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Are You Ready to Start

Creating Wealth?
I don’t give this information to just anyone – in fact, I’ve only
told a few people before. But I know that you will find it
valuable. You’re part of that select group of those I want to
share my tips with.

So, let’s start with the obvious: we’d all like a little more
abundance in our lives, right? And it doesn’t matter whether
you need it to stop worrying about how to pay the bills or
you just want some extra cash to take a vacation…

If you feel your life is lacking – in any area - these tips can
help attract the abundance and fulfillment you desire.

And do you know who can make this happen?

That’s right, you are the sole creator of your experiences. It’s because
this is how the Law of Attraction works – like attracts like. That means
that when you focus on having “more” of something come into your
life, that’s what will happen. And likewise, if you focus on not having,
you’ll continue to experience the absence of the thing you desire.

That’s because, the way you see yourself, what you expect from life
and how you view your surroundings create feelings that you send out
to the universe. Those feelings draw a matching vibration to you.
You create your own reality!
Everything that’s in your life – your home, your
family, your relationships and your possessions –
was created by you. They all came into your life
because of your intentions. Some of these things
you wanted and others make you wonder:

What on earth did I do

to make that happen?
Whether good or bad, what you have in your
life is there because you have attracted it by
sending out your thoughts to the universe.
So if you want to manifest more prosperity,
you simply need to attract the right sort of
Energy flows where
attention goes.
Simple isn’t it? All you have to do is be clear about
what you want and it will come your way.

It does help if you are clear about what you really want. See, quite often, it isn’t
actually the material wealth itself you want, but rather the things that wealth rep-
resents. Financial freedom for example, and long-term security… family vacations,
college tuitions, the ability to start your own business or work from home.

Move past the concept of a bigger bank account and focus on the things you really
want… that’s what you want to attract into your life.

Now, it won’t help if you become obsessive about it and I’ve seen lots of people
make that mistake. See, if you spend your time worrying about what you don’t
have, you’re focusing on the “not having” like I mentioned before…
You’re essentially telling the universe that you see yourself in a state of want —
and you’ll simply create more of the same.

It’s all about attitude

Now, this shift in perspective sounds easy, doesn’t
it? Just “think good things” and good things will
come your way…

But how do you focus on the experience of “having”

if you don’t already have? Put another way: how do
you STOP approaching your situation from a mind-
set of lack if that lack is what you know?

That’s a question that many struggle with and it’s a

fair one too… After all, it’s hard to focus on having
something you don’t already have…

But not impossible…

That’s what your imagination is for! You can imag-

ine what it would be like to have or be anything,
can’t you? You can see yourself with a bigger house,
a better career, a college degree, a happy family, a
thriving business…

You can also imagine that you’re a best-selling

author, a coveted web designer, a famous attorney
or anything else your heart desires…
That’s the beauty of your imagination… it has no limits! And you can use this un-
restricted landscape to create the reality you truly want!

So, instead of thinking, How Instead of thinking, I can’t Instead of thinking, I wish
can I afford my rent this afford a vacation this year... I could buy those new shoes...



Use your imagination to create a

world where you have “plenty” - all
the abundance and happiness you
could ever desire – and that’s exactly
what you’ll attract!
You create your own reality!
Now, I’ve been doing this for years and one thing
I’ve learned is that you need to put your whole
heart and mind into it if you want to see real,
noticeable results. And make sure to be really
clear about what you want and need.

The easiest way to do this is by taking a close

look at the feelings you have about your situation.
You can do this by asking yourself a few ques-

What sorts of feelings do you get when you imagine yourself
having the things you desire?

Does it make you feel safe, secure or happy?

Do you worry about not having what you need often?
The more you understand why you want to manifest something, the more you can
“fine-tune” that desire to create it by focusing on the positive aspects of the thing
you want to create.

Think of it this way: if you truly DID manifest the abundance and prosperity you
desire, you wouldn’t be focused on what you didn’t have… you’d be busy enjoying
your newfound wealth! And that’s the key to creating the abundance you seek…
Focus on the experience of “having”… as if it’s already come into your life… feel the
relief of knowing that your future is financially secure… feel the delight at planning
that family vacation to some exotic locale…

Dig into the experience of paying off your debt, buying a new home or leasing a
space for that business you’ve always wanted to start…

Do that, and you can begin to draw to you what you want.

Keep hold of
your power
The money you want is already there. It’s
just waiting for you to notice it.

