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By Mr. Jifar Raya (Jimma University) & Zakir AbbaGojjam

This study deals with the history of Dedo Sheki Town from foundation to current. Dedo is located
in Oromia regional state Jimma zone. The study explores social, economic, and administrative
issues. Emphasis will be given to changes and continuity of the history of Dedo Town. In this
study, the researcher will present a preliminary study about the socio-cultural, economic, and
political aspects in Dedo sheki Town. And on the other hand, there are limitations to addressing
all important Socio-cultural, economic and political aspects in Dedo sheki Town under the time of
the study. Therefore, reconstructing the history of Dedo sheki Town from foundation to current
Oral information published and unpublished such as reports, surveys, dissertations, theses,
archives as well as other papers will have great value in the study.
1. Introduction
The studies on the urbanization of Africa have shown that the continent has had an old tradition of
urban development. During the pre-colonial period, many urban centers mostly in West African
which were originally pre-industrial cities emerged as a result of long-distance trade
administration or religious purposes.1

The earliest city of African emerged around the Nile Valley. The most famous of these is
Alexandria in Egypt. Because it was the leader in the case of the civilization during the early time
and also widely known by technological advance during the time there were also many early
cities in Africa south of Sahara one of this was Meroe (Sudan) capital of kush kingdom. It
prospered between 14th and 4th century BC Meroe and other Cushitic cities advanced in stone and
iron technology also building construction.2

The exploration of the Europeans in the coastal areas of Africa by the 16 th century brought too
many coastal settlements served as mainly as trading posts. European station during the 1 st half of
the 19th century also sprung up in the interior when scramble of Africa was being in early during
the 2nd half of 19th-century European colonialism gave impetus and permanent to the former
coastal towns and some of the indigenous capitals. 3Many sub-Saharan African important towns
and capital cities were built by the colonial power during this time for administrative and
commercial purposes their growth was limited before WWII, urban growth has got warming

This history of urbanization was also similar to our home country's urbanization history. In our
country urbanization started during the time of the Aksumite state. Aksumite state uses important
Town Aksum, which is located in the current Tigray regional state as the center of administration
and commerce. After the decline of Aksum due to internal and external problems prominent
towns like Lalibela and Gondar also serve as the center of commerce and administration in

Mesfin Wolde Mariam and Yonas Seifu forwarded similar ideas regarding those leading factories
for expansion of modern urbanization in the later part of the nineteenth century. Both of them
argues as Menelik territorial expansion to the south, the construction of Addis-Ababa- Djibouti
rail way and the occupation of Ethiopia by Italian as leading historical events. 6

Concerning urban expansion in south western part of Ethiopia varies historical literatures forward
as the area was Centre of luxuriated raw material with export to outside world through port of
Zaila. During the time of Menelik territorial expansion since the aim of his army was to control
Haile Mariam, Urban Development in Africa (Addis Ababa, 1987), p.89
World population Data Sheet (Washington Dc, 2007),p. 39
United Nation Economic Commotion for Africa size and growth (Addis Abeba, 2001), p.25
Bahru Zewde, a Short History of Ethiopia and the Horn (Addis Ababa, 1998), p. 45.
Yonas Seifu, MA Thesis “A Historical Survey of Jimma Town 1936-1974”
resource full areas. On the area they occupied they maintained peace and stability, through this
gradual process those garrison were grew to town.7

Process of urbanization slowed down during Italian occupation, although it soon continued
growing rapidly. In the 1970 Addis Ababa exceeded the rest of urban centers of the country with
the population of 850,000 while the second largest town Asmara which was built by Italians, had
a little more than 25,000.8

1.1 Geographical Location of Dedo sheki Town

Dedo sheki is located 356 Km by road southwest of Addis Ababa. Its geographical coordinates
are approximately8.2oN latitude and 35oE longitude. The town is found in an area of average
altitude, of about 5593.8 ft( 1705m) above sea level. It lies in the climatic zone locally known as
semi-desert which is considered ideal for agriculture as well as human settlement. 9

