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Definition of Geology:

Geology is the study of the Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them. It includes the study of organisms that have inhabited our planet. An important part of geology is the study of how Earths materials, structures, processes and organisms have changed over time.
1. Katili (1970) Geologi adalah pengetahuan bumi yang menyelidiki lapisan-lapisan batuan yang ada di dalam kerak bumi. 2. Noer Aziz M., dkk. (2002) Geologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bumi dan merupakan kelompok ilmu yang mempelajari bumi secara menyeluruh, asal mula, struktur, komposisi, sejarahnya (termasuk perkembangan kehidupan) dan proses-proses alam yang telah dan sedang berlangsung, yang menjadikan keadaan bumi seperti sekarang ini. 3. Holmes (1965) Geologi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang menguraikan tentang evolusi bumi secara menyeluruh beserta penghuninya, sejak awal pembentukannya hingga sekarang, yang dapat dikenali dalam batuan.
1. Bersumber dari Buku : a. Geology is the science of the eart-mans systematic attempt to understand the planet on which he dwell: its origin and development through the past; its size, shape, and composition; the prosses that are now or have formerly been at work upon its surface and in its interior; and the origin and evolution of the live upon it. Principles of Geology By James Gilluly, Aaron C. Waters, and A. O. Woodford W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY
San Francisco

2. Bersumber dari Internet : a. Geology is the science and study of the solid matter that constitutes the Earth. b. Geology is the study of the planet earth -- the materials it is made of, the processes that act on those materials, the products formed, and the history of the planet and its life forms since its origin. c. Geology is the study of the planet Earth, the materials of which it is made, processes that affect these materials, the changes that the Earth has undergone in the past and the changes it is currently undergoing. d. Geology is the study of Earth, the history of the rocks, what processes that have occurred and are occurring on and within it (to the rocks). tm e. Geology is the scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth

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