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OPINION Psychopharmacological treatment of schizophrenia
during pregnancy and lactation
Alexandra B. Whitworth

Purpose of review
It is necessary, in every-day clinical life when treating pregnant women with mental diseases, to reach
quick decisions derived from recent comprehensive information. The knowledge of the use of antipsychotics
in pregnancy has increased considerably in the last years. This review tries to summarize important
considerations and facilitate clinical decisions.
Recent findings
This review will cover not only the effects of exposure during pregnancy on outcomes, postnatal adaption
syndrome and lactation, but also pharmacokinetic considerations on the use of antipsychotics during
The recent publications have found only minimally increased risks for certain malformations, after using
ever more sophisticated statistical models of analysis and reassuring amounts of data. Taken together, the
quality of the studies has greatly improved and the results are reassuring with respect to the safety of the
use of antipsychotics during pregnancy. The rates of weight gain and gestational diabetes warrant closer
attention in the clinical setting.
antipsychotics, pregnancy, schizophrenia, treatment


This review was undertaken as there are hardly Pregnancies occur in 50% of women with
ever enough data on this sensitive, rapidly chang- schizophrenia – not always intended [1]. With
ing topic for clinicians to arrive at the best the introduction of second-generation antipsy-
decisions for mother and baby. As treating phys- chotics (SGAs) and their increasing use, the unin-
icians/psychiatrists, we have to be continuously tentional contraceptive effect of first-generation
aware of the reproductive safety of psychiatric antipsychotics (FGAs) caused by hyperprolactine-
medication at every clinical step and with every mia is fading. This explains the rise of the general
decision. fertility rate among women with schizophrenia by
It is also not sufficient to recommend a first-line 1.16 times over the past 13 years [2]. A population-
treatment. We need information about all available based study from the United States [3] found a
substances, because pregnant women come into our 2.5-fold increase in the use of SGAs in pregnancy
offices with all kinds of substances and combi- during the study period, whereas FGAs remained at
nations. With respect to schizophrenia, women a stable level. Diagnosis included depression in
mostly fall ill before pregnancy and not always with 63%, followed by bipolar disorder (43%) and schizo-
a compatibility of their medication with a preg- phrenia (13%). Over the study period, a shift of
nancy in mind. There is a general agreement diagnostic patterns from schizophrenia to bipolar
between all authors that there is a greater risk for
mother and baby outcomes in not treating schizo- Correspondence to Alexandra B. Whitworth, Hellbrunnerstraße, 11a,
phrenia during pregnancy. 5020 Salzburg, Austria. Tel: +43 699 17093233;
A Pub Med search was performed covering the e-mail:
last 18 months – we slightly extended the publi- Curr Opin Psychiatry 2017, 30:184–190
cation period to include relevant articles. DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000329 Volume 30  Number 3  May 2017

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Treatment of schizophrenia during pregnancy Whitworth

risk, if present, is not likely to be very high, but

KEY POINTS should be explored in further, more specific studies.
 Antipsychotic treatment during pregnancy should be Two hundred and fourteen women using SGAs
limited to severe mental disorders not and 89 comparison women were followed prospec-
manageable otherwise. tively [13]. The absolute risk for major malfor-
mations was 1.4% for exposed and 1.1% for not-
 Drug dose should be split into several doses over the
exposed-to-SGAs infants, but the authors argue that
day and adapted to changes in drug metabolism
during pregnancy and according to plasma levels, after a sensitivity analysis and an adjustment of
taking the prepregnancy, efficacious levels as an potential confounding factors, the true value of
orientation. the risk could be closer to 1 for the exposed group.
In a prospective cohort study of 147 pregnancies
 Regular comprehensive medical check-ups are
exposed to SGAs, 22% instances of gestational dia-
betes and 6% malformations were found – without a
 Delivery should be planned in hospitals with a clear pattern or adjustment for confounding factors
neonatologist available, preferably with neonatal [9].
intensive care units. After adjustment for confounding health and
&& && &

 Close follow-ups of the newborn and mother by a lifestyle factors, several large studies [11 ,12 ,14 ]
multiprofessional team are highly recommended. indicated no increased risk for maternal or perinatal
negative outcomes such as gestational diabetes,
hypertensive disorder or preterm birth and birth

disorder was noteworthy – most likely depicting weight, only [12 ] and reported a slightly elevated
changed indications and prescribing patterns. risk for risperidone only for overall (RR 1.26) and
An earlier review [4] found available data too cardiac malformations (RR 1.26).