Dedo Sheki is generally characterized by a semi-desert climate with a mean annual maximum
temperature of 26o4℃ and a mean annual minimum temperature of 16.1 ℃ . The annual rainfall
ranges from 1050 mm to 1280.5mm. Maximum precipitation occurs during the rainy month’s
period June to August, with minimum rain fall in December and January.10

Dedo Sheki is one of the woredas in the Oromia region state of Ethiopia. It shares the name of
one of the sub groups of the Oromo people. Dido sheik is bordered on the north by Kersa district;
on the eastern by Omo Nada district; on the west by Saka chekorsa Woreda, on the south SPNN
zone. Dedo district formed from 23 rural kebeles and 1 administrations11

Dedo Map


Fig. 1. Map of Dedo Woreda before it divided in to Mencho Woreda and Dedo Woreda Currently

Bahru, p. 88.
John Markakis, Ethiopia; Anatomy of A Traditional Polity (Addis Ababa, 1975), p.88
Cultural and Tourism Bureau of the Dedo Sheki Town. Ach no.2 file 13
Dedo sheki National Metrology Agency Sub-Office. Ach no.1 file 04
Cultural and Tourism Bureau of the Dedo Sheki Town Ach no.2 file 9
2. Foundation and Growth of Dedo sheik town
2.1. Foundation of Dedo sheik Town

The process of urbanization in Ethiopia has similarity with other third world urbanization process.
The same is true for the establishment of Dedo sheki Town. There were varies factors which lead
to the foundation of Town. Among those vital factories for the foundation of Dedo sheki Town
the trade conducted between Jimma zone of Oromia region and Walkite regional state was
prominent one. During the time Omonada serve as capital (center) of a Dedo sheki administration
of Jimma, Dedo sheik serve as export and import gate of Jimma from Walkite. Town not only
conducts trade with Walkite and Jimma regional state, even trade link was existed between Dedo
sheki and east Wallaga through Dhedhasa River.12

2.2. Naming of Dedo Sheki Town

The origin name of everything come from different events of nature and manmade. It might be
come from the nature of past hero man, famous clan, from the gift of nature. Such as mountain,
Water bodies geological aspects and different ethnic groups and the like. Consequently the origin
name of Dedo sheki town associated with the famous person.

Once up on a time the person who his name was unknown come with his parents from the other
area. The local people when saw him they asked each other the place were these person and his
family came from other place. Till five years he cannot introduced about himself for the local
people at the time. But the local people was calling his name as Afaan Oromo word ‘Dedo’ which
means’ ‘alien ‘’or not have relatives from this area. In other word he has not blood relation with
the local peoples. In addition, History of this guest man he was known by chewing chat, wearing
the Muslim cloth. He uses on his shoulder and head turban or Muslim of Islam or in other word
he uses Muslim Leader (Imam). Gradually the local people know him as he was Muslim sheik. As
they suspected him he started to teach or preach about the Muslim religion. The local people
allied with him and started to chewing chat with him and also learned from him about the Muslim
religion education.

Finally they confirmed his name as in Afaan Oromo ‘’Dedoo shekii’’which means ‘guest or alien
sheik’. This name remained for him until he died and continued until the present day as the name
of his town, therefore, since 1935 the place is known as sheki town.

This town founded by the first time by Dedo sheki he was not only the founder of Dedo sheki
town he also the teacher of Muslim religion education at Dedo Sheki town originally. The Dedo
people lived in small region in eastern part of Jimma zone. They expanded their territory as a
result of continuous migration and assimilation therefore several non-dido Town settled in the
region and adopted the Dedo culture and Language.

