social media platforms such as Twitter. This
is particularly relevant to the younger population, who may be
Importance of studying HPV vaccination
less tuned to news sources and or health care providers (Fox
& Duggan, 2012) but more influenced by health information A plethora of studies has investigated public awareness of the
online (Wartella, Rideout, Montague, Beaudoin-Ryan, & HPV vaccine as well as HPV vaccine-related media coverage.
Lauricella, 2015). This is important for the high public con- In a study examining the challenges and opportunities faced
troversy HPV vaccination, where health care providers’ infor- by HPV vaccination, Sherris et al. (2006) suggested that
mation may compete with the vaccine criticism movement although health providers and health policymakers have
(Keelan, Pavri, Balakrishnan, & Wilson, 2010). expressed concerns regarding HPV associated diseases and

CONTACT Porismita Borah Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99163, USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Table 1. Regression analysis predicting graph density. forum. Their findings showed that there was more positive
Graph Density sentiment associated with “HPV vaccine” while name-brand
Constant 0.007 (0.001)*** vaccines were associated with negative sentiment. Thus, there
Independent variables
Positive Emotion 0.002 (0.001)*
is a continuing conversation about HPV vaccines in the media
Anger −0.007 (0.003)* as well as the public. Just as other health issues, HPV evokes
Total adjusted R2 0.220** strong emotions in individuals.
Number of cases 42
Many studies, as discussed, examined health-related con-
Note: * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 The coefficients are unstandardized with
standard errors in parentheses versation, including HPV vaccination, at the message or the
user levels. However, on social media, content is discussed at
a group level, as it is being shared and exchanged. Each posted
Table 2. Correlation between certainty and tentativeness. message is available to a group of people, based on their social
r N media connectivity. Opinions or sentiment become dominant
Cluster Level 0.443** 42 within groups of users, and it is a product of interactions
Tweet Level 0.061*** 27,023
among these users, not just “mechanical aggregation of the
Note: * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
expressions of isolated individuals” (Cramér, 2016, p. 19).

conveyed an interest in HPV vaccination, the knowledge gap

appeared to be salient. More research has explored media Twitter as a social network
coverage of HPV specific issues since the media has been an
essential source for individuals to access medical information. A social network approach shifts the focus from the aggrega-
Examining news articles between 2002 and 2005, Calloway, tion of the post or user-level attributes to group structures and
Jorgensen, Saraiya, and Tsui (2006) revealed that the majority patterns of interconnections. A network is formed by nodes—
of the articles were directly derived from scientific data but social actors and links, symbolic ties or relationships between
failed to emphasize the promising benefits of HPV vaccines. nodes (Himelboim, 2017). On Twitter, we consider each par-
Similarly, Krakow and Rogers (2016) demonstrated the lack of ticipant in a conversation as a node while relationships that
detailed coverage of HPV and the HPV vaccine in newspa- are created by tagging (i.e., mentions) retweets and replies, as
pers. Media coverage of HPV vaccination have important connecting links. In social networks, giving the opportunity to
implications for the public understanding of the vaccine interact freely, people choose to interact with some more than
(Gollust, LoRusso, Nagler, & Fowler, 2016; Hilton, Hunt, others, creating subgroups of self-selected subgroups, or net-
Langan, Bedford, & Petticrew, 2010) and as such research work clusters. In other words, they share connectivity-based
should monitor the information available to the public. characteristics (Newman, 2003; Wasserman & Faust, 1994).
Within each sub-community, people are more closely inter-
connected that with users in other clusters and share similar
HPV vaccination and emotions information sources (Carrington, Scott, & Wasserman, 2005;
Himelboim & Han, 2014).
