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Quarter 1 - Quiz 1

Identify what type of connection is being presented in each situation. Choose the letter of the correct
A. text to self B. text to text C. text to world
1. I read a chapter book about a girl who worked in a factory in New York. It reminded me of an article about
child labor laws that I read in school.

2. I read an article about how to catch a football. It reminded me of the time I caught the football during the
championship football game and captured the victory for my team.
3. I read a story about a boy who visited a magical land with witches and wizards. It reminded me of the book
Harry Potter.
4. I read a story about a woman who was afraid of black cats. It reminded me of all the black cats left behind in
animal shelters.
5. I read the nutrition label on the back of my frozen pizza. It reminded me of an article I read about how to make
healthy food choices.
6. I read a book about how grocery stores get their food. It reminded me of the grocery trucks that drive by on
the highway every day.
7. I read a book about what life was like before electricity. It reminded me of the time I went camping in a cabin
that had no electricity.
8. I read a nonfiction book about how to get better at tennis. It reminded me of last summer when I attended a
tennis camp to improve my skills.
9. I read a magazine about the new airport the city is planning to build. It reminded me how small many local
airports are.
10. I read a book about how eggs are produced. It reminded me of my visit last summer to my grandparents’
11. I read a story about a boy who loved to eat cheese for breakfast. It reminded me of the time we ran out of
cereal and my mom made me a cheese sandwich for breakfast.
12. I read an article about a woman who opened a boat rental business at a lake. It reminded me of my vacation
to lake Michigan and the canoes we rented to explore the lake.
13. I read an article about a how bananas are grown in the tropics. It reminded me of how oranges are usually
grown in Florida.

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