Yasin Mohammed. “A History of Ilu Abba Bor. Ca 1889-1991”. (PhD. Dissertation) (Addis Abeba, University
2009 )p. 89
2.3. Growth and Development of Dedo sheik Town
2.3.1. The Early History of Dedo Sheki Town
Before the establishment of Dido Sheki town, the area was covered by forest, river stream,
agriculture and grazing lands. But after the establishment of the town the forest area was cleared
for various purposes. The plain part of the town is known as “Ye Keptetera” that cattle market.
Before 1933 Dedo Sheki town has been controlled and settled by different ethnic groups
especially the people who came from overseas and north part of Ethiopia, such as Arabs, Amhara
and Tigire. Arabs use the local peoples for cultivation, their labor and animal reaming. After a
long time the Arabs, Amhara and Tigre peoples coincide and established a market in the
surrounding area known as lafa gabaa” butter and coffee market.13

At the time the market center (Goda Jammaala) became highly popular center before 11933. Due
to this Arabs peoples began to fight with the local Oromo individual in the surrounding area. The
notable Arab merchant Ibrahim Abubakir, was influential person.14

He was influential and strong fighter who defeated the Oromo people. He later retreated back
from the market, after the victory of the Oromo people. The name of the market was immediately
changed from lafa gaba to today Dedo Sheki.15

Gradually, the market place expanded to east and west wards. In this gradual process Dedo sheki
town become the center of market which the connection site between Sheki, to Jimma. This
expansion was mainly the work of a famous chief Dedo sheki who was the greatest hero in the
Dedo land. He played significant role in the expansion the town and soon become averment town.
He won recognition of local people of his effort in expanding the market which was named” Dedo
Sheki Gebiya” in his honor.16

There is no clear information about the exact time for the foundation of Dedo town emerged from
average which Dedo Sheki, established around 1935.Between 1935-1941, Italian colonizers
established various residences and built the house at this time which served both for residence and
center of administration and used it for office purpose. Following this in the same year
Mulushewa Motel house were built to serve as the hotel in the town17

As indicated above the town emerged because of different reasons. There are trade centers and
market centers between different ethnic groups for a long time.18

Negaso Gidada, History of the Sayyoo Oromoo of Southwestern Wallaga, Ethiopia from about 1730 to 1886
(Frankfurt, 1984),p. 216
Informant; Ambisa Dinqa ; Cultural and Tourism Bureau of the Dedo Sheki Town.”Argaano Magaala Sheki” un published page
Yasin Mohammed, p. 93
The Municipality of the Dedo Sheki town, Archive No 6 file 43
2.3.2. The Town during the imperial time
During imperial period, especially the year 1935 to 1941 the town gave different important
services for the head of government. Firstly, it serves for the settlement of workers. Secondly
served the settlement that comes from other rural area and the soldiers, thirdly the town served the
imperial as place of prison, for the people who refuse the rule and regulation of the imperial
period. There was no school in the town during the imperial time. But since 1986 G.C. (1978 E.C)
for the first time the secondary school was built in the Dido Sheki town.19

2.3.3. The Town During Derg (1974-1991)

After the Derg come to power in 1974 by disposing the Imperial government formulated the
policy that is known by the name of pillarization in which some people construct their house on
the same direction in some of Ethiopia.20

The Dido sheki town also received this policy play great role for its development in the terms of
town dwellers not by infrastructure. During the Derg regime’ Gimjabet” again served as grocery
but the building which served as finance house during Italian occupation was transferred to
judicial court. In this town the building that stored different government property which collected
from the people and also some hotel, school and police office were established in this town.
Among them Mulu Hotel, Korjo and Ofole school and YeDedo Woreda police Tabiya

2.4. The Development and Achievement from 1991 to Present

After the down fall of Derg the Ethiopian people revolutionary democratic front (EPRDF) took
power in Ethiopia in May 1991 G.C. After EPRDF come to power Sheki town become changed to
the center of Dedo Woreda and take town administration status. For instance many development
and changes flourished widely after the coming of FPDRE government in the town. Among the
major development under the federal democratic people of Ethiopia (FDRE) government are
social development, infrastructure and technological advance.22