Prior research (e.g. Christy et al., 2016; Pereira et al., 2004) Furthermore, individuals also tend to connect with similar
highlights the critical role that emotions play in health-related others, a phenomenon called homophily: “a contact between
issues, including HPV. In a study of unvaccinated college similar people occurs at a higher rate than among dissimilar
students, Christy et al. (2016) found that anticipated regret, people” (McPherson, Smith-Lovin, & Cook, 2001, p. 416).
referring to the regret that if one did not get vaccinated but Evidence of homophily was found based on demographic
developed HPV infection later on, did significantly increase characteristics such as age, sex, race, and education (as early
the willingness of getting HPV vaccination among college as Bott, 1928; Loomis, 1946) and psychological characteristics
males. Shepherd and Gerend (2014) further suggested that like intelligence, attitudes, and aspirations (Almack, 1922;
individuals had stigmatized feelings such as “gross-out,” “dis- Richardson, 1940). On social media, Conover, Goncalves,
honest,” and “unwise,” when rating a patient with cervical Ratkiewicz, Flammini, and Menczer (2011) found similarities
cancer with a specified reason such as sexually transmitted within clusters of political leaning expressed in tweets while
illness. Himelboim, McCreery, and Smith (2013) identified similarity
of hyperlinks’ political leanings on Twitter.
Social media From a different angle, Sunstein (2005), suggested that
Briones, Nan, Madden, and Waks (2012) revealed that the without caution, the group interaction would become “group-
majority of the HPV vaccination-related YouTube videos think,” in which some individuals became reticent in order to
were negative with more “likes” compared to the positive achieve uniformity and avoid conflicts. The “groupthink”
ones. The study also suggested that user-generated content effect was also discussed in a panel study of health valuation
consisted of a large number of negative videos, which might (Robinson & Bryan, 2013). The results of the study indicated
mislead the publics’ perceptions. As a result, publishing cred- that individuals rated health states more severely after group
ible videos about HPV and HPV vaccination became deliberation, which might be associated with deep thinking,
a pressing issue for official health agencies (Briones et al., but also possibly related to “herding,” in which individuals
2012). In a recent study, Massey et al. (2016) investigated who perceived themselves less-informed tended to follow
Twitter data to examine vaccine communication on the others’ opinions.

Network clusters, then, make a useful unit of analysis as they and confidence in one’s opinion would affect both the quality
capture self-generated, partially secluded, groups of users who and effectiveness of conversation. Kahan, Braman, Cohen,
are exposed to similar information sources and share similar Gastil, and Slovic (2010) showed that egalitarian communitar-
characteristics (Himelboim, 2017). Networks and clusters, in ians perceived HPV vaccine as safe, whereas hierarchical
particular, can differ from each other regarding their density. individualists saw more risks. However, the two different
In clusters with high density, individuals are highly intercon- voices became more aligned after the exposure to advocates
nected with each other, while low density indicates loose con- from each side arguing in favor of or against HPV vaccines.
nectivity among members. Density was found to be associated Unlike formal group deliberation in real life, Twitter users
with information and knowledge sharing (Carley & Wendt, start conversations with others without geographic limitation.
1991; Zubcsek, Chowdhury, & Katona, 2014). Therefore, den- Often, they do not have a common goal in mind when they start
sity can suggest a better quality of group conversation simply posting content and joining a conversation. In the current study,
because there are more back and forth among the members. we are interested in finding out whether Twitter users like to go
Density is also associated with the strength of relationships out of their comfort zone and talk to people who have different
(Granovetter, 1973), and from a health standpoint, it means levels of confidence and attitude certainty regarding HPV vac-
a stronger bonding among members since people are getting as cine, or, do they stay in an echo chamber and only talk to people
well as giving feedback to each other. Either way, high density, who are like them. To find out we propose a research question:
which indicates more interconnected relationships among
members and more frequent exchanges of opinions, has desir- RQ1: To what extent do people with strong attitudes about HPV
able qualities since it shows that those conversations on Twitter vaccine interact with people with uncertain attitudes about the
may be deliberative. topic?

