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Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359

DOI 10.1007/s10144-010-0229-2


A frequency distribution approach to hotspot identification

Valerio Bartolino • Luigi Maiorano •

Francesco Colloca

Received: 9 January 2010 / Accepted: 22 June 2010 / Published online: 24 July 2010
Ó The Society of Population Ecology and Springer 2010

Abstract We present a new global method for the iden- Introduction

tification of hotspots in conservation and ecology. The
method is based on the identification of spatial structure The analysis of spatial data is a fundamental aspect of
properties through cumulative relative frequency distribu- ecological and conservation studies (Legendre and Fortin
tions curves, and is tested with two case studies, the 1989; Haining 2003; Fortin and Dale 2005). This is par-
identification of fish density hotspots and terrestrial verte- ticularly important for the identification of hotspots, i.e.,
brate species diversity hotspots. Results from the frequency spatial clusters where an out of the ordinary event or
distribution method are compared with those from standard phenomenon occurs (Nelson and Boots 2008). The defini-
techniques among local, partially local and global methods. tion of hotspots in ecology is typically related to species or
Our approach offers the main advantage to be independent process abundance (Weathers et al. 2000; Houghton et al.
from the selection of any threshold, neighborhood, or other 2006; Kissling et al. 2007) as a first step towards under-
parameter that affect most of the currently available standing mechanisms that generate the observed spatial
methods for hotspot analysis. The two case studies show patterns. In conservation, hotspots are usually considered in
how such elements of arbitrariness of the traditional the context of biodiversity (i.e., Myers et al. 2000; Orme
methods influence both size and location of the identified et al. 2005) or abundance of species of particular concern
hotspots, and how this new global method can be used for a (i.e., Bonn et al. 2002; Houghton et al. 2006) in the attempt
more objective selection of hotspots. to develop and maximize the effectiveness of both large
scale (Roberts et al. 2002; Worm et al. 2003; Kerswell
Keywords Cumulative frequency distribution  2006) and small-scale (Williams et al. 1996; Maiorano
Density  Diversity  Spatial clustering  Tangent et al. 2007) conservation and management strategies.
Although the definition of a hotspot could appear simple
and straightforward, it is generally not easy to define
objectively where the boundaries among hotspots and non-
hotspots occur (Fortin and Dale 2005). A wide array of
statistical techniques has been developed for this purpose,
V. Bartolino (&)  L. Maiorano  F. Colloca
Department of Animal and Human Biology, and three main approaches can be distinguished: spatially
Sapienza University of Rome, viale dell’Università 32, global, spatially local, and partially local methods (Nelson
00185 Rome, Italy and Boots 2008).
Spatially global methods compare the values measured
V. Bartolino in single locations with those measured over the entire
Marine Research Institute, Swedish Board of Fisheries, study area. The most common application of this approach
PO Box 4, 45321 Lysekil, Sweden has been the definition of biodiversity hotspots for con-
servation purposes (Myers et al. 2000). In most cases, a
L. Maiorano
Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, subjective threshold is applied to a spatially explicit spe-
Biophore Building, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland cies-richness dataset to identify the areas with the highest