limited to draw definite conclusions on structural In a matched cohort analysis [11 ], the risk for
teratogenicity of FGAs and SGAs. Another group [5] the neonatal adaptive syndrome was reduced to a
could not find any clear evidence for a risk for small, nonsignificant relative risk.
malformations, but identified other risks associated Finally, data were gathered about clozapine use
with pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, such as during pregnancy and compared with risperidone,
gestational diabetes, prematurity and high or low olanzapine and quetiapine. Signs for delayed devel-
birth weight. opment of the infants exposed to clozapine at 2 and
6 months were found – with the neurodevelopmen-
tal differences disappearing at 12 months [7]. In the
ORIGINAL ARTICLES absence of longer term studies, clinicians should be
advised to limit the use of clozapine to clearly treat-
Cohort and registry studies ment-resistant, severely ill patients.
Taken together, recent studies give an increasingly
clearer picture: A couple of studies with slightly
increased rates of malformations are noticeable CASE REPORTS
& & && && &
(see Table 1) [6,7,8 ,9,10 ,11 ,12 ,13,14 ]. More recently introduced antipsychotics such as
The worldwide WHO registry study [10 ] paliperidone are the topic of case reports. Two such
showed an increased signal for gastrointestinal mal- reports, covering the exposure to paliperidone
formations for phenothiazines with piperazine side- throughout pregnancy, reported good tolerance
chains as well as for risperidone and aripiprazole. and no malformations. Both infants were followed
The authors discuss that their results are not con- up after 4 months [17] and 1 year [18] and showed
trolled for possible confounders and can therefore appropriate development for their age.
only be considered as safety signals. A small Another case [19] describes a reduction of fetal
increased risk for risperidone was found [12 ] and heart rate variability during exposure to clozapine
a review of 12 studies [15] also reported an increased with the phenomenon spontaneously dissolving
relative risk (RR) for malformations of 1.5 for risper- toward the end of the pregnancy.
idone and 1.4 for aripiprazole. In contrast, the preg- After a suicide attempt during pregnancy with
nancies of 713 women exposed to risperidone, an unknown amount of quetiapine at gestational
evaluated in an older study [16], did not result in week 37, the mother delivered a healthy newborn by
an excess of malformations compared with the gen- cesarean section [20].
eral population. A study of aripiprazole in 86 preg- A pregnant women with psychotic disorder
nancies did not find any significant malformation developed life-threatening ketoacidosis after taking
risk [8 ]. These results suggest that a malformation 20 mg/day of olanzapine for 10 weeks up to week 31

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Schizophrenia and related disorders

Table 1. Pregnancy and antipsychotics

Study Study design Numbers and antipsychotic Outcome

Sorensen et al. [6] Historical cohort study n ¼ 2000 pregnancies No " risk of spontaneous abortion in the same
exposed to AP woman comparing exposed with
unexposed pregnancy
n ¼ 1 005 319 Danish Two-fold " risk for stillbirth
registries as controls
Shao et al. [7] Posthoc analysis n ¼ 33 pregnancies At 2 and 6 months, adaptive behavior scores
exposed to clozapine significantly lower in infants exposed to
n ¼ 30 exposed to risperidone, At 12 months, differences had dissolved
olanzapine and quetiapine
Bellet et al. [8 ] Prospective cohort study n ¼ 86 exposed to aripiprazole " rates of prematurity and fetal growth

retardation on aripiprazole
n ¼ 172 unexposed
Kulkarni et al. [9] Prospective cohort study n ¼ 147 pregnancies 22% gestational diabetes
exposed to APs
6% congenital malformations without specific
Montastruc et al. [10 ] WHO registry study from n ¼ 9 286 170 reports " signals of disproportionate reporting for

1967 to 2014 gastrointestinal tract congenital disorders

(palate, esophageal and anorectal)
n ¼ 351,028 exposed to APs FGAs>SGA, especially phenothiazines with a
piperazine side-chain and risperidone, to a
lesser extent aripiprazole
Vigod et al. [11 ] High-dimensional, n ¼ 1021 pregnancies Minimal impact of AP on maternal medical

propensity matched, exposed to AP and perinatal outcome

population-based cohort
n ¼ 1021 matched controls
Huybrechts Cohort study, propensity n ¼ 9258 SGA No increased risk for congenital
et al. [12 ] score stratification malformations, only small increase for

n ¼ 733 FGA prescription filled
during first trimester
Cohen et al. [13] Prospective cohort study n ¼ 214 SGA Unadjusted OR for major malformations
comparing exposed with unexposed infants:
n ¼ 89 controls not exposed to
Petersen et al. [14 ] Cohort study n ¼ 416 APs during pregnancy Only very limited risks for adverse pregnancy

and birth outcomes after adjustments for

lifestyle and health factors
n ¼ 670 APs discontinued before
n ¼ 318,434 no AP before or
during pregnancy

aOR, adjusted odds ratio; AP, antipsychotic; FGA, first-generation antipsychotic; OR, odds ratio; SGA, second-generation antipsychotic.