See, contrary to popular belief, the Universe is an abundant place… and if
you think about it, I’m sure you can recall opportunities for wealth and
personal growth that have crossed your path in the past…

The thing is, we often become so entrenched in the belief that we’re
“lacking” in some way, OR we become so focused on the things we DON’T
have, that we miss those opportunities completely…

And if we do notice them, we choose not to act because we believe we’re

somehow not “worthy” of the rewards the opportunity brings…
For example, have you ever said, “I won’t get it anyway, so why
bother?” Or, “it’ll never happen… I’m just wasting my time?”

These statements (and others like them) illustrated your belief that
you’re just not meant to have the good things in life, be it wealth or
happiness or success…

And this belief is then mirrored in your actions… you see money on
the sidewalk, but it’s just a dime or some pennies, so you don’t
bother to pick it up…

Your company announces a new department and encourage

interested employees to apply… you’re definitely interested and deep
inside, you know you’re also qualified… but you’ve already decided
you won’t get the job, even before you’ve submitted your application.

Now, what makes this mindset so hard to overcome is

that, the more you react from this perspective, the more
this perspective will prove to be true…
You won’t get the new job for example, and while you
hear friends talking about finding $10s and $20s on the

You’ll still see opportunities for growth and prosperity of

course, but they’ll be farther and fewer between…
And when they do show up, you’ll find yourself feeling
resentful… not because the opportunity didn’t work out
the way you hoped, but because you already expect to

The good news is that this concept works in the reverse

as well…

If you approach life with an open and receptive mindset,

one that’s positive and optimistic, you’ll find that those
opportunities appear much more frequently AND that
you’re successful more often as well!
Start small

Now, you don’t have to create an empire or rewrite your

entire life right at the start… in fact, you’ll find it easier
to work with the Law of Attraction if you start small.

Imagine good things coming into your life – reconnecting

with an old friend, having a good interview or a
productive day at work – and really “see” it detail.
Then keep your eyes open…
And as opportunities begin to appear (and they will!), take action! Step outside your
comfort zone and let the Universe lead you…

Remember, you can’t find the abundance you seek if you refuse to look anywhere

Affirming your
Affirmations are ways of focusing your
mind and energies so that the
universe knows what you truly desire.
They can really help you to change
your money mindset so that you can
manifest the abundance you want.

Affirmations work best if you use

them at least once a day, preferably
more often. The more often you say
your affirmation, the more you’ll
believe it. Keep this up for at least a
month to ensure your mindset begins
to change.
Now, it doesn’t matter exactly what you say, and you can vary
your affirmations so long as you stay positive and focused. For
example, you could try saying:

1 Abundance flows to me

2 I will always have the wealth I desire

3 Prosperity is coming my way

4 I attract wealth like a magnet

And then, while you’re saying your affirmations, visualize

yourself having all the abundance you want.
Kick the negativity

Now, some people have told me that these

techniques don’t work. They say that they’ve
been trying for months and it’s made no
difference. But remember, it’s easy to get
caught up in what you’re lacking versus what
you want to attract and this is typically what
trips people up. . Their vibration says they
“lack” wealth… and that’s precisely the
opposite to what they want to achieve!

Just be conscious of where your focus lies…If

you continue to send out the vibration that you
“need” something, “needing” will continue to
be your reality. That’s why you need to focus
on what you actually have and try to trick your
subconscious into believing you have all the
abundance you desire.

Of course, that’s hard to do when you need

something quickly and, especially in matters of
wealth, that’s often the case…

That need creates a serious pressure and

makes it difficult to stay focused on the
positive, abundant reality you want to create…
And if that’s your situation, first and foremost,
cut yourself some slack…

Then, remind yourself of your true purpose…

You’re looking for long term results rather
than just a quick fix and to achieve that, you
need to get rid of all your negative beliefs
about wealth.
Now, sometimes, these thoughts are things you heard growing up. Maybe your
parents struggled with wealth for example, or perhaps you have a memory of “doing
without” and it’s stuck with you as you’ve grown.

For others, the concept of lack comes from more recent experiences and you’ve
come to see life as a competition, where not everyone succeeds.
All of these perspectives are understandable and it’s important you understand
how you came to see the world as you have if you want to let that negativity go…
So, spend a little time examining those emotions…

Think about your childhood experiences or the things your parents told you or
your recent job loss and really look at how it makes you feel.

Notice that it’s more than just anxiety or anger or fear… it’s a deeper emotion
that branches out into everything you do.

It’s what makes you worry before there’s even anything to worry about… it’s
what causes you to believe that things won’t work out before you’ve even made
the attempt…

And it’s the reason you can’t quite let go of the idea that you won’t be able to
create the abundance you want…

So, go slow. Work with the emotions you have and be honest with yourself about
what you expect and what you believe. And don’t be surprised if you discover
some deep-seated beliefs you didn’t know you had in the process. In fact, you
might not even realize how negative you’re being.