352 Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359

richness values that should be managed or conserved. and Gi* to handle non-normality (e.g., Tiefelsdorf 2002;
Usually the selected threshold ranges between 1 and 5% Griffith 2010). Simulation approaches are also commonly
(Myers et al. 2000; Gjerde et al. 2004; Grand et al. 2004; used to assess significance in relation to a null hypothesis
Orme et al. 2005), but it has also been raised to 25% when of spatial randomization (Anselin 1995). Moreover, local
the identification of wider areas was required (Garcia methods are affected by the identification of the appropri-
2006). ate range of influence, i.e., by the smoothing factor in
Spatially local methods compare the values measured in kernel analyses (Horne and Garton 2006) and by the
particular locations with those measured in the immediate neighborhood structure in local measures of spatial auto-
surrounding areas. In this case, the definition of what correlation (Fortin and Dale 2005; Nelson and Boots 2008).
represents the neighborhood for the observation is usually Even though some statistical procedures can help in the
determined by subjective decision (Atkinson and Unwin choice of an appropriate neighborhood/range of influence
2002; Haining 2003; Nelson and Boots 2008). The most (Haining 2003; Nelson and Boots 2008), an important
commonly used spatially local methods are kernel esti- component of arbitrariness still remains that potentially
mation (Fortin and Dale 2005) and local measures of affects both size and location of the identified hotspots.
spatial autocorrelation, like Moran’s Ii and Getis’ Gi
(Nelson and Boots 2008). Kernel estimators have been
widely used in ecological studies, mainly for home range
Materials and methods
detection (e.g., Horne and Garton 2006), while Getis’ Gi*
and Moran’s Ii have been used especially in socio-eco-
A frequency distribution approach to hotspots
nomic studies (e.g., Anselin et al. 2005; Moons et al. 2008).
Partially local methods use a combination of local and
global approaches, with a spatially global threshold that is
We propose a new spatially global method which can be
applied to a spatially local measure (Nelson and Boots
used to identify hotspots for conservation or ecological
2008). For example, Grand et al. (2004) used a 5% global
purposes. Our approach can be easily used for any phe-
threshold to identify bird and moth hotspots inside their
nomenon that is distributed over spatially autocorrelated
study area; however, in areas of particularly high species
surfaces, and is based on cumulative relative frequency
richness, they raised the threshold value to capture in their
distribution (CRFD) curves. A CRFD curve f(x) is
hotspots only the highest species counts, introducing a
approximated plotting the relative value of the variable
local component.
z (i.e., density, biodiversity, etc.), against the frequency
Spatially local methods are usually more effective for
distribution of the same variable. The two axes of the plot
hotspot analyses compared to spatially global ones, espe-
are given by:
cially when the area considered is large and the processes
being mapped are non-stationary (Nelson and Boots 2008). z
x¼ ð1Þ
Moreover, the smoothing effect of spatially local methods zm
can be important when the neighborhood structure has a where z is the variable of interest and zm is the maximum
biological or practical relevance (e.g., structural connec- value that z assumes in the study area, and
tivity in a metapopulation context, known level of uncer-
tainty in the population data, etc.). Moran’s Ii and Getis’ Gi*, MðxÞ
y¼ ð2Þ
in particular, are useful to identify clusters of values that are N
high relative to a global mean; moreover, they are usually where M(x) is the number of cases (i.e., points, pixels,
more robust than kernel estimators, being less affected by areas) a value smaller than x is encountered, and N is the
the choice of neighborhood and thus more appropriate when total number of cases. The resulting f(x) curve is charac-
only limited knowledge is available about the phenomenon terized by having both axes ranging from 0 to 1.
under consideration (Nelson and Boots 2008). The tangent to the curve f(x) at a point (x0, f(x0)) has
Although the most appropriate method should be slope f 0 (x0), corresponding to the derivative of f(x) in x0,
selected according to the specific objectives and applica- and is calculated as:
tions considered, all the approaches briefly described above
y  f ðx0 Þ
suffer from one or more elements of subjectivity. Global f 0 ðx0 Þ ¼ ð3Þ
x  x0
and partially local methods are based on the selection of a
pre-defined threshold that has little, if any, ecological jus- A tangent with \45° slope (f 0 (x0) \ 1) will indicate
tification, and that heavily influences the results. Local areas where the relative increase along the y-axis (the
methods, in general, work better with normally distributed cumulative relative frequency) is smaller than the relative
data although several corrections have been suggested for Ii increase along the x-axis (the variable of interest), i.e.,

Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359 353

those areas where the variable considered can be found at detect biodiversity hotspots for terrestrial vertebrates on the
high densities. A tangent with [45° slope (f 0 (x0) [ 1) will Italian peninsula.
indicate areas where the relative increase along the y-axis
is greater than the relative increase along the x-axis, i.e., Case studies
those areas where the variable considered can be found at
low densities. A tangent with 45° slope (f 0 (x0) = 1) will We obtained a dataset on fish density and one on terrestrial
indicate areas where the relative increase along the y-axis vertebrate species richness, respectively, from the pro-
is equal to the relative increase along the x-axis, i.e., those ject BECAUSE (,
areas where the variable considered can be found at accessed on 2 March 2009; Colloca et al. 2009) and
densities proportional to the frequency. Maiorano et al. (2007). The project BECAUSE provided a
In practice, the tangent to the curve f(x) at each point can Bayesian kriging estimate of European hake recruit log-
be seen as the accumulation rate for the phenomenon of densities (n/km2) off the central-western coast of Italy (FAO
interest. The CRFD curve generated by a random process geographical sub-area 9, covering 42,419 km2; Fig. 1) over
will approximate a 45° line, but almost any biological a 2 km by 2 km estimation grid (7,290 cells). Maiorano et al.
process will produce a complex CRFD curve approaching (2007) provided validated distribution models for 468
an upper asymptote. We suggest that the highest x0 corre- species of terrestrial vertebrates occurring in the Italian
sponding to a 45° slope tangent to the curve can be used as peninsula (Fig. 1). The original models have a spatial reso-
a global threshold to identify hotspots. In fact, the 45° slope lution of 100 m by 100 m (more than 30 million cells); for
tangent, and no other arbitrary threshold, will discriminate computational reasons, we re-sampled the entire dataset with
the areas characterized by the highest values of the variable a resolution of 10 km, obtaining a total of 3,115 cells. We
z and at the same time by a rate of accumulation along the calculated species richness as the number of species occur-
x-axis higher than that along the y-axis. Other spatially ring in each cell.
global methods, and also the frequency distribution We used the two datasets to compare hotspots identified
approach, compare local values with the distribution of by the frequency distribution approach that we proposed,
values across the whole study area, regardless of the local with hotspots identified through some of the most widely
neighborhood structure. However, under the assumption of used techniques in ecology and conservation: Moran’s Ii,
spatial autocorrelation, the high values selected as hotspots used to calculate spatially local hotspots, Getis’ Gi*, for
will not occur in isolation, and the frequency distribution partially local hotspots, and a set of predefined thresholds
method will thus identify all the areas with the highest for global hotspots.
values of the phenomenon of interest (i.e., species diversity To implement the spatially local and partially local
and/or species density). methods, we set for both datasets three neighborhood lev-
We show in the remainder of the paper two applications els: 8, 24, and 48 neighboring cells. For each of the three
of the frequency distribution approach presented, one to neighborhood levels in the spatially local method we
detect density hotspots for European hake (Merluccius defined as hotspots all those cells with a positive local
merluccius) along the western coast of Italy, and another to Moran’s Ii and P \ 0.01. In the partially local method, and

Fig. 1 Map of the two study

areas for the hake recruit density
(dark gray) and the terrestrial
vertebrate biodiversity (light
gray) case studies

354 Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359

a b c

Cumulative frequency


Latiitude (°N)
Relative density Density Longitude (°E)

Fig. 2 a Cumulative relative frequency distribution curve of hake with the proportion of area (shade area) above the identified density
recruit density showing the 45° slope tangent to the curve (dotted line) threshold (dotted line). c Spatial distribution of hake recruit density
at the highest density value. b Frequency distribution of fish density hotspots from the frequency distribution method

Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of hake recruit density hotspots from Moran’s Ii (with 8, 24 and 48 neighboring cells), Getis’ Gi* (with 8, 24 and 48
neighboring cells), and global predefined thresholds (5, 10 and 15%)

for each of the three neighborhood levels, we applied a approach, we applied three arbitrary commonly used global
global threshold to select as hotspots all cells in the upper thresholds, considering as hotspots, respectively, the 5, 10,
5% of the Gi*-statistics distribution. In the spatially global and 15% highest values.

Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359 355

To calculate the hotspots according to the frequency Table 1 Total number of hotspots of hake recruit density, percent-
distribution approach, we built for both datasets a CRFD age of the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas identified as hotspots, and
percentage of overlap with the hotspots identified by the frequency
curve and we calculated the related 45° slope tangent.
distribution method (FD)
Because the curves were approximated by discrete fre-
quencies, the tangents to the curves were calculated as the % Hotspot % Overlap with FD Number of hotspots
lines passing through pairs of adjacent points. G8 5.0 100.0 9
G24 5.0 100.0 5
G48 5.0 100.0 4
Results Glob.thr 5 5.0 100.0 10
Glob.thr 10 10.0 100.0 8
The density hotspots for European hake recruits calculated Glob.thr 15 15.0 100.0 10
with the frequency distribution approach (Fig. 2) occupy
FD 15.3 – 9
approximately the same areas as those identified by the
I8 14.6 100.0 8
other three methods (Fig. 3; Table 1). All the methods
I24 19.8 77.1 9
identified density hotspots that are consistent with previous
I48 23.5 64.7 8
knowledge on the bathymetric and spatial distribution of
hake recruits in the study area (Ardizzone and Corsi 1997; Results obtained with three different neighborhood levels (8, 24 and
48 cells) for the Getis’ Gi* and the Moran’s Ii, three global thresholds
Abella et al. 2005; Bartolino et al. 2008). Hake recruits
(Glob.thr 5, Glob.thr 10 and Glob.thr 15%), and the frequency dis-
concentrate at the limit of the continental shelf and the tribution approach
upper slope, where elevated local productivity supports the
rich demersal communities of the shelf-break (Colloca Table 2 Total number of hotspots of vertebrate species richness,
et al. 2004). However, the number and size of the hotspots percentage of the Italian peninsula and islands identified as hotspots,
being defined was different for different approaches and percentage of overlap with the hotspots identified by the fre-
quency distribution methods (FD)
(Tables 1 and 2). We identified a minimum of 4 (using
Getis’ Gi* with 48 neighboring cells) and a maximum of 10 % Hotspot % Overlap with FD Number of hotspots
hotspots (using the 5 and 15% global thresholds) for hake
G8 5.0 31.4 15
recruits. The high percentage of overlap between the hot-
G24 5.0 26.3 8
spots identified with our method and all the other local,
G48 5.0 22.4 4
partially local, and global approaches (Table 1) suggested
Glob.thr 5 4.6 21.6 27
that the same peaks of fish density were detected as hot-
Glob.thr 10 9.8 32.7 45
spots. Hotspots identified through the frequency distribu-
Glob.thr 15 14.8 69.4 44
tion approach occupied 15.3% of the study area. Similar
FD 3.2 – 22
estimates for the area occupied by the hotspots were
I8 6.2 42.7 14
obtained with Moran’s Ii with 8 neighborhood cells
I24 15.5 18.7 10
(14.6%), and with the 15% global threshold (Table 1).
I48 22.2 13.7 14
The frequency distribution biodiversity hotspots for
terrestrial vertebrates in Italy (Fig. 4) covered 3.2% of the Results obtained with three different neighborhood levels (8, 24 and
study area and clearly identified the middle elevation areas 48 cells) for the Getis’ Gi* and the Moran’s Ii, three global thresholds
(Glob.thr 5, Glob.thr 10 and Glob.thr 15%) and the frequency dis-
along the two main mountain ranges, the Alps and the tribution approach
Apennines, as already identified by Maiorano et al. (2006,
2007). All the other methods identify the same geograph- last 40 years (Falcucci et al. 2007), and some of them are
ical regions as important (Fig. 5), with generally larger under some level of protection (Maiorano et al. 2008).
areas (Table 2). In this case, the variability in area and As expected, the results obtained with the ‘‘traditional’’
number of hotspots as identified with the ‘‘traditional’’ methods (Getis’ Gi*, Moran Ii, and global threshold) were
methods was high (Table 2). Moran’s Ii with 8 neighbor- highly dependent on the particular setting that was chosen,
hood cells and the 5% global threshold identified as with hotspots appearing and disappearing (Figs. 3 and 5)
hotspots 6.2 and 4.6% of the study area, respectively. depending on the threshold or neighborhood level selected.
A maximum of 22.2% of the study area was selected as a In general, an increase in the neighborhood levels or
hotspot by the Moran’s Ii with 48 neighborhood cells thresholds corresponded to larger areas, while the number
(Fig. 5). All methods identified as important the areas of identified hotspots showed no clear relationship with the
along the lower mountain slopes in the Italian peninsula. particular settings adopted, with the exception of the Getis’
These areas, especially along the northern Apennine range, Gi* hotspots, whose number decreased with increasing
have been abandoned by agriculture and reforested in the neighborhood levels.