Research question and hypotheses

As prior research has suggested, Twitter could be a place Methods
where people have easy access to the most up-to-date infor- Data
mation regarding almost any health issue, as well as a place
where individuals get social support from each other Twitter activity related to HPV vaccination was collected in one-
(Himelboim & Han, 2014; Myrick, Holton, Himelboim, & week period datasets, starting 9/20/2016 for ten weeks. The time
Love, 2016). In other words, individuals may have cognitive period was selected to capture the meaningful length of con-
needs as well as emotional needs when they communicate versation (10 weeks), with no HPV vaccine-related particular
about health issues on social media platforms like Twitter. event that can skew the conversation, which will be the closed to
Emotional support is the most prominent support people look the time of the execution of this study so that we can provide the
for through health information seeking on social media (Oh, most recent data. Each dataset included self-descriptive infor-
Lauckner, Boehmer, Fewins-Bliss, & Li, 2013). Emotional mation about users, the content of their tweets, including hash-
support emphasizes closeness and bonding with others, and tags and hyperlinks, as well as relationships among users (i.e.,
cluster density may be a proxy of the level of emotional retweets, mentions, and replies). NodeXL, network analysis, and
support within each cluster. Besides, emotional support brings visualization software package for Microsoft Excel, was used to
personal encouragement and reassurance as well as bolster collect the data. The total number of Twitter users across the
hope and confidence (Mo & Coulson, 2008; Yoo et al., 2014). datasets were 39,368, using the following Boolean query:
Online support group research also shows positive emotion (Vaccine OR Vaccination OR Vaccines OR Immunization OR
like empathy and positive attitudes toward health problems #Vaccine OR #Vaccination OR #Vaccines OR #Immunization)
bring people with similar health concern together and closer AND (HPV OR #HPV OR “Human papillomavirus infection”)
(Wright, Bell, Wright, & Bell, 2003; Zhang, He, & Sang, 2013).
We combined network analysis using NodeXL, Linguistic
Based on the above discussion, we propose two hypotheses
Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) for computer-aided analysis
regarding how the emotion of tweets affect structure of the
of the content, and traditional human-coding for more in-
depth analysis of the conversation and shared hyperlinks.
H1a: Cluster density is positively associated with the amount
of positive content across messages in the cluster.
Network analysis and clusters
H1b: Cluster density is negatively associated with the amount NodeXL, the social network analysis and visualization soft-
of negative content. ware, was used to calculate metrics and visualize the networks.
A social network, then, was build based on each dataset,
Barabas (2004) found that even though group conversa- where posting users are nodes (or actors) and mentions and
tions help individuals to better understand policy being dis- replies are linked (using a customized application to extract
cussed, opinion strength moderates opinion change due to mention and reply indicators within tweets). We identified
deliberation. Specifically, Barabas (2004) found that people network clusters of relatively more connected groups of users
with weak prior opinions changed the most while individuals in the topic-networks using the Clauset–Newman–Moore
with strong prior opinions did not change much. Certainty algorithm (Clauset, Newman, & Moore, 2004), which is

included in the NodeXL software. We selected this algorithm concluded that Twitter cultivated a virtual environment for
for its ability to analyze large network datasets and efficiently political deliberation, in which emotional words used in
found subgroups. This algorithm uses edge betweenness as tweets about political candidates reflected individuals’ offline
a metric to identify the boundaries of communities. Each user, political preferences and voting behaviors (Tumasjan et al.,
then, is classified into the best-fit group (cluster), in terms of 2011). Moreover, Stieglitz and Dang-Xuan (2012) found out
the interconnectivity among users. The major clusters were that tweets with more affective words, either negative or
identified by ordering clusters by size in descending order. positive, were more influential and widely shared. In the
The clusters identified using the algorithm above were gen- current study, we used LIWC to measure emotion, certainty,
erally very small, typically leaving very few large ones. If no and tentativeness of each cluster as well as certainty and
clear drop in cluster size was identified, the top three clusters tentativeness of each tweet.
were selected, as in the majority of datasets a drop in size was One should note that computer-aided content analysis is not
recorded after the top three clusters. perfect and may miss cases of sarcasm or parody that are often
understood only within the larger context of the conversation.