of gestation. The authors speculate that this was due REVIEWS

to olanzapine in combination with a possible insu- A review and meta-analysis evaluated obstetric and
lin resistance [21]. neonatal outcomes after antipsychotic exposure and
A triplet pregnancy exposed to clozapine was covered 13 cohort studies comparing 1 618 039
monitored. One of the three male babies had macro- unexposed to 6289 exposed pregnancies [23]. There
cephaly at birth, but all were developed normally by was limited adjustment for possible confounders
the age of 20 months [22]. and the authors conclude that the increased risk

186 Volume 30  Number 3  May 2017

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Treatment of schizophrenia during pregnancy Whitworth

of major malformations [odds ratio (OR) 2.12] and dose, adapting to different stages of metabolism and
heart defects (OR 2.09) did not necessarily imply pregnancy as well as clinical symptoms.
causation, but necessitates close monitoring and In the absence of large-scale studies on the
minimization of other risk factors, such as smoking, course of antipsychotic plasma levels during preg-
weight gain, substance use, medical comorbidities nancy, dose adjustments should target plasma levels
or psychosocial stressors. that were efficacious before pregnancy.
Reviewing the exposure to SGAs in the first Especially clozapine and olanzapine, both pref-
trimester in original data, another group [15] calcu- erentially metabolized by CYP1A2, and therefore
lated relative risk estimates for congenital malfor- likely to show increasing plasma levels during preg-
mations of 1.0 for olanzapine (n ¼ 1090), 1.0 for nancy, call for TDM to prevent intoxication or
quetiapine (n ¼ 443), 1.5 for risperidone (n ¼ 432) serious adverse events in mother and fetus. Other
and 1.4 for aripiprazole (n ¼ 100) compared with antipsychotics such as risperidone, quetiapine and
nonexposed pregnancies. aripiprazole are mainly metabolized by CYP2D6 and
A large review and meta-analysis [24 ] compar- 3A4, enzymes with increased activity during preg-
ing 1782 cases with 1 322 749 controls reported an nancy resulting in a decrease of plasma levels,
increased risk for major congenital malformations especially in the third trimester, as demonstrated
(OR 2.03) with SGA use during the first trimester, in a case series covering three pregnancies exposed
but a specific pattern of malformations could not to aripiprazole [30].
be detected.
A review of 21 studies [25] examined clozapine
exposures during pregnancy and lactation with POSTNATAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME
the majority stemming from case reports and After exposure to psychotropic drugs during
series. The authors conclude that although con- pregnancy, infants are at risk of developing symp-
genital malformations have been reported, they do toms of poor neonatal adaptation (PNA). The
not seem to exceed the rate in the general popu- symptoms mostly occur within 48 h after birth
lation, but rates of gestational diabetes were twice and can last 2–6 days. They are characterized by
as high compared with mothers not taking anti- agitation, jitteriness, tremors, abnormal muscle
psychotics. tone, sleeping and feeding difficulties and respir-
In a comprehensive clinical synopsis [26 ], atory distress.
intended as a guideline for daily practice, olanza- A case report [31] describes PNA following
pine, risperidone, quetiapine and – in treatment- exposure to quetiapine and lamotrigine. The new-
resistant cases – clozapine are recommended, if born suffered a shoulder dystokia and needed mask
antipsychotics are to be prescribed during preg- ventilation with Apgar scores 0 at 1 min, 3 at 5 min
nancy. and 3 at 10 min. He developed severe irritability and
An overview of psychotropic drug management feeding difficulties, and was successfully treated
during pregnancy [27 ] with different levels of with phenobarbitone.
recommendations based on the amount of evidence A review has [32] attempted to further define the
for safety provided by animal and human studies syndrome. On the one hand, symptoms can be
incorporates the former FDA drug-labeling interpreted as withdrawal after abrupt delivery-
categories and uses a color code. The new FDA rule related drug discontinuation developing after
‘Pregnancy and Lactation Labelling Rule’ will be several hours and persisting even though exposure
phased in over the next years. has stopped. On the other hand, drug toxicity is a
possible explanation – with symptoms occurring
directly after birth. Another, more recent review
CHANGES OF DRUG METABOLISM AND [33] also dichotomizes neonatal adaptation issues
DOSING DURING PREGNANCY into withdrawal syndromes and residual pharmaco-
It is important to be aware of several changes in logical effects. The exposure to FGAs and SGAs
metabolism and drug clearance during pregnancy seems to be associated with PNA rates ranging from
[28 ,29]. These include increasing (CYP2D6, 15 to 27%.
CYP2C9 and CYP3A4) or decreasing (CYP1A2 and This topic has not been well studied and
CYP2C19) enzyme activities as well as increases of described in the context of antipsychotic exposure
renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. – exact numbers and descriptions are not available.
Given the interindividual variability of pharmaco- The same applies for risk factors such as premature
genetic properties (of mother and fetus), monthly birth. The possible occurrence of such compli-
therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of trough drug cations makes delivery at a hospital with a neonatal
levels is indicated to allow for the lowest possible intensive care unit advisable.