1 How do you feel about money?

2 What does thinking about money make you

feel like?

3 Do you appreciate the money you already have?

4 Do you complain about not being able to pay bills?

5 Do you worry about how you’re going to manage

even when there aren’t any immediate problems?
And then look at those answers… is Stay in a state
there some negativity hidden in
there somewhere? of gratitude
If you really want more abundance in Now, I mentioned being grateful earlier and I
your life, that negativity has to go. want to dig a little deeper into that now…
You have to truly believe that you
will have all the wealth you need.
Practicing gratitude helps you maintain the
higher vibrations you need to manifest the
Now, I know it’s hard to imagine
something you don’t have yet, so if abundance you want… so you need to practice
that’s where you’re struggling, try it every day.
this instead: look back over your life
and remember the times that things That means appreciating what you have, even
worked out for you even when you if it’s the very cheapest option… it means
thought they wouldn’t. finding the abundance in a situation even when
you can only do or have very little.
Remind yourself that you’re here
now and you’ve overcome every
Put simply, it’s about finding the bliss in where
obstacle that you’ve encountered so
far… you are right now… even if where you are isn’t
where you ultimately want to be.
It doesn’t matter if you haven’t yet
reached the level of success you’d And yes, that will take some practice.
like to have… what matters is that
you kept going and you persevered… But the more you can say, “I’m content right
even when the odds were against
here,” the more content you’ll feel and the
easier gratitude will come.
Could you have really done that if
you were meant to fail?
Start with that thought if it’s easier…
See how you’ve continued to push
forward even when things were at
their toughest…

And then use that as the foundation

to build your new view of the
world… one where everything is
possible and your potential is
Don’t forget

And when you appreciate what you have, more

things will come your way.

Getting practical
At first you might find it easiest if you set some time aside so that you can really
focus. Try to take some time out when you focus all your energies on manifesting
the prosperity you desire. It will soon become second nature and you will be able to
do it whenever and wherever you want.

Find a time when you can sit quietly by yourself for ten minutes
with no interruption.

Allow yourself to appreciate what you already have.
Tell yourself you have made a choice; you’re going to let more
abundance into your life.

Believe you can do this.

Be more general in your expectations. In other words, don’t get so
specific in your desires that you limit what the Universe can send
you. You might want a better job for example, or a bigger
paycheck but if you start specifying amounts or detailed
positions, you’ll miss other, potentially better opportunities in the
process. So, loosen up and let the Universe surprise you!

Visualize having the abundance you want to manifest and how
you’re going to spend it.

Resolve to act as if you already have the wealth you desire. That
will create the right circumstances for it to arrive.
Write down your intentions in a journal. Also write down how you
will feel once you have succeeded.

Resolve to take action to support your goals. These might only be
small things such as being more aware of what is going on around
you, or you might want to work towards changing your job. The
more definite you can be, the more likely you are to succeed.

Do what YOU want to do, not what someone else thinks you
SHOULD do. It’s hard to fully put your feelings and mind behind
ideas that aren’t truly yours.

If you feel pressured, take some time out and think about
something else. If you’re creating negative thoughts, you might
need to take a little time to clear your mind.
I know that you might not have had success with this before. That’s why
below I’ve put my secret weekly plan to help you along. Get started as soon
as you can – and I’d love to hear about your success!

Every day, do a different exercise to help you to manifest abundance easily.

You only need ten minutes a day, but if you have more time, even better.

Day 1:
Go virtual shopping. You can do this on the
Internet, at the mall or by using a catalog.
Spend your time browsing and imagine what
you would buy if you had unlimited wealth.

Day 2:
Imagine that you’re a millionaire and you
have to spend everything in one day. What
would you spend it on?
Day 3:
You have so much in your life that you can
afford to give something away. Walk around
your home and pick up the things that you
don’t use or need any longer. And then
make a plan to give them away. Whether you
give them to friends, a charity shop or
Freecycle them isn’t important. What matters
is that you’re making more space for things
to enter your life. The more you give, the
more you will receive. Don’t expect anything
in return at this stage; simply give in the
spirit of giving. Whether you offer $1 to a
homeless man or give a friend $10 to buy
lunch, the positive energies will flow in your
direction. If you don’t have the cash to
spare, give some of your time instead. For
example, you can volunteer at a local charity
or babysit for a neighbour.