Density This is true for human coders as well. In more than one way the
NodeXL was used to calculate the density of each cluster. question of possible miscoding of the content of satire, parody,
Density—a measurement of users’ interconnectedness—is cal- humor or sarcasm, to name a few, is part of the price that we pay
culated as the total number of existing links over the number when we opt to examine “big data.” These issues are less pre-
of possible links. In total, we identified 42 clusters on Twitter valent in qualitative analysis, with in-depth insights of smaller
and calculated densities for each (M = 0.0076, SD = 0.0048). conversations. As in any decision about research methodology,
including ours, it has strength and weaknesses. That said, as
Tausczik and Pennebaker (2010) reviewed, dozens of published
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)
articles have utilized LIWC’s sentiment and emotion analysis. It
LIWC is a computerized text analysis, has been widely used to is also worth noting that Gonçalves, Araújo, Benevenuto, and
analyze individuals’ psychological and emotional activities by Cha (2013) compared eight computer-aided sentiment analysis
analyzing word usage (Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). LIWC applications and found that LIWC had the highest percentage of
categorizes words based on functions, which indicate indivi- agreement (73.49%).
duals’ sentimental and emotional status, and styles, which
suggest individuals’ communication patterns (Tausczik & Emotion analysis
Pennebaker, 2010). As such, due to the very reductionist LIWC captured the percentage of positive (e.g. love, nice,
nature of the analysis, LIWC can be utilized to examine sweet) and negative emotion words (e.g. hurt, ugly, nasty)
a broad range of text files including essays, blog posts, or within tweets from each cluster. “LIWC ratings of positive
court records (Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). For example, and negative emotion words correspond with human ratings
Owens and Wedeking (2011) employed ten LIWC indicators of the writing excerpts” (Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010, p. 32).
such as tentativeness and certainty that insinuate individuals’ For negative emotion, specific emotions such as anxiety,
cognitive complexity in writing to examine the clarity of anger, sadness were also identified. For instance, using
Supreme Court records systematically. The findings revealed words “worried” or “nervous” is an indication of anxiety.
that the writing clarity of justices did differ greatly under Using words like “hate”, “kill”, “annoyed” is an indication of
various occasions (Owens & Wedeking, 2011). In line with anger. Also, using words like crying, grief, sad is an indication
the emotion contagion revealed by LIWC, Coviello et al. of sadness. Notably, LIWC as many other computer-aided
(2014) further probed the “emotion spillover” in the online sentiment analysis applications (e.g., Crimson Hexagon and
environment by looking into individuals’ text-based emo- IBM’s Watson), identify individual negative emotions, but
tional expressions on Facebook. Findings show that emotions capture positive sentiment as a single construct. This general
conveyed online not only synchronized within groups but also practice in research and industry can be traced to the work of
had significant implications for social relations (Coviello et al., the psychologist Paul Ekman who proposed a set of “basic
2014). Similarly, by looking at a collection of vocabulary use emotions” based on their distinct psychological and physiolo-
on Facebook through the open-vocabulary approach of gical “signals.” This set includes a range of negative emotions
LIWC, Schwartz et al. (2013) discovered that online expres- but only one positive (Ekman’s 6: anger, happiness, surprise,
sions considerably reflected gender, age, and personalities. disgust, sadness, and fear). In his research, he found that
More studies have explored word use on Twitter. Bae and individual positive emotions, such as amusement, relief, or
Lee (2012) analyzed over 3 million messages posted by pop- thrill of excitement, do not have the distinct psychological and
ular Twitter users and their followers by utilizing the “senti- physiological signals that characterize the negative emotions
ment analysis” of LIWC, which was to distinguish positive (Ekman, 1992). Meaning that while not all positive emotions
and negative opinions contained in texts. The results demon- are the same, yet, they are not distinct enough from one
strated that the sentiments of popular Twitter accounts another to be clearly identified.