The term of good governance, direct participation of the society is developed, power distribution
highly expanded, corruption become eradicated and political awareness of the society developed
under the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) government. The first mayor of sheki
town Biya AbbaTamam come to power in 1990, he begin development of society and
infrastructural development in terms of social development and first cycle education become
founded and distributed to the rural and urban public and private kindergarten and pharmacy
established second and full cycle school opened on the town and the surrounding areas high
school is opened. The town gets 24 hours electricity power starting from 2002 G.C.23
Informant Asaffa Taddesa ; Getacho Talo
Dedo Sheki Administrative offices, 2006, Ach no.07 file 23
With regarding technological advancement of the town more than half dweller of the town use
television, Radio, recently around 2002 G.C people of Sheki town used mobile and computer
service. Now a day dwellers of the town and surrounding rural Society used and benefited the
newly technology of Network mobile. When we see infrastructural development of Sheki town it
was a major beneficiary that the road crosses form Addis Ababa to Jimma chida is one of the
economic base of Sheki town and taken as border Woreda that interconnect or as bridge between
Oromia region with SNNP.24

All of the above activities and achievement operated under the federal democratic republic of
Ethiopia (FDRE) government by the town administrators Ato Biya Abbatemam and The Woreda
administrator Abebe Tulu.

2.1. Administration
During the Derg period Ethiopia was declared as socialist state. Land and other sector association
and rural peasant association was introduced.25

Derg constitution comes in to force, the regime was almost destroyed by Eritrean people
liberation front and Tegerai people Liberation front force and the balance of power completely
shifted leading new political discourse. The force of EPRDF force entered Addis Ababa to
reestablished law and order. A national conference was held from July 1-5, 1991 resulted in the
signing of charter by the representations of 31 political parties. Some importance rights enforced
to people of Ethiopia.26

The people of Dedo sheki received this right which formulated by the transitional government.
After 1991, Dedo Sheki town growth hastened. Different institution has been established to serve
people of the town and surrounding. Among this school, water serves, different micro enterprise
and services the transitional government encouraged people’s in their job. The former fourteen
kebele were divided into two districts. Dedo sheik Woreda have 23 kebeles. The road was also
constructed and people were got an electric light and the land controlled by individual was taken
and distributed for the in the town. Starting from the 1991 the town began further expansion terms
of size and was begun to show as rapid social and economic growth.27

2.5. Economic Activity and Developments

2.5.1. Agriculture

Informant Zelleke Gessese; Taye Qano
The economic bases of the town are based on agriculture and trade most of the population in
Sheki town was mainly used the substances farming. The people of the town and surrounding
areas were produce many kinds of crop production in different seasonal periods more farmers use
autumn and summer season, they use traders produced cereal crops like maize, Teff, sorghum,
wheat, pea, bean and they produce vegetable like carrot, tomatoes, Potatoes cabbage....etc.

In addition to agriculture they rear livestock in the local people, that the farmers of the adjacent
areas provide the market of the town with the agriculture products, such as milk, butter, cattle and
various types of cereal productions, but would learn additional income by urban agricultural
economic activities in town. Among the above cereal production maize and Teff were the most
viewable since they used the area and also used to earn income in the area. Both these real crop
production and vegetables were produced in both traditional and modern irrigational farming

2.5.2. Trade
Trade was another crucial economic sector in the town next to agriculture. In relations to this
there are many retail trades, series renders, small shops, Hotels, Groceries, and the whole sellers
of cereal crops etc. In the town, although agriculture and trade were also other economic activities
of Sheki town. Some local black smith house and office furniture hold in a weak two times
Tuesday & Thursday. The town has commercial advantage from its big market that held on
Wednesday and Saturday merchants and consumer from different Neighboring district come to
the town, especially from Jimma town. In the two market day agricultural product like maize,
bean, Teff, wheat, Vegetable products and cash crops mainly coffee were brought by local
peasants and merchants from surrounding areas to the town especially in surrounding area include
Ox, Cow, goat, sheep hen, donkey------ etc29.
The main source of income of Sheki town was tax form trade, rent of shops and rent of market
place , from micro enterprise, Different items of agricultural production come to the town from
neighboring Woreda and its rural kebele. Among the major food crops that get in to the town are
Teff, wheat. Barley, pea, Beans and maize are the main ones. Product of Vegetables mostly comes
from rural kebele like, abakoyi, Korti, ofole, sola, odo hidata and so on. While live stocks comes
mostly from moderate whether temperature like Askira, Defkela, and Gera rural kebeles. 30
In general the economic activity of the town and its surrounding areas are farming based
economic practice. Almost the economic activities of town are very good. Most of life of the town
people are depends up on the life style of rural and this result also for the Jimma town because
most of product of vegetables imported to Jimma town is fluxing from Dedo Sheki town. Due to
this the major economic activity of the town led by agricultural products that come from rural

