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English for Biology

Group 8 – Biologi C
Agnia Hasna (2300315)
Ditha Paraswara (2312078)
Shayla Sonda Stoodley (2301361)
Siti Nabila Nursania (2301411)
Shayla’s Hometown
Shayla had been living in Bekasi since she was 7 years old, so she knows and familiar with
Bekasi, more precisely in Cikarang district. Cikarang is famous for its factory area. Therefore, she is
quite used to it pollution and hot weather. To become fit as a fiddle she needs to wear her protective
mask wherever she goes. She moved to Bandung last month to become a student at Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia. When compared with Bandung, the hottest weather in Bandung is like the most
comfortable weather in Bekasi. Even though the weather in Bekasi and Bandung is different, she still
relishes it because there is another good side of enjoying the best of both worlds with its strategic area
for traveling.
If we are talking about tourist attractions, Bekasi does not have a typical recreation area.
However, we can find out lots of malls in Bekasi. Bekasi was named the city with the most malls after
Jakarta. Apart from that, Bekasi is located between Jakarta, Karawang and Bogor. For this reason,
Bekasi is a strategic area for traveling in Jabodetabek. This also causes Bekasi to not have typical
culinary delights, but in Bekasi there are lots of typical Betawi culinary delights.
Now, Shayla is a college student in Bandung. She plans that during the semester break, she
had to get away for a week. She will have gone to her hometown, Bekasi, at the end of this year.

1. Present continuous: “If we are talking about tourist attractions...” (Paragraph 2; 1st sentence)
2. Past perfect continuous: “Shayla had been living in Bekasi since she was 7 years old.”
(Paragraph 1; 1st sentence)
3. Future perfect: “She will have gone to her hometown...” (Paragraph 3; last sentence)
4. Simple past: “She moved to Bandung last month….” (Paragraph 1; 5th sentence)
1. Familiar with – Used to
2. Enjoy – Relish
1. The best of two worlds: “...she still relishes it because there is another good side to enjoying
the best of both worlds with its strategic area for traveling.”
2. Fit as a Fiddle: “To become fit as a fiddle she need to wearing her protective mask wherever
she goes.
Phrasal Verb:
1. Find out: “However, we can find out lots of malls in Bekasi.”
2. Get away: ...she had to get away for a week.”

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