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NNRXXX10.1177/1545968314565465Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairSattler et al

Clinical Research Article

Neurorehabilitation and

Anodal tDCS Combined With

Neural Repair
2015, Vol. 29(8) 743­–754
© The Author(s) 2015
Radial Nerve Stimulation Promotes Reprints and permissions:

Hand Motor Recovery in the Acute DOI: 10.1177/1545968314565465

Phase After Ischemic Stroke

Virginie Sattler, MD1,2,3, Blandine Acket, MD1,2,3, Nicolas Raposo, MD1,2,

Jean-François Albucher, MD1,2, Claire Thalamas, MD4, Isabelle Loubinoux, PhD2,
François Chollet, MD, PhD1,2,3, and Marion Simonetta-Moreau, MD, PhD1,2,3

Background and Objective. The question of the best therapeutic window in which noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) could
potentiate the plastic changes for motor recovery after a stroke is still unresolved. Most of the previous NIBS studies
included patients in the chronic phase of recovery and very few in the subacute or acute phase. We investigated the
effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with repetitive peripheral nerve stimulation (rPNS) on
the time course of motor recovery in the acute phase after a stroke. Methods. Twenty patients enrolled within the first
few days after a stroke were randomized in 2 parallel groups: one receiving 5 consecutive daily sessions of anodal tDCS
over the ipsilesional motor cortex in association with rPNS and the other receiving the same rPNS combined with sham
tDCS. Motor performance (primary endpoint: Jebsen and Taylor Hand Function Test [JHFT]) and transcranial magnetic
stimulation cortical excitability measures were obtained at baseline (D1), at the end of the treatment (D5), and at 2 and 4
weeks’ follow-up (D15 and D30). Results. The time course of motor recovery of the 2 groups of patients was different and
positively influenced by the intervention (Group × Time interaction P = .01). The amount of improvement on the JHFT
was greater at D15 and D30 in the anodal tDCS group than in the sham group. Conclusion. These results show that early
cortical neuromodulation with anodal tDCS combined with rPNS can promote motor hand recovery and that the benefit
is still present 1 month after the stroke.

acute phase, tDCS, stroke, rehabilitation, peripheral nerve stimulation

Introduction mechanisms, resulting in LTP/LTD-like synaptic changes.4

These changes are NMDA-receptor dependent and medi-
Although the usefulness of classical physical therapies to ated by secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in
promote the recovery of upper limb function after a stroke rodent M1 slices.5
is well established,1 additional therapeutic approaches are Several studies, mainly performed in the chronic or sub-
clearly needed to enhance it. In this context and based on acute recovery phase after a stroke, have reported a tDCS-
functional imaging data providing insight into both the induced functional motor improvement of the paretic hand
pathophysiology of stroke-induced cortical network distur-
bances and a better understanding of the mechanisms
underlying neuromodulation, noninvasive brain stimulation Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
(NIBS) appears to be an interesting option as an add-on Inserm, Imagerie cérébrale et handicaps neurologiques UMR 825,
Toulouse, France
intervention. 3
Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Among NIBS techniques, transcranial direct current 4
Centre d’Investigation Clinique, CHU Purpan, Toulouse, France
stimulation (tDCS) is a safe,2,3 painless, and inexpensive
Corresponding Author:
method that induces prolonged cortical excitability modi- Marion Simonetta-Moreau, Service de Neurologie, CHU Purpan, place
fications in humans through a combination of glutamater- du Dr Baylac, 31059 Toulouse cedex TSA40031, France.
gic and polarity-driven alterations of resting membrane Email:
744 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29(8)