Dedo Woreda Agricultural Bureau. (2004, P.20 ) Illustrated about economic activity of Deneba town.
Dedo Woreda Trade and industry Bureau
From sheki trade and Industry office
2.5.3. Traditional Socioeconomic Institution in the Town. Iddir
According to the informants, iddir is the other cultural and social cooperation activity in the
society. There are many iddir organizations in each of the villages of Sheki Town. The main
activity of iddir members is performed during one of that members is died or hearing of one's
family members died somewhere outside the district. The burial ceremony is led and arranged by
the iddir committee members by cooperates the whole members who are obliged to participate
unless they are to be punished by the rule and regulation of the organization. (Informant: Ato
Zelleke Gessese).31 Ikub
Besides to iddir, other important association in the tow is ikub. Ikub is an informal association
which is the way of saving and systematic collecting the money. It is found on full voluntarily
members that aims to collect specific money from all members. Ikub has some agreement and
regulation that made by members, has periodic date, paid o round by chance lottery methods to
each member. The members know each other's, basis on trust; the members interact with smooth
The main objectives of this association to eradicate the financial problems of members without
interest rate in the town. (Informant: Ato Zelleke Gessese).32
2.6. The population of the town
Throughout human history, people have changed and adapted to the earth. They have done so to
survive. Human have been very successful. Today there are very several billion people living on
the earth. The study of the human population has long been of interest to geographers. The
pressure of population growth in today’s world adds great urgency to the study of population for

The term population in population studies refers to the total number of human in habitants of a
specified area, such as a city, country or continent at a given time. As a result the human
population was increased rapidly since the 15th and 16th centuries. As some source indicated by
1750 there were only about 291 million people in the world.

However, in a matter of 250 years, the world population reached over 6 billion. The growth of the
human population between 1750 and 2000 has very rapid. As the explained above population
study important for short and long term planning particularly by the government in health ,
education, housing social security employment and environmental preservation, which see other
things to modify, demographic trends in order to achieve certain economic and social activities.

The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 6457, of whom 4309 were
men and 2148 women; This is 1.93% of Dedo woreda Total population at the time. The five
largest ethnic groups reported in Dedo were the Oromo (78.87%), the Yem (8.75%), the Dawro
(8.54%), the Amhara (1.47%), and the Kafficho (0.94%); all other ethnic groups made up 1.43%
Informants: Zelleke Gessese
Informants: Zelleke Gessese
of the population. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 87.03%, 7.3% Dawro, 2.55% spoke
Yemsa, and 1.6% spoke Amharic; the remaining 1.52% spoke all other primary languages
reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 89.57% of the population having
reported they practiced that belief, while 10.11% of the population said they professed Ethiopian
Orthodox Christianity.33

So Population of Dedo sheki town consists of the following ethic groups these are Oromo,
Amhara, Tigray, Kambata, kefa, Majangir and etc. among this Oromo are the most dominate
ethnic group than other group through economic, language and culture performance accordingly.34

According to the source of tourism and culture of Dedo sheki town the coming of these ethnic
group since 19th century. But Amhara and Tigray settled abundantly in the town due to the 1977
E.C. had events of great famine of Ethiopia. But the other ethnic groups were settled for the
various purposes.35

Among all ethnic groups in the town the Oromo were the most ruler and land user community this
because of the Oromo is native to the town and Tigray and Amhara control trade activities. The
Kambata Majangir and the rest were also contributing for the rise of the town like other ethnic
group in agriculture, trade and etc.36

