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Year 9 Geography Knowledge Organiser: Coasts

Coastal zone: The coastal zone is the place where the land meets Caves, arches stacks and stumps Depositional landforms
the sea.
1. Beaches - formed by constructive waves. Sand beaches
Wave types: are flat and wide, shingle are steep and narrow.

Destructive waves have a strong swash (when waves move up the 2. Sand dunes—sand is moved by longshore drift, obstacles
beach) and a weak backwash (when waves go back out to sea). They cause wind speed to drop so sand is deposited. Plants
are big strong waves made when the wind is powerful. They have and grass grow (colonise). The embryo dune becomes
high energy and they erode the coast. a mature dune over time.

Constructive waves have a weak swash and a strong backwash. They 3. Spits - if there is a bend in the coastline, longshore drift
are less powerful. They have low energy and they build beaches. continues and builds up a spit.
1. Caves occur when waves force their way into cracks in the cliff
Types of erosion: face. Water contains sand and other materials that grind away at Coastal management strategies
Hydraulic Air may become trapped in joints and cracks on a the rock until the cracks become a cave. This is hydraulic action.
2. If the cave is formed in a headland, it may eventually break Hard Engineering: Soft Engineering:
action cliff face. When a wave breaks, the trapped air is
compressed which weakens the cliff and causes through to the other side forming an arch. Man-made structures e.g. Beach nourishment and
sea walls, gabions, rock dune regeneration –
erosion. 3. The arch will gradually become bigger until it can no longer
armour, groynes. (e.g. Sea creating/restoring sand
Abrasion Bits of rock and sand in waves grind down cliff support the top of the arch. When the arch collapses, it leaves
wall—a wall made of dunes by planting
surfaces like sandpaper. the headland on one side and a stack (a tall column of rock) on
concrete that reflects vegetation to stabilise
Attrition Waves smash rocks and pebbles on the shore into the other.
waves back to the sea). them.
each other, and they break and become smoother. 4. The stack will be attacked at the base in the same way that a Positive: prevents flooding Positive: provides a barrier,
Solution Acids contained in sea water will dissolve some wave-cut notch is formed. This weakens the structure and it will and erosion. cheap
types of rock such as chalk or limestone. eventually collapse to form a stump. Negative: expensive to Negative: nourishment is
build and maintain. expensive and limited to a
small area.
Types of weathering: Longshore drift
Biological Chemical Physical Formation of a spit
When plants break Carbon dioxide Freeze thaw
apart rocks from the air weathering is when
because the roots dissolves into the water gets into a
get into the cracks. rainwater making it crack and freezes.
Or animals burrow acidic. Limestone As it freezes it
into the cracks. and chalk are easily expands and breaks
eroded. the rock apart.

Wave cut platform

1. Weather weakens the top of the cliff.
2. The sea attacks the base of the cliff
1. Waves approach the coast at an angle. 1. Longshore drift moves material along the coastline.
forming a wave-cut notch.
3. The notch increases in size causing the 2. Swash carries sediment up the beach at an angle. 2. A spit forms when the material is deposited.
cliff to collapse. 3. Backwash carries sediment down the beach with gravity – at 3. Over time, the spit grows and develops a hook if wind
4. The backwash carries the rubble right angles to the beach. direction changes further out.
towards the sea forming a wave-cut 4. This creates a zig-zag movement of sediment along the beach. 4. Waves cannot get past a spit, which creates a
platform. sheltered area where silt is deposited and mud flats
5. The process repeats and the cliff or salt marshes form.
continues to retreat.

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