echoed in the responses of the followers. The findings also Our analysis included positive emotion (Min: 0.00- Max:
indicated the influence of popular Twitter accounts on indi- 4.47, M = 1.39, SD = 1.03), negative emotion (Min: 0.00, Max:
viduals’ offline lives such as product preference, or election 3.76, M = 1.81, SD = 1.10), anger (Min: 0.00- Max: 0.75, M = 0.17,
forecast (Bae & Lee, 2012). These results were reinforced by SD = 0.22), anxiety (Min: 0.00- Max: 1.83, M = 0.48, SD = 0.42)
Tumasjan, Sprenger, Sandner, and Welpe (2011). The authors and sadness (Min: 0.00- Max: 2.16, M = 0.49, SD = 0.48).

Certainty and tentativeness links were regarded as credible: 1) scientific research and
academic institutes (e.g., NIH websites, websites of academic
Certainty score counts words like “always”, “absolutely”, and
peer-review journals and universities); 2) mainstream media
“clearly”. Certainty is theorized as how confident one is about
(e.g., CNN reports for information released by the CDC;
something. A sample tweet reads: “#Gardasil: The Decision
reports from Huffington Post); 3) interviews of professionals
We Will Always Regret.” Tentativeness score counts words
in the field (e.g., doctors). On the other hand, links associated
such as “maybe”, “fairly”, and “perhaps”. It measures the level
with non-mainstream media; links that did not include
of tentativeness the tweet shows. Usually, tentativeness is
expert’s points of views with only personal opinions or feel-
theorized as how hesitant or unsure one is on a certain issue
ings; and links connected to advertisements, were considered
(Owens & Wedeking, 2011). A sample tweet reads: “Maybe
#hpv vax will affect cancer rates, we don’t know yet.”
We measured certainty and tentativeness of each cluster
(certainty: Min: 0.00- Max: 2.53, M = 0.61, SD = 0.52; tenta-
tiveness: Min: 0.00- Max: 2.22, M = 0.61, SD = 0.51), as well as
certainty and tentativeness of each tweet (certainty: Min: 0.00- For each of the 10 datasets, Clauset–Newman–Moore algo-
Max: 20, M = 0.64, SD = 1.81; tentativeness: Min: 0.00- Max: rithm (Clauset et al., 2004) was applied to identify clusters.
25, M = 0.74, SD = 2.08; N = 27023). A total of 42 clusters were identified across all 10 datasets.
Finally, for further understanding of the conversations, we These clusters also differ in terms of their structure, some are
conducted a manual analysis of the content by the cluster. denser, that is more interconnected, than others (M = 0.0076,
Firstly, we identified popular tweet content by calculating the SD = 0.0048). Figure 1 illustrates the nature of network
frequency of each tweet. Tweets that appeared six times and clusters. This exemplary network illustrates the top largest
above were deemed as popular and included in the subse- clusters of Twitter users talking about the HPV vaccination,
quent emotion analysis. We then examined the content of during the week of September 20th, 2016 (N = 4,006 users;
positive vs. negative emotions by clusters. Four codes were top clusters’ size, n = 853, 414, 307, 141). Each node, a point
developed: positive, negative, neutral, and conflicted. Cluster on the graph, is a user who talked about the topic during that
content coded as positive praised the HPV vaccine or high- data collection period. Each arrow illustrates a retweet, men-
lighted the benefits of the vaccine; cluster content coded as tion, or reply between two users. User-interaction in this
negative undermined the HPV vaccine or highlighted the network formed four major clusters. Within each cluster,
safety concerns of the vaccine; cluster content coded as neu- users are more interconnected than across clusters, indicating
tral stated objective facts about the HPV vaccine; and cluster more reliance on one another for information flow, than
content coded conflicted contained both positive and negative across clusters. In this example, densities of the top four
attitudes about the vaccine. To calculate inter-coder reliability, clusters were .003, .004, .005, and .007, which are much higher
three clusters were analyzed by two coders. 100% agreement that than the overall graph density of .0003. Furthermore,
was achieved without further discussion. As the reliability was while a total of 5,024 connects existed within the four clusters
impeccable, two coders split the cluster files and coded the (3,507, 723, 606, 188), a much weaker interconnectivity—247
rest separately. links—was found between clusters, making a 7% of the total
We also examined the credibility of the links associated in within and across clusters links.