In general those listed ethnic groups contribute their activities for the rise of the town however the
feature of the population increase in the town have been intense ethnic penetration. Even since the
foundation of the town the Oromo have been the dominant in number and also its language in the

3. Socio-Economic Aspects of the town

3.1. Bank service
The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Dedo Branch began service by renting personal building in
2017 G.C. However, the service had actually started in the late 2016 by the commitment and good
The national census report 1994
Bahru Zewde, pp. 160-165
Assafa Fisha, Federalism teaching Material(Addis Ababa,2009), pp. 63-72.
Informant Sheik Indiris Adam.
will of the Woreda administrative and Commercial bank of Ethiopia southwestern District. The
first manager of the bank was Bamlak Tesfaye. This activated the marketing of vegetables and
other products of agriculture and other transaction businesses in Dedo Woreda and neighboring

Sheki town is the center of commerce and source of the product of Vegetables among the all
Woreda marketing of Jimma zone that goes to Jimma city and other neighbor Woreda. This has
created high transaction of money into and outside the town. Consequently, different money
institutions were opened in the town at different times. For instance, Oromia Cooperative Bank,
Start service in 2018 G.C. and Awash International Bank start serving the community Around on
the year 2021, at sheki town. As of April August, 2021 the total number of customers of the entire
bank is about 35,000 and loan customers are about 3. The transaction of money in a week is about
1 million birr. All bank has employed about 35 permanent workers.39

3.2. Social service

As the number of people and the size of the town increased the demand for dwellers also
increases. People required educational facilities, clean water, medical facilities, and a good
transportation network. Thus these issues will be discussed here.
3.2.1. Education
Initially there was a fear that some of the local people would reject the expansion of modern
education. The local people feared that modem education would undermine the Christian and
Muslim religious faiths. Modern education and schooling began in Sheki in 1953 E.C. at the
beginning the number of student enrolled in the school were 15-20 and these students were given
teaching learning materials incentives by the government in order to attract others. 40
The first School opened in Sheki town in 1953 E.C three class rooms and one office. It was
repaired in 1968 G.C on wards the number of class rooms increased and used today grade one to
six number of students were of whom 35 were males and 15 were females. There was no junior
secondary school in Sheki. As a result those who were promoted to grade 7 were sent to Jimma
Junior school was opened in 1982 G.C. in Jimma town. After 1982 G.C revolution a considerable
change was seen in the field of education in which the number of school slowly increased by
1987G.C in Awuraja in general and Dedo particular."
In the town, until 1987 G.C there was only one kindergarten school established and one
elementary school opened. But there were no comprehensive high school vocational and technical
school during the Derg period. But now there is one Preparatory school (grade 11-12) which is
opened in 2015 G.C, One school opened in 2012 G.C and 3 primary School were established in
the town. There were also considerable growth of students and teachers in the school.41 (office,
The following data shows the number of students and teachers in town after 1998G.C.
Dedo Sheki Town Municipality Office. 2010 E.C. Archive no 02 File 01
Dedo Sheki Town Municipality Office. 2021 G.C. Archive no. 2 File 10
office, Dedo woreda Educational office
Dedo woreda information office
Table 2. Types of schools in Sheki until 1998 G.C.

Types of students Number of Number of students Number of Number of remarks

schools Male Female Total class Teachers
Kindergarten 2 19 13 32 1 2
Primary school 1 265 251 516 5 13
Secondary school 1 68 53 121 4 11
Source: Educational secretary office (Sheki town Administration office)
Table 2 shows the type of school, the number of students and the number of classes and teachers
in sheki town. There is two Kindergarten School with 32 students in one classroom and two
teachers are assigned to teach in the classroom. The number of primary schools is 1 (Dedo
primary) school with 516 students and 13 teachers42
3.2.2. Health Facilities
The first heath center was established in 1972 G.C in Sheki town there is one private clinic and
one pharmacies and one public pharmacy are found in town. The medical services in the town
were not satisfactory during the Derg period. Due to this the town dweller and the surrounding
locality go to Jimma Hospital for further treatment. “During the time of federal democratic
republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) a number of clinic pharmacy and health center were increased.
Currently one public clinic and one health center one public pharmacy are opened from 1998-
2008 G.C in the town. After 2003 G.C private clinics were opened in the town namely Sheki
medium clinic, Haile Medium clinic and others.43
Table 3. The Number of Workers in sheki Health Center
Types of Workers Number of workers
Health Officer 3
Medical Doctors 7
Nurse 23
Junior Nurse 12
Pharmacist 3
Laboratory Technician 4
Others 13
Total 65
Source: Dedo woreda Health Office