(chronic6-9 and subacute9-11). Various tDCS strategies that classical rehabilitation program, could potentially enhance
follow a model of interhemispheric rivalry between the motor recovery.
damaged and the intact hemispheres have been tested to
promote motor recovery and suggest that motor recovery
Patients and Methods
might be facilitated by upregulating the excitability of the
affected motor cortex through anodal tDCS6,7,12 or by Patients
downregulating the excitability of the intact motor cortex
through cathodal tDCS,6,7,12 or, more recently, by the use of Inclusion criteria were the following: first-ever, single, uni-
bihemispheric anodal/cathodal tDCS.13-17 Besides NIBS, lateral hemispheric ischemic stroke within 4 weeks with
repetitive peripheral nerve stimulation (rPNS) has been mild to moderate motor deficit. Exclusion criteria were the
proposed to enhance motor recovery: in chronic stroke following: cortical infarct with large hand/wrist M1 involve-
patients, 2 hours of stimulation of the median nerve,18 the ment, major depression or other severe psychiatric comor-
median + ulnar nerves combined,19 or the median + ulnar + bidity, alcohol abuse, TMS contraindications.31 The study
radial nerves combined20 was able to transiently improve was performed in accordance with the Declaration of
the paretic hand performance and this was also observed in Helsinki, registered in the Web site (no.
the acute or subacute phase.21 Finally, the combination of NCT01007136) and approved by the local ethics committee
central and peripheral stimulation has been successfully (CPP Sud Ouest et Outre-mer 1). Written informed consent
used to enhance motor recovery in chronic poststroke was obtained from all participants before their inclusion in
patients.22 the study.
However, the question of the best NIBS strategy remains
open. Some studies have tried to address it7,23,24 but have Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
failed to reach a consensus probably because of the differ-
ent methodologies used (crossover or parallel studies, sin- tDCS was applied with the anode placed over the ipsile-
gle or multiple sessions) and different outcome measures. sional motor cortex (M1) at the hotspot of the extensor carpi
The question of the best therapeutic window in which radialis muscle (ECR, previously determined by the base-
NIBS could potentiate the plastic changes for motor recov- line TMS study, see below) and the cathode over the con-
ery is still unresolved. Animal models show that, after focal tralesional supraorbital region. Anodal stimulation was
ischemic damage, there is a brief, approximately 3- to delivered by a Magstim Eldith DC stimulator plus through
4-week window of heightened plasticity.25 Analogously, a pair of 35 cm2 saline-soaked sponge surface electrodes.
almost all recovery from impairment in humans occurs in For the active condition, patients received 5 consecu-
the first 3 months after stroke,25 although functional motor tive daily sessions of 1.2 mA anodal tDCS for 13 minutes
improvement can be obtained later. each, while for the sham condition, the stimulation (same
In the present double-blind controlled pilot study, we site and same parameters) was turned off after 60 seconds
investigated the effect of 5 daily sessions of anodal tDCS, of stimulation.
applied over the ipsilesional primary motor cortex (M1)
combined with rPNS, on the time course of the paretic hand
Repetitive Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
motor recovery in patients in the acute phase of recovery
after an ischemic stroke. Behavioral outcome measures Repetitive electrical (DIGITIMER DS7A) stimulation (5
associated with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) Hz) was delivered to the radial nerve through bipolar round
study were recorded at baseline and repeated at the end of brass electrodes (2 cm diameter) placed in the spiral grove
the intervention, at 2 and 4 weeks’ follow-up. of the paretic side and was applied at the same time as the
The rationale for targeting ipsilesional motor regions real or sham tDCS stimulation. It was applied similarly in
was that previous functional neuroimaging studies had both active and sham conditions for 13 minutes. The inten-
shown reactivation of intact portions of the ipsilesional sity of the rPNS was adjusted to be below the threshold for
motor cortex to be associated with better outcome after direct M response (0.7 × MT).
stroke.26,27 The anodal-stimulation-induced behavioral
gains in chronic stroke are associated with a functionally
Outcome Measures
relevant increase in activity within the ipsilesional primary
motor cortex.28 The Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test (JHFT) was used as
We chose the radial nerve because the aim was to the primary outcome measure32 (with exclusion of the writ-
improve the recovery of wrist extension, which is crucial ing task). It measures hand function in real-life activities by
for the recovery of skilled hand prehension.29,30 Our evaluating the time required to perform various tasks (turn-
hypothesis was that NIBS intervention proposed during the ing cards, lifting objects, feeding simulation, stacking check-
acute phase after a stroke, as add-on treatment to the ers, moving light and heavy cans). As secondary outcomes,
Sattler et al 745