these clusters. The credibility of the links mainly depended on In order to test our two hypotheses, we regressed both
the information sources of links within tweets. Three types of positive emotion and negative emotion on graph density

Figure 1. The social network created by an exemplary network structure created by Twitter users talking about the HPV vaccination, during week of September 20th, 2016.

(see Table 1). Positive emotion is positively correlated with tweets which were being generated by users with no affiliation
graph density (B = 0.001, SE = 0.001, p < 0.05) while negative to known institutions or known expertise. Examples of
emotion is negatively correlated with graph density sources which were coded as institutional were academic
(B = −0.001, SE = 0.1, p = 0.162). A few examples of tweets journals, NIH, Huffington Post, and interviews with doctors
with positive emotions are as follows: “Sometimes people ask and Harvard Public Health. On the other hand, sources were
me why I am working full time. Well, health insurance is considered questionable when the link to the tweets did not
pretty sweet. Getting the HPV vaccine for $0. YAY”; “The work, there was no expert sources were used, or site names
HPV vaccine has been so successful that current cervical such as “Passive Aggressive Raven” were used.
cancer screening guidelines may need to be revised.”
However, negative emotion failed to reach significance. We
further broke down negative emotion into specific emotions
(i.e. anger, anxiety and sadness). We found that only anger is As individuals increasingly rely on social media for health-
a significant predictor for graph density. In our final model, related information, understanding content characteristics
anger is negatively related with graph density (B = −0.007, and patterns of content flow are of great importance for
SE = 0.003, p < 0.05) while positive emotion is positively academics and practitioners. The growing volume of shared
related with graph density (B = 0.002, SE = 0.0.001, content also poses challenges. This study applied social net-
p < 0.05). In other words, H1a was supported and H1b was work analysis to identify smaller, self-formed, subgroups of
partially supported. The more positive a cluster of tweets are, users who interact primarily with one another, confiding
members of this cluster are more closely interconnected. On information flow. These sub-communities were found to
the other hand, for negative emotion the hypothesis was not have common characteristics regarding their approach to the
fully supported. But on further examination of discrete nega- HPV vaccine and the sources they used. Computer-aided
tive emotion, findings revealed an anger effect. The angrier content and sentiment analysis were also applied to explore
a cluster of tweets are, members of this cluster are less closely the high volume of content, within these unique subgroups of
interconnected with each other. Examples of tweets with users. Lastly, acknowledging the limitation of automated con-
negative emotions are “Got the HPV vaccine, fainted. Fell tent analysis, we applied conventional human coding to iden-
down the stairs and hurt my ankle, fainted”; “12-year old tify in more depth the nature of the sentiment and key sources
girl dies hours after she is injected with HPV vaccine, ugly”; shared. Our approach and findings have important conceptual
and “The vaccine I had in 2009 3 times has completely ruined and practical implications.