From the above table we can understand that there are three health officer, four nurses, two health
junior nurse one pharmacist and laboratory technician and 65 total supporters are Presenting
Sheki Health center and Dedo Hospital which is found in the center of Sheki town.44

Sheki Hospital is Constructed by Oromia Health bureau aimed to serve the population of three
Woreda (Dedo, Seka Chekorsa, and shabe woreda), start giving service from 2018 G.C.
Educational secretary office (Sheki town Administration office)
Sheki Health office files number 15
Sheki Health Office Archive no 01 file number 15
3.3. Water supply
Drinking unclean water by inhabitants every area would lead to diseases therefore, sufficient
water should be provided to protect public health. The main water supplies prior to the installment
of water pipe supply were river, streams and water wells that were dug up private. The previous
water supply of Sheki was built in 1999 G.C by the Dedo Woreda water supply and sanitation
office and extending though out the town and had capacity of generating 25 liters per second.45

According to the 2007 G.C census the total number of the population of Sheki town accounts
85,326 among this all number of population served by streams water, which found around the
edge of the town. This is due to the geographical problem of the town.

Currently the problem of pure water consumption of the town is going to be solved by the office
of water resource and sanitation of the Woreda in collaboration with Oromia water and Energy
resource is start doing on this.

Forests 2004 G.C. this project ended in 2006 G.C when this project ended the problem of water
supply solved and community used water excess."

3.4. Other Public service

Electricity was introduced in 2012 G.C in the town from the Jimma city by the Woreda
administration and public participation. It used mainly for consumption of light and to some
extent as source of small scale business. Currently the dwellers of the town become benefited for
the 24 hour electric power and almost more than half in habitant won light indicator.”

Transportation is one of the major factors affecting the development of an urban area. The
development of transport has revolutionized town life. The major road that pass Jimma to Chida
one of the SNNP 157km long, which are all covered by Gravel road and it cross in center of Sheki
town. This road had great important for the economy of the area and interconnect Oromia regional
states and South nation nationalities and peoples region.46

Postal service was introduced in the town 1988G.C by Sheki postal agents. This postal agent
facilitated one jump to the development the communication in the town. This postal service still
served by agent. 47

Telephone line in sheki town 1983 G.C and this telephone line were not abundant for all the
society. But the 1984 G.C people centered phone linked introduce in 2006 G.C digital telephone
line service introduce in the town now in the town mobile network service expanded for all most
dwellers benefited. 48

Dedo Woreda Water and Mineral Resource Office
Sheki Municipality Office
Oromia Road authority and Dedo woreda rural road authority.
Sheki town information center and Municipality office
4.1. Introduction
A tourist attraction is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically from its inherent or an
exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty offering leisure
and amusement. The term tourism and travel are sometimes used interchangeable. I this context
travel have a similar definition to tourism, but imply a more purposeful journey. The terms
tourism and tourist are sometimes used pejoratively, to imply a shallow interest in the cultures or
location visited. By contrast traveler is often used as a sign of destination. The sociology all
tourism has studied the cultural values under pinning these distinctions and their implications for
class relation. 49

The relationship between tourism companies, transportation operators and hotel is a central
feature of mass tourism. Traveler developed during the early 20 century and was facilitated by the
development of the automobiles and later by airplanes. Improvements in transport allowed many
people to travel quickly to places of leisure interest, so that move people could begin to enjoy the
benefits of leisure time. Tourists have a wide range of budgets and tastes and a wide variety of
resorts and hotels have developed to cater for them. For example, some people prefer simple
bleach vacations, while others want more specialized holiday, or niche market - targeted
destination hotel. The development in air transport infrastructure, such as Jumbo jet, low cost air
lines, and more accessible airports have made many types of tourism more affordable. 50