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Schizophrenia and related disorders

NEURODEVELOPMENT OF INFANTS The same is likely relevant regarding the

EXPOSED TO ANTIPSYCHOTICS IN UTERO exposure to antipsychotics – as seen in several
& &&

This topic was reviewed [34] and included only studies and reviews [9,10 ,11 ].
original data and a follow-up period of the infants Psychotic mothers are probably not less prone to
of at least 4 months. The authors conclude that chronic stress than mothers with an affective dis-
the question whether in utero exposure to anti- order. Maternal psychiatric disease and epigenetic
psychotics negatively affects brain development phenomena are suggested as an underlying mech-
remains unresolved. anism for poor fetal growth [38].
A recent large observational study [35] com- Weight or weight increase during pregnancy
pared neurodevelopment at 9 and 24 months of and their connection to gestational diabetes and
493 children exposed to various psychotropic drugs malformation risks have also to be kept in mind
(anxiolytics, antidepressants, neuroleptics and epi- as confounding factors [39,40].
leptics) during the second and/or third trimester to Smoking, alcohol and other drugs of abuse,
32.303 nonexposed children. Increased risk for socioeconomic status and lifestyle factors also have
abnormal motor development was found in exposed an effect on pregnancy outcomes in women with
children – it was not possible to adjust for con- schizophrenia. Investigators try hard to eliminate
founding factors or distinguish between groups the influence of such confounding factors. Com-
of substances. parison groups may be large, but they mostly consist
In conclusion, long-term neurodevelopmental of healthy women or women with other psychiatric
outcome after exposure to antipsychotics during disease disorders – not untreated women with
pregnancy remains unclear and warrants further schizophrenia and comparable characteristics of dis-
study. ease, substance use, lifestyle and stress factors.
Electronic health records provide large numbers,
but only a limited picture of the clinical status
LACTATION and real-life situations. It is therefore important to
create and use techniques to minimize confounding
The exposure through breastfeeding differs con- influences such as the high-dimensional propensity
siderably compared to that during pregnancy, as && &&
score [11 ] or a propensity score stratification [12 ]
only small amounts of the drug are secreted into and to gather more information on patient charac-
breast milk. In a comprehensive clinical overview, teristics.
the relative infant dose (RID), a quantitative esti- All of these topics and many more are addressed
mate of the amount of drugs passing from mother to in an excellent review of clinical interventions for
infant via breast milk, is between 0 and 2% for most pregnant women with schizophrenia [41], empha-
of the antipsychotics, and side-effects in breastfed sizing the necessity for a comprehensive approach.
infants are only rarely described [26 ]. An RID This should start with the sexual history and one of
below 10% is considered compatible with breast- intimate relationships, as well as information on a
feeding. Olanzapine, quetiapine and aripiprazole possible intent for pregnancy and the use of birth
can be used; ziprasidone and paliperidone are not control methods in all our female patients of child-
recommended, because of insufficient data. Risper- bearing age. If patients do become pregnant, they
idone, with an RID between 3 and 9%, and cloza- should be connected to prenatal and postnatal care
pine – due to the side-effect profile – are not services and support systems, as well as engaged in a
recommended. FGAs and breastfeeding are mostly multidisciplinary management for the treatment of
not recommended because of insufficient data. Most their mental disorder.
data seem to exist for the use of olanzapine and the To be able to treat mother and baby in an
drug was frequently below the level of detection in optimal way, a concise evaluation of diagnosis
the infant’s plasma [36]. and treatment before conception– including evi-
dence of efficacy of every drug ever taken, length
and severity of relapses, time since last episode and
CONCLUSION family history in the context of childbirth is necess-
Several questions about confounding factors such as ary.
course and severity of the disease during pregnancy This preconceptional management should limit
remain unanswered. The influence of chronic stress medication recommendations to the ‘absolutely
from a severe mental disease was demonstrated to necessary level’ with monotherapy and the lowest
result in small-for-gestational-age babies and pre- possible dose in mind. Ideally, this should also
term deliveries by depressed mothers without medi- include the plasma level-based therapeutic drug
cation [37 ]. monitoring.

188 Volume 30  Number 3  May 2017

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Treatment of schizophrenia during pregnancy Whitworth

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190 Volume 30  Number 3  May 2017

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