356 Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359

a b c

Cumulative frequency

Latiitude (°N)
Relative species richness Species richness Longitude (°E)

Fig. 4 a Cumulative relative frequency distribution curve of area (shade area) above the identified species richness threshold
terrestrial vertebrate species richness showing the 45° slope tangent (dotted line). c Spatial distribution of terrestrial vertebrate biodiver-
to the curve (dotted line) at the highest species richness value. sity hotspots in the Italian peninsula from the frequency distribution
b Frequency distribution of species richness with the proportion of method

Discussion variety of processes drive the distribution of the many

terrestrial vertebrate species in the Italian peninsula (Fal-
Given their importance for ecology, management, and cucci et al. 2007; Maiorano et al. 2007), generating high
conservation, several approaches have been developed for patchiness in the spatial distribution of species diversity.
the detection of spatially explicit hotspots (see Nelson and As a result, global methods tend to identify more frag-
Boots 2008 for an updated review). All these approaches, mented hotspots than local and partially local methods.
however, have different elements of strength and weakness, We have not been able to identify any objective criterion
and some level of subjectivity (Aldstadt and Getis 2006), that could be used to select one approach over the others,
which may have important consequences for their practical and also, in the published literature, the selection of a
applications (Nelson and Boots 2008). particular method is driven in many cases by the expected
We developed a new spatially global method which uses and most desirable result rather than by scientifically sound
CRFD curves to identify hotspot areas. Cumulative fre- reasoning. Considering the important differences in the
quency plots have been previously used to describe species results obtained applying different approaches, the use of a
spatial distribution (Marshall and Frank 1994) and to cal- variety of methods to the identification of hotspots in
culate distributional indices mainly oriented to the study of ecology is often necessary and worthwhile for a more
spatially density-dependent processes (Swain and Wade complete understanding of the spatial process studied.
1993; Swain and Sinclair 1994), but they have never been Our geometric approach offers an easy and practical
used for the identification of hotspots. way to identify hotspots by using geometrical properties of
We tested our new spatially global method using two CRFD curves. This method offers the advantage that no
different examples for the definition of density and bio- threshold, neighborhood of influence, or other parameter
diversity hotspots, and compared the results with those need to be selected a priori by the observer, in contrast with
obtained using well-established hotspot identification most of the commonly used global, partially local, and
techniques. Although the main hotspots were detected by local measures. The shape of the CRFD curve varies in
all the techniques that we considered, we observed wide relation to how the intensity of the spatial process changes
variations in the number and size of the identified hotspots, across the area, revealing important aspects of the under-
with important differences among the different methods lying spatial phenomenon being considered. Through the
and parameters that were selected. Major discrepancies in detection of a geometric feature of the cumulative curve,
the results were observed in the terrestrial vertebrate spe- our method translates this spatial structure into an objective
cies richness case study due to the lower autocorrelation way to identify those areas characterized by the highest
that characterized this dataset (i.e., 48 neighboring cells, intensity of the phenomenon.
global Moran’s I = 0.551, P \ 0.01) if compared to the However, as with all the other global approaches to the
hake recruit density dataset (i.e., 48 neighboring cells, identification of hotspots, the frequency distribution method
global Moran’s I = 0.874, P \ 0.01). In fact, a large is based on the definition of a single threshold to be applied

Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359 357

Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity hotspots from Moran’s Ii (with 8, 24 and 48 neighboring cells), Getis’ Gi* (with 8,
24 and 48 neighboring cells), and global predefined thresholds (5, 10 and 15%)

across the whole spatial process, and consequently it does application of all spatially global methods, including the
not specifically search for local structures. This makes the frequency distribution approach. Consequently, the method
geometric approach presented here and all the other global can be effectively applied only in the case of spatially
measures attractive for their low computational costs, and autocorrelated processes, where high values have a low
particularly easy to be applied on high-resolution or large- probability to occur in isolation. Moreover, the spatially
scale studies. At the same time, global approaches are not global methods should be employed under the assumption
able to account for the local context in which high values of homogeneous processes (i.e., hake recruits in our study
occur. This represents an important limitation for the area are part of a single fish population). Because this

358 Popul Ecol (2011) 53:351–359

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