my ability to sleep like a normal person. Since then I’m always Network clusters proved to be a meaningful unit of analy-
exhausted.” sis for this study. The literature of homophily (McPherson
In order to address our research question, we tested corre- et al., 2001) led us to expect similarity of user and content
lation between certainty and tentativeness both at cluster as characteristics within clusters, and dissimilarities across clus-
well as at tweet level (see Table 2). If individuals with strong ters. The findings addressed a gap in the literature in terms of
attitudes toward HPV and people who are not certain about the context—health communication as well as the type of the
HPV connect with each other, we should see certainty and shared content such as sentiment, certainty, and shared linked
tentativeness positively correlated at cluster level. While if content (posted URLs). Furthermore, we found that difference
individuals with strong attitudes toward HPV vaccine and in network structure (i.e., the density of connections) was
people who are not certain about HPV vaccine do not talk associated with exhibited content characteristics. Denser clus-
to each other, we should not see a positive relationship ters of users were found to express more positive emotions in
between these two variables. It should either be non- their tweets, while the sparser clusters were angrier in content.
significant or negative. Our results show that certainty and Together with findings that users in denser clusters also
tentativeness are positively correlated with each other at clus- expressed both certain and uncertain content, we can draw
ter level (r = 0.433, p < 0.01). In order to rule out that this some meaningful insights.
correlation is significant only because individuals use words of The density of interconnectedness has long been associated
certainty and tentativeness at the same time, we also tested the with the speed of information flow (Zubcsek et al., 2014) and
correlation between these two variables at tweet level. Because the strength of ties (Granovetter, 1973). Our findings show
we have large sample size, they are still significantly correlated that users forming higher interconnected clusters expressed
(r = 0.061, p < 0.001). However, this correlation is very weak a more positive tone, while more angry content was associated
in the tweet level, which means among the 27,023 tweets we with more loosely interconnected users. In other words, posi-
analyzed, an extremely small number of tweets used both tive HPV vaccine-related content flows faster and among
certainty and tentative ness words together. interconnected user. Angry content flows from a single source
Our manual content analysis shows that clusters with pop- to loosely interconnected groups of users. A further ad-hoc
ular pro-vaccine tweets contain more positive emotion than investigation of key tweets by cluster demonstrated that clus-
negative emotion. Clusters with popular anti-vaccine tweets ters with favorite pro-vaccine tweets contained more positive
contain more negative emotion and less positive emotion. emotion and tweets included links primarily to institutional
Additionally, clusters with popular pro-vaccine tweets con- and verified sources, such as the CDC, media, and physicians.
tained institutional sources such as health organizations and In contrast, clusters associated with more negative content
news media. While clusters with popular anti-vaccine tweets were associated with more anti-vaccine content posting
mostly contained sources with questionable credibility such as hyperlinks to unverified sources on the web.

Furthermore, dense clusters brought together both certain ones, and people who are on the fence naturally form HPV
and uncertain users—a finding that was tested and validated vaccine discussion groups on Twitter. These findings may
on the cluster and tweet levels. This is an encouraging finding help scholars to judge whether Twitter is a viable platform
suggesting that those who search for information, the uncer- for group deliberation.
tain users (using words like maybe, fairly, perhaps) and those Like all research, our paper comes with some limitations.
who provide the information, the certain users (using of We checked these patterns with one topic, HPV vaccine.
words like always, absolutely, clearly) interact with one Examining other health issues will help in a broader under-
another for information. standing of health communication in forums such as Twitter.
These findings can potentially have meaningful implica- Twitter is also a dynamic platform. The findings from this
tions for health communicators. First and foremost, this study study could be different if other time frames were chosen. The
proposes a method for finding a unique set of users who sentiment analysis also refers to those particular time frames.
naturally form clusters of conversations. Positive messages So, the generalization of the results to different times and
flow better within subgroups of users who interact more and topics should be made with caution. Furthermore, the break-
exchange content with one another and are also associated down of negative emotions yielded meaningful insights, how-
with pro-vaccine and reliable sources. The content denser ever, the positive sentiment is rarely examined as a set of
interactions were also found to host the certain and uncertain individual emotions. Further analysis may explore the role
users. Identifying the denser subgroups of users, practitioners of personal positive emotions. Despite some of these limita-
can reach individuals who are eager to exchange information, tions, our study helps in the understanding of the commu-
in a productive manner, relying on credible sources. nication dynamics within the groups in terms of group
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