Day 4:
Make yourself a vision board. Gather
together old magazines (or print some
pictures from the Internet), a large sheet of
paper or a board, some scissors and glue.
Cut out pictures of things you would like to
own and paste them on your board. Prop it
up somewhere you will see it regularly so
that it reminds you of why you’re trying to
manifest abundance.
Day 5:
Surround yourself with symbols of wealth
and abundance. Use pictures of things that
make you think of wealth or even toy repre-
sentations of things you’d like to have… and
then throughout your day, frequently stop to
imagine what it would be like if all these
things were yours.

Day 6:
Make a list of affirmations you can use every
day. You need two types — those about the
present and those about the future. For the
present affirmations, list a set of statements
in present tense that describe what you’re
attracting at this very moment. For the
future affirmations, list what you want to
happen, using future tense, such as
“Abundance will flow to me easily”. Pin a list
of your affirmations where you will see it
regularly, such as near the bathroom mirror.
Repeat them to yourself as often as you can
during the day.
Day 7:
Share your thoughts. Make them more real
by sharing your hopes and desires. A good
way of changing your habitual thinking pat-
terns is by watching what you say to other
people. Make sure that this truly reflects
your desires. Assume that everything you
say is going to come true. If you find your-
self saying something negative, turn it
around and say what you would like to
happen instead. Even sharing one important
sentence can be a step in the right direction.

As an astrologer, I keep an eye on the planet’s

movements to make sure that I’m choosing the
best time for everything I do. And now I want to
share with you some simple techniques I’ve
learned over the years.
It’s better on Thursday

Thursday is associated with Jupiter — the planet of

money, increase and wealth. If you make changes to
your money making plans on a Thursday, you can
harness the power of Jupiter. This will give your
plans an even greater chance of success.

And the absolutely best time of day is immediately

after sunrise as that’s when Jupiter’s power is at its

Although you don’t need to do anything more than say out loud, I’m going to
start now, you can mark the occasion more strongly by performing a small
ritual. The ritual itself won’t make you wealthier — that’s up to you. It’s just to
help you focus your mind on attracting more money and make sure that you
bring the power of Jupiter into your life.

You can make up your own ritual, but if you aren’t sure where to start, this is
one that I’ve found really works.

1 Write down on a piece of paper something you’d like to manifest and why.

2 Fold the paper in two and put it onto a plate.

3 Put a candle on top of the paper — green is best, but this isn’t essential.

4 Light the candle and while it burns, imagine having the thing you desire.
You might find it easier to say what you want out loud.

Once you feel that you’ve done this for long enough, put out the candle and
5 place it with the paper (and any wax that has dripped off it) into a bag and
hide it somewhere in your house.
Watching the Moon

All astrologers know how important it is

to watch the movement of the Moon. As it
transits through the signs it creates
different effects down here on Earth. And
as it moves form new to full each month,
it acts like a clock, showing us the best
times to begin things and the best times
to bring success.

The Moon’s energies are at their peak at

the time of the full Moon. This is the time
to attract good things to you.

You can watch the Moon to determine

when it’s full or look it up on the internet.
When the moon is full, spend some time
letting it’s light “wash” over you… feel it’s
energy and see that energy filling you up
with abundance.
Prosperity symbols

There’s no doubt that symbols and objects

help us to focus. And for centuries people have
used different symbols to help them attract

The Chinese use a lucky toad (Chan Chu)

placed near the door, while the Japanese have
a beckoning cat that they attach to key chain
or use as a sort of piggy bank. Some Native
American tribes used the symbol of a salmon
to attract wealth.

You’re probably familiar with the horseshoe as

a symbol of luck. Hang it over a door points
upward so that it holds onto luck and

There are hundreds of symbols you can choose

from, and it really doesn’t matter which you
use. They act as a focus for your thoughts and
make it easier for you to keep your mind on
what you want to achieve.

But while you can buy an object to symbolize

wealth, I’ve found that making your own works
best. This way you can invest your energy into
it while you make it.
Feng Shui
The ancient Chinese knew a lot about living in harmony and balance with the
environment. That’s what the practice of Feng Shui is based on. By arranging
your living space in certain ways, you can invite positive energy into your life –
and attract more wealth in the process.

Open your door to wealth

Your front door is the gateway to opportunities, so make sure it’s in good
working order and looks attractive. You can encourage abundance to enter by
putting nine coins of any denomination in a red envelope (if you can’t find a red
envelope, it’s fine to color one with a marker or paint) and taping it under your
welcome mat.

