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Name :

Annisa Salsabila Azzahra

Yani Oktaviani
Kiki Rahmawati

How to deal with hypertension

Supporting details 1
Hypertension is a condition when systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg in

Supporting details 2
When someone has hypertension, it is not always necessary to take medication, often when someone
has hypertension, the doctor will first suggest a healthy lifestyle modification pattern both for the
prevention of hypertension and to support the management of hypertension when taking medication.

Supporting details 3
There are many risk factors that cause hypertension, and some of these risk factors can be prevented,
such as smoking, diabetes, overweight or obesity, lack of physical activity, excessive salt
consumption, and alcohol consumption. Preventive patterns that we can do ourselves include, for
example, regular exercise for at least a minimum of 30 minutes every day or 150 minutes per week,
maintaining an ideal body weight by living a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet with balanced food
consumption, avoiding foods high in salt, saturated fat and cholesterol. Limiting salt consumption to
no more than 1 teaspoon per day.

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