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Running head: MODULE FIVE PAPER 1

Module Five Paper

Rachael Shoff

OGL 300



The Module Five Paper is based off chapters eight and nine of the required text. Chapter eights

focus is transformational leadership, whereas chapter nines focus is on authentic leadership.

Transformational leadership has been around for decades, and authentic leadership is a newer

style still developing with expected changes.

Learning from Reading One

After reading chapter eight of Northouse, I have learned that transformational leadership

usually relies on a leader and its followers. The leader sets the standards and typically provides

clear direction with little to no feedback from its followers or associates. A popular leadership

studied in the 1980’s that they are now starting to see fade away as the baby boomers retire and

the millennials are being promoted. Chapter eight also discusses the difference between a

transactional leader and a transformational leader. A transactional leader is someone who may

promote an associate based off work ethic. A transformational leader may motivate a full work

force to work towards more humane or ethical work boundaries that benefit everyone.

Learning from Reading Two

After reading chapter nine I have learned more about the authentic leadership style.

Although the authentic style of leadership is newer and still being learned and developed, I

personally feel that it describes itself. When I think of someone who is authentic, I think of

someone who is true to themselves, honest, and open to change. Authentic leadership can be

mainly broken into three main categories including intrapersonally, interpersonally, and

developmentally. Intrapersonally being about the leaders’ morals and knowledge. Interpersonally

being leaders partnering with their followers and associates to gain mutual ideas or interests. And

finally, developmentally being events happening over time that leader develops, teaches and

shares insights with associates.

Similarities and Differences Between the Two Readings

I certainly see similarities and differences between transformational leaders and authentic

leaders. Both transformational leaders and authentic leaders require followers. I think that

depending on the person they may appreciate one style over another. In my youth I was taught or

trained by many authoritarian leaders which makes sense if it gained a lot of momentum in the

1980s because that was the time I was born. So, when I become of age to get out into the

workplace that was the style of leadership currently being used. It took for me to be in my late

twenties early thirties to have an authentic leader. I think that authentic leaders are very positive

and more approachable than authoritarian leaders. But as the book and article one of module five

mentioned there is no true one style of leadership. Every leader uses a combination of different

styles to create their own personal style.

Biggest Take-Ways for Future Applications

Three major takeaways I would like to use in my everyday work would have to be

1. Understanding that is okay to use various types of leadership. It is not so black

and white but rather a gray area. You can tailor your leadership needs to what best

suits you.

2. Learning to be more authentic so that I can connect with my associates more and

learn from their ideas.

3. Researching more of past leadership styles. I was mind blown reading the module

five, topic one news article to see leaders such as Gandhi and Mother Thereasa

had authoritarian tendencies. I found that extremely fascinating and enjoyed

learning about that.


In my own opinion I think a leader needs to stay true to themselves. Everyone’s

leadership styles are going to be different and that is perfectly okay. Weather you chose to take

the transformational path or authentic path do what you feel is best for yourself and your team.

Customize your leadership to what best suits your needs as a leader.

ALQ Activity

I took the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire in chapter nine and after answering the

sixteen questions to the best of my knowledge my scores were as follows.

Self-Awareness = 16

Internalized Moral Perspective = 16

Balanced Processing = 14

Relational Transparency = 17

I learned that high scores are between 16-20 and low scores are 14 and below. I found it

interesting that I scored low in balanced processing because I really do enjoy feedback from

others. I am happy that I took this questionnaire because now I can focus on feedback from my

team and learn to be better on hearing criticisms.



Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory and practice, 9th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

Publications, Inc.

Marques, J. F. (2007). On Impassioned Leadership: A Comparison Between Leaders from

Divergent Walks of Life. International Journal of Leadership Studies.

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