Clear clutter
Clutter creates trapped energy that can affect you on every level. Piles of junk
create an obstacle to positive energy. Make sure that you remove any dead or
withering plants and empty bins as often as you can. Remove any photos that
show you when you were in a bad phase of your life. It’s much easier for
positive energy to enter if you remove as much negative energy as you can.

Stop putting off repairs

Leaks in your kitchen or a bathroom encourage your abundance to also leak
away. Similarly, make sure that you keep your toilet lid closed at all times to
stop your good fortune from being flushed away. Get rid of anything that’s
broken or doesn't work and replace dead batteries and light bulbs.

Activate good luck with goldfish

Goldfish, koi or carp inside a home aquarium will activate good luck. Ideally, you
should have nine fish – eight red or gold and one black – but even a single fish
in a bowl will help.
Increase your wealth with a fountain
Flowing water represents the flowing of abundance and helps to move positive
energy around the room. The best results will come from a tabletop fountain
with the water flowing toward the center of the room.

Ring in good fortune

The sound of bells symbolizes the coming of good news and prosperity. You can
hang small bells on the outside of the main door of your home.

Keep the flowers fresh

Fresh flowers create positive energy and can be placed in any room where
people gather. Remember to throw them out as soon as they begin to wilt.

Add some metal

Metal energy is associated with wealth and protection, although you should
avoid stainless steel, aluminum, brass and sterling silver items. Avoid sharp or
pointed edges.

Add the colors purple, red and green

You can paint a wall, add a few cushions or a simple vase. A lava lamp is ideal
for enhancing color as it also moves and so helps keep money circulating in
your life.

Display symbols of wealth

This can be a simply bowl of foreign or old coins. Change it out regularly to
represent wealth flowing toward you.
Treat your wallet

In the same way that you enhance your home to

attract more wealth, you can also make changes
to the most common place you keep that wealth –
your wallet.
Prosperity comes to people who treat it
respectfully so keeping your wallet in good shape
should be your first step.

Throw away any bits and pieces you might have

stuffed into it absent-mindedly. And keep it in a
special place when you’re not using it, instead of
throwing it down on the kitchen table.

If your wallet is getting shabby, it could be time to choose a new one. Make sure
that it has plenty of space to hold everything you need to keep in it. It’s best to
buy a wallet where notes don’t have to be folded. Make sure that it is big enough
to hold even more wealth than you’d usually carry and remember, credit cards
represent debt rather than wealth, so it’s best to keep them in a separate holder.

Keep on course

Don’t let yourself get into a frenzy when trying to manifest wealth. You might
need to create some space to focus on what you want. That means taking care of
your basic needs and those of your family first. You might have to put yourself on
a budget or stick with that job you hate for a short time so that you can direct
your energies toward manifesting abundance.

As soon as you feel unsure, you need to do something about it. There’s no harm
in stretching yourself, but if you aim too high from the start you might find it
hard to believe you’re capable of manifesting as much as you want. Be honest
with yourself and take things one step at a time. Allow yourself to makes smaller
strides toward a larger goal.
Remember… it’s the “feeling” of
abundance you need to achieve to
manifest it into reality!
If you regularly review your progress, you will gradually
gain more confidence. The best way of doing this is to
keep a journal and write in it every day. You don’t have
to spend a long time doing this; the important thing is
to do it regularly. Note down your successes and
failures, no matter how small. And think about how you
can turn your failures into successes.

Try asking yourself questions like:

How do I currently feel about my present situation?

How can I feel more gratitude with the way things are right now?

What would I need to attain to feel comfortable and content?

What areas of my life already show signs of abundance?
What actions can I take right now to empower
myself and my situation?

The important thing is to be completely honest

with yourself. It might be scary to write all this
down, but it is the first step toward changing
your situation. Don’t judge yourself. That wastes
energy. You need to accept your situation so
that you can focus on improving it.

You need to look to the future, not the past.

Write down actions you can take to increase

your opportunities and commit yourself to dates
for taking those actions.

Give yourself time

Chances are that you won’t be successful overnight, and you

might feel at first that you’re wasting your time. It takes daily
focus and dedication to succeed in harnessing your creating
energy to manifest more abundance. Don’t give up if you
don’t get instant results. Your perseverance will pay off.
Money flows into and out of your life. Don’t try to hoard it or stop it from
1 flowing out. When you let it go, that will create space for more to flow
toward you.

2 Be prepared to give as well as receive.

3 Don’t focus on what you don't have; focus on what you want.

4 Don’t worry about how it will happen. Simply be prepared to grasp

any opportunity that comes your way.

5 Keep focused.

6 Be grateful for what you have.

7 Believe that you deserve and will receive more money.

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