Sustainable tourism is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that
economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity and
essential ecological process, biological diversity and life support system. An important part of
sustainable tourism is something known as the three pillars sustainability which include
economic, environmental and socio cultural. 51

4.2. Tourism in Ethiopia

Tourism in Ethiopia recounted for 5.5% of the countries growth domestic product (GDP) in 2006,
having barely increased 2% over the previous year. The government is proving its commitment
and willingness to develop tourism through a number of initiatives. Tourism is a featured
component of Ethiopia's poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP), which aims to combat poverty
and encourage economic development. Tourist destinations include Ethiopia's collection of
national parks (including Semen mountain national park), and historic sites, such as the cities of
Axum. Lalibela, Gondar, Nejash Mosque, Sof 'Umer Cave, and Harar Jagol wall.52
Declaration of World tourism conference Manila, Philippines. 10 October 1980. Pp. 1-4
Research Division, profile library of congress Federal, Ethiopia (April 2005)
4.3. Tourism in Oromia
Oromia is a land with diverse opportunities. The Majestic’s natural beauties and wonders of the
land, the range of fauna and flora, the wild animals, the multifarious cultural colors and the
history of the Oromo people, their wisdom, tolerance and hospitality that made the Oromia
breathtakingly beautiful. Moreover, one of the world's biggest and marvelous caves Sof Umar, the
biggest and wonderful alpine park of Africa- Bale' Mountains National Park, the paradise of birds
and of their watchers - the Rift Valley lakes region, Malka Qunturre' - one of the spots of the
cradles of mankind, several churches, monasteries, holy shrines, mosques, palaces, cultural and
spiritual sites and above all the famous democratic Gada system of the Oromo culture. ---these
and many other attractions make Oromia one of the most preferred tourist destinations in
4.4. Tourist Attraction site of Sheki Town.
There are many tourist attraction sites in Dedo Woreda, among that Hara Dunge (Lake Dunge
which is found Dima Sarthe Kebele), Sio Sidisa Water fall (which is found in sio sidisa kebele)
and Abamecha Aba Diko Mosques are Dedo Woreda Tourist site which is contributed to the
dwellers of the town as means recreation and job opportunity. These tourist attractions site
generally grouped in to two major groups. Those are religious center and natural site attraction
area created permanent and temporary job opportunity for the surrounding in habitant youth and
contributed as a means of income for the woreda administration centers sheki town.54

1. Unpublished, Theses and Dissertation
Assafa Fisha. 2009. Federalism teaching material.

Yasin Mohammed.2009. “A History of Ilu Aba Bor, Ca 1889-1991”. Dissertation. Addis Ababa.

Yonas Seifu.2002. “Survey of Jimma Town; 1936-1991”. MA Thesis. Addis Ababa. History

2. Published

Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau, (2014)
Informants: Kalifa Jamal
Mesfin W/Mariam. 1970. “Problems of urbanization”, proceedings of the Third international
Conference of Ethiopia Studies. Vol.II.


Bahru Zewde. 1998. A short History of Ethiopia and the Horn. Addis Ababa.

Haile Mariam. 1987. Urban Development. Addis Ababa.

Markakis John. 1975. Ethiopia; Anatomy of A Traditional Polity. Addis Ababa.
Negaso Gidada, 1984. History of the Sayyoo Oromoo of Southwestern Wallaga, Ethiopia from
about 1730 to 1886.Frankfurt.

UN publication. World Population Data Sheet.

UN Publication. Economic Committee for Africa size and growth.


Dedo Sheki Woreda Cultural and Tourism Bureau Archives 01-13 File No. 15

Dedo Sheki Woreda Municipality Archives 01-07 File No. 07

Ethiopia National Metrology Agency Dedo Sheki Woreda sub-branch. Achieves 01 File

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