we used the Hand Dynamometer (maximum grip force of interventions. All the investigators were blinded to the
the hand, DYN) (JAMAR), the Nine Hole Peg Test (9HPT), patient’s allocation except the doctor who applied the stim-
the Hand Tapping test (HTap, number of palm taps on a ulation. Each patient received 5 consecutive daily sessions
mechanical hand tapping for 10 seconds), and the Upper of tDCS (anodal or sham), combined with rPNS on the
Limb Fugl-Meyer (ULFM) scale.33 paretic side. The peripheral and cortical stimulations were
All the tests were performed 3 times with the affected applied at the same time. Motor performance and TMS
hand, and the mean of 3 trials was taken as the result— measures were obtained at baseline (D1) before the first
except for the 9HPT, which was performed only twice. stimulation session, at the end of the treatment (D5), and at
2 and 4 weeks’ follow-up (D15 and D30). The ULFM was
not recorded at D15. The assessment of motor functions and
Corticomotor Excitability
the TMS study were performed by trained doctors, blinded
Using TMS, we determined the presence or absence of a to group assignment.
motor evoked potential (MEP) and resting and active motor Conventional occupational therapy sessions (from 3 to 5
thresholds (RMT, AMT) in the affected motor cortex. TMS times per week) started at the in-patient stroke clinic, inde-
was delivered using a Magstim 200 stimulator (Magstim Co, pendently of the tDCS sessions, most often at D4 or D5, and
Whitland, UK) through a 70 mm figure-of-eight–shaped lasted 30 minutes. After discharge, outpatient therapy ses-
magnetic coil, held with the handle pointing backward at sions were given 3 to 5 times per week (45-90 minutes/ses-
approximately 45° from the sagittal midline, over the cortical sion) until the end of the follow-up period. Therapists were
ECR Hotspot on the affected hemisphere. Electromyographic blinded to group allocation.
(EMG) activity was recorded from Ag–AgCl surface dispos-
able electrodes pasted on the skin over the muscle belly of the
paretic ECR muscle, with the reference electrode placed
Data Analysis
between EMG and radial nerve stimulation electrodes. The comparison of the baseline clinical motor performance,
During the experiments, EMG activity was continuously TMS parameters, and therapy doses between groups were
monitored with visual (oscilloscope) feedback to ensure performed using unpaired t tests.
complete relaxation at rest. The optimal scalp position for the Because the baseline motor performance of the patients
coil was defined as the site of stimulation that consistently enrolled differed widely, we calculated the differences
yielded the largest ECR MEP. between baseline and D5, D15, and D30 data (Δt5, Δt15,
Δt30) for each patient and each motor test. These Δt values
were input to the general linear mixed-factors variance anal-
Rest and Active Motor Threshold ysis (repeated measures ANOVA) with GROUP (anodal
The resting motor threshold (RMT) was defined as the min- tDCS/sham tDCS), as the between-subject factor, and TIME
imum TMS intensity (measured to the nearest 1% of the (Δt5, Δt15, Δt30), as the within-subject factor, and baseline
maximum output of the magnetic stimulator) required to JHFT as covariate. The primary outcome for analysis was
elicit an MEP of at least 50 µV in the relaxed ECR in at least the mean change in motor performance as indexed by the
5 of 10 trials with an intertrial interval of 6 seconds. decrease in time needed to perform the JHFT between base-
The active motor threshold (AMT) was defined as the line (D1) and respectively D5, D15, and D30. TMS data
minimum intensity required to elicit at least 5 out of 10 (RMT, AMT) were tested using repeated-measures ANOVA
MEPs of at least 200 µV in the ECR during a weak volun- with GROUP as the between-subject factor and TIME (D1,
tary contraction of the ECR (10% to 20% of maximal iso- D5, D15, D30) as the within-subject factor. Appropriate post
metric voluntary muscle contraction). hoc comparisons were carried out using a Bonferroni correc-
tion. Results are reported as means and standard deviations.
Statistical significance refers to a 2-tailed P value <.05.
Study Design Correlation between motor performance and electrophysio-
Patients included in this double-blind, sham-controlled, logical parameters was investigated using the Pearson test.
pilot study first participated in a familiarization session in
which they trained themselves on the motor tests 3 times
with each hand. They were randomized in 2 parallel groups
(anodal tDCS or sham tDCS group), without stratification Forty-two acute ischemic stroke patients were consecu-
regarding the severity of their baseline motor impairment. tively assessed for participation (Figure 1). Twenty-two
The randomization list was created by the Clinical Research patients were excluded (6 for not meeting inclusion criteria,
Center of Toulouse using Rand List Software V1.2 (Dat Inf 11 for instability of motor deficits, and 5 declined to partici-
GmbH;, which provided 5 blocks pate), leaving 20 patients randomized (mean age: 65 years ±
of 4 patients, each balanced between the sham and active 11 [range 37-82], 6 women). They had mild to moderate
746 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29(8)

Figure 1. Study flow chart.

Forty-two patients were assessed for eligibility between January 2011 and 2013. Twenty-two were excluded and 20 randomized in the 2 arms without
any lost during the follow-up.

motor deficit at onset (Table 1; mean National Institutes of Demographic and clinical data of the 2 groups of patients
Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS]: 3 ± 1, range 1-6; mean ULFM are reported in Table 1. Despite our selective inclusion cri-
score: 48 ± 2.5, range 29-60). They were heterogeneous teria (mild or moderate hand motor deficit), the range of
with regard to lesion site (cortical and subcortical areas; individual baseline times to perform the JHFT was very
imaging [DWI] data given in Table 2 supplemental data). large (49-226 seconds). No significant differences between
Two patients in the sham group (nos. 1 and 2) and 3 in the the 2 groups were observed at baseline (Table 1), except for
tDCS group (nos. 3, 6, and 17) had white matter lesions the grip test (P = .02).
(range of Fazekas & Schmidt’s score: 3-5).34
The mean time between stroke and tDCS intervention
Motor Function of the Paretic Hand
was 5.5 ± 3 days. No adverse effects were reported except a
tingling sensation at the site of the scalp electrodes at the Motor performance improved significantly with time in
beginning of the session. This was similarly observed in both groups, with a progressive decrease of the time to per-
both groups of patients, who were thus unable to distinguish form the JHFT between D1 and D30 (Table 3). Analysis of
the tDCS from the sham session. Each group received the the differences in the total time to perform the JHFT
same amount of physical therapy during the follow-up between baseline and D5 (Δt5), D15 (Δt15), and D30 (Δt30)
(tDCS group: mean therapy dose: 17.5 ± 9 hours; sham showed a TIME effect (F[2.36] = 23.27, P = .0001), no
group: 18 ± 13 hours; P = .8). GROUP effect (F[1.18] = 1.24, P = .27), but a significant
Sattler et al 747

Table 1. Demographic and Baseline Data.a

Time After
Sex Age (years) Stroke (days) Handedness JHFT (s) 9HPT (s) HTap DYN (kg) ULFM NIHSS
Anodal tDCS patient
03 M 76.0 2 R 168.97 NA NA 2.33 42 3
04 M 82.3 10 R 103.19 66.75 30 14 55 3
05 F 68.3 7 R 79.44 53.22 32 16 59 3
06 M 53.3 2 R 93.02 65.71 12.67 10.67 43 3
09 M 68.3 8 R 112.4 109.45 8 19 49 3
11 F 56.3 5 R 115.73 92.68 25.67 5.33 53 4
13 M 59.3 6 R 119.97 NA 6.33 8 29 6
16 M 82.5 4 R 137.41 176.92 7.67 8.33 42 3
17 M 63.8 7 R 194.52 NA 17 7.67 46 3
18 F 66.1 4 R 120.55 NA 16.67 NA 52 5
Mean ± SD 67.6 ± 10 5.3 ± 2.6 124 ± 10.3 94.1 ± 13.1 17.3 ± 2.9 10.1 ± 1.6 47 ± 2.5 3 ± 1.1
Sham tDCS patient
01 M 54.2 14 R 84.09 55.85 19.33 23.33 46 6
02 M 74.2 1 R 226.74 NA NA 10.67 34 2
07 F 74.6 5 R 98.99 44.92 13.67 6.67 42 2
08 F 63.7 2 R 49.66 36.04 29.67 26.67 60 2
10 M 63.2 3 R 79.76 79.78 42.00 26.67 58 2
12 M 52.7 4 R+L 60.06 47.93 21.00 16 56 3
14 M 73.9 9 R 88.76 125.13 38.67 24.33 57 3
15 F 74.4 4 R 63.50 142.62 8.33 9.33 47 1
19 M 59.4 7 R 93.59 109.06 20.33 15.67 44 4
20 M 36.9 6 R 93.95 NA 16.33 14.67 45 6
Mean ± SD 62.7 ± 12 5.6 ± 3.8 93.9 ± 14.8 80.1 ± 13.4 23.26 ± 3.3 17.4 ± 2.2 48.9 ± 2.5 3 ± 1.7
t test P = .34 P = .39 P = .12 P = .54 P = .32 P = .02 P = .58 P = .50

Abbreviations: tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; JHFT, Jebsen Hand function Test; 9HPT, Nine Hole Peg test; HTap, hand tapping test;
DYN, hand dynamometer; ULFM, Upper Limb Fugl-Meyer; NA, not able to perform the test at baseline.
Mean values ± SD for each group (paretic hand).

TIME × GROUP interaction (F[2.36] = 4.42, P = .01). This 9HPT (n = 14, on average −11 seconds at D15 and −5 sec-
interaction was explained by the fact that the amount of onds at D30 to perform the task) and for the DYN test (on
improvement was greater at D15 (P = .03) and D30 (P = average gain of +3 kg at D15 and D30) were observed but
.01) in the anodal tDCS group than in the sham tDCS group. without significant TIME × GROUP interactions. For the
Figure 2 illustrates the difference of time course of the mean HTap test, the increase in the number of taps with time was
Δt ± SD between the 2 groups of patients, which did not in the same range in both groups, without any significant
occur at D5, as expected, but occurred 10 days after the end differences (n = 18). At D5, there was a trend toward
of the intervention (D15) and was still present and more greater gain on the Fugl-Meyer scale for the sham group
pronounced at D30. On average, compared to the sham than for the tDCS group (on average +2.4; NS), which was
group, the gain of motor performance in JHFT after the 5 no longer observed at D30 (Table 3). The comparison of
days of anodal tDCS was expressed by decreases of 23 sec- the mean sum of the Fugl-Meyer’s wrist and hand finger
onds at D15, 24 seconds at D30 (and 6 seconds at D5). extension subscores (0-12), between tDCS + rPNS group
Six patients (4 in the active group and 2 in the sham and sham tDCS + rPNS group, did not show any significant
group) were unable to perform the 9HPT test at D1, and 2 difference at D1 (7.3 ± 3/8.7 ± 2.5), D5 (9.3 ± 2.5/10.5 ±
patients (1 in each group) were unable to perform the HTap 1.2), and D30 (10.7 ± 1.2/11.1 ± 1.2), respectively (P = .19,
task at D1. F = 1.79), but a significant improvement with time (P =
Similar improvement of motor performance with time .0001, F = 17.94) for both groups (without significant
was observed in both groups for the secondary motor out- interaction), confirming that most of the patients improved
comes (Table 3). A trend toward a gain of performance in significantly their wrist and finger extension at the end of
the anodal tDCS group compared to the sham group for the the study.
Table 2. Changes in Motor Performance of the Paretic Hand Compared to Baseline at the End of the Treatment and in the Follow-Up.a


tDCS Sham tDCS Sham tDCS Sham tDCS Sham tDCS Sham
Δt5 −33.11 ± 37.3 −26.56 ± 26.1 +3.89 ± 4.6 +1.83 ± 1.98 −25.89 ± 29.1 −24.53 ± 29.7 +5.10 ± 6.1 +8.57 ± 6.8 +6.60 ± 4.2 +9.00 ± 6.2
Δt15 −59.89 ± 31.5 −36.16 ± 30.8 +6.38 ± 5.3 +3.65 ± 4.5 −49.40 ± 44.7 −38.26 ± 32.8 +11.52 ± 7.3 +12.11 ± 9.9 ND ND
Δt30 −69.84 ± 33.4 −45.45 ± 41.5 +7.56 ± 7.7 +4.78 ± 5.9 −53.37 ± 40.6 −48.24 ± 33.2 +16.43 ± 8.9 +15.27 ± 9.6 +12.8 ± 6.0 +12.3 ± 8.0
Time F(2.36) = 23.27 P = .0001 F(2.34) = 6.4 P = .004 F(2.22) = 16.51 P = .001 F(2.36) = 21.55 P = .00001 F(1.18) = 43.27 P = .0001
Group F(1.18) = 1.24 P = .27 F(1.17) = 1.34 P = .26 F(1.11) = 0.23 P = .63 F(1.18) = 0.08 P = .7 F(1.18) = 0.13 P = .7
Time × F(2.36) = 4.42 P = .01 F(2.34) = 0.87 P = .87 F(2.22) = 0.74 P = .4 F(2.36) = 1.44 P = .2 F(1.18) = 4.03 P = .06

Abbreviations: tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; JHFT, Jebsen Hand Function Test; 9HPT, Nine Peg Hole Test; HTap, hand tapping test; DYN, hand dynamometer; ULFM, Upper Limb
Mean ± SD differences (Δt5 = D5-D1; Δt15 = D15-D1; Δt30 = D30-D1), for each motor test and each group and ANOVA results. Significant P values in bold.
Sattler et al 749

Table 3. Electrophysiological Results.a



D1 70.1 ± 24.5 62.2 ± 17.8 F(1.18) = 0.60 F(3.54) = 1.40 F(3.54) = 0.88
D5 66.0 ± 21.8 57.4 ± 16.5 P = .4 P = .2 P = .4
D15 64.2 ± 20.6 63.5 ± 21.6
D30 64.8 ± 16.2 56.3 ± 18.0
D1 44.2 ± 22.2 52.9 ± 26.2 F(1.16) = 0.30 F(3.48) = 2.54 F(3.48) = 1.30
D5 50.7 ± 28.1 44.2 ± 20.8 P = .5 P = .06 P = .2
D15 39.9 ± 10.1 42.7 ± 13.5
D30 39.8 ± 10.5 44.0 ± 21.1

Abbreviations: tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; ANOVA, analysis of variance; RMT, rest motor threshold; AMT, active motor threshold.
Time course of the mean ± SD RMT, AMT expressed in % of max stimulator output, during the follow-up.

Figure 2. Time course of the mean (±SD) gain of motor performance of the paretic hand in JHFT compared to baseline in each
group of patients.
The amount of improvement (time course of the decrease in time to perform the test) was greater at D15 (P = .03) and D30 (P = .01) in the anodal
tDCS + rPNS group than in the sham tDCS + rPNS group.
Abbreviations: JHFT, Jebsen Hand function Test; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; rPNS, repetitive peripheral nerve stimulation.

Electrophysiology and AMT with time in both groups, which did not
TMS data are summarized in Table 4. At D1 and at maximal reach statistical significance. ANOVA did not reveal
output of TMS, MEPs were absent in only 2 of the 10 any significant TIME, GROUP, or TIME × GROUP
patients in the tDCS group and in 1 patient of the sham interaction.
group. One month after inclusion, MEPs were measurable Baseline motor performance of the whole group was
in all patients except one. correlated with RMT measured at D1 (ULFM: r = −.58, P
The mean RMT at baseline was 70.10 ± 24.5% for the = . 007; HTap: r = −.58, P = .007; JHFT: r = .49, P = .03);
tDCS group and 62.2 ± 17.8% for the sham group (P = the worse the motor performance was at inclusion, the
.4). There was a trend toward a slight decrease of RMT higher was the RMT (Figure 3).
750 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29(8)

Figure 3. Baseline correlations between motor tests.

HTap (hand tapping), ULFM (Upper Limb Fugl-Meyer), JHFT (Jebsen Hand Function Test) values (ordinate) and TMS Rest Motor Threshold (abscissa
RMT expressed in percentage of max stimulator output). Black squares: active tDCS group; grey squares: sham tDCS group. The worse the motor
performance was at inclusion (low number of taps, long time to perform JHFT, low score at ULFM), the higher was the RMT.

Discussion a greater influence of factors other than the severity of the

motor deficit, such as age39 or genetics, to explain the wide
The results of this pilot study, performed in the acute phase
range of values observed at baseline (range 8-42). A signifi-
after stroke (on average 5 days), suggest that the time course
cant positive effect of a single session of tDCS versus sham
of the motor recovery of the 2 groups of patients during the
applied to stroke patients in the subacute phase was also
first month was different and was positively influenced by
the intervention. reported in 2 previous studies, one with a different hand
Our results confirm the good responsiveness of the dexterity test (the Box and Block test11) and the other with
JHFT, widely used in NIBS studies6,7,13,24,35 to reveal an the 9HPT,23 but without any significant effect on the grip
improvement in functional hand motricity that reflects force in the latter. The lack of a significant change in the
activities of daily life.36,37 The 9HPT has good validity, reli- ULFM score was not surprising considering the small size
ability, and sensitivity in assessing manual dexterity38 but is of our patient sample and the low sensitivity of this scale for
feasible only in patients with a mild motor deficit. Six mild or moderate hemiparesis. Despite a larger number of
patients were unable to perform it at baseline and this could patients (25 × 2), Rossi et al40 failed to demonstrate a sig-
explain the lack of statistical difference between the 2 nificant positive effect of 5 sessions of anodal tDCS versus
groups, in contrast to the JHFT, which was performed by all sham applied in the very acute phase (2 days) after stroke,
the patients at baseline. The Hand Grip test was easily using the ULFM score as primary outcome measure. These
achieved by all the patients at baseline but was less sensi- negative results were probably explained by broader inclu-
tive than the ecological JHFT. The lower sensitivity of the sion criteria (with patients enrolled even if they had a severe
HTap test compared to JHFT could perhaps be explained by motor deficit and a large lesion in M1) than ours (mild or
Sattler et al 751

moderate deficit without large involvement of M1). More patients with cortical involvement (7/10) were
However, the lack of significant positive effect of the inter- recruited in the sham group than in the tDCS group (2/10),
vention on motor impairment assessed by the ULFM, HTap, and this difference of lesion site may have influenced the
and Hand Grip test contrasts with the significant positive quality of the recovery as previously shown after one ses-
effect on the JHFT assessing the functional hand motricity. sion of 10 Hz rTMS in subacute and chronic stroke.47 This
These results suggest that the intervention-induced enhance- difference did not have any impact on clinical baseline
ment of motor recovery could facilitate functional upper motor performances of the 2 groups that were comparable,
limb adaptation strategies rather than “restitution” of motor except for the grip force, which was little stronger in the
force. Other mechanisms such an increased gain from phys- sham group than in the tDCS group. Two patients of each
ical therapy through a positive additional effect on motor group had a cortical infarction involving to some extent the
learning cannot be completely ruled out even if intervention upper extremity of M1 (nos. 11, 16, 12, and 15). These
was not time-locked to the physical therapy. lesions were very limited and the presence of an MEP at
It has previously been shown in chronic stroke that inclusion in most of the patients in both groups (8/10 tDCS
anodal tDCS increases excitability within the stimulated group; 9/10 sham group, including these 4 patients) sug-
region41 and increases task-related functional motor activity gests a small impact of the lesion location on the excitabil-
in ipsilesional M1 and in a number of interconnected sec- ity of the lesioned upper limb extremity M1 and/or
ondary motor areas.28,42 It has been suggested that the bidi- cortico-spinal tract in this population. At least, both groups
rectional effects of NIBS over M1 on corticospinal were well balanced in this regard.
excitability in humans might reflect long-term potentiation The radial nerve stimulation alone was not expected to
(LTP) and long-term depression (LTD)-like plasticity.43 The induce a large beneficial effect on wrist and finger exten-
NIBS-induced increase in corticospinal excitability might sion and rather proposed as a “control” intervention in the
improve motor function by facilitating the volitional recruit- sham group to facilitate recruitment and the patients’ accep-
ment of corticomotor output neurons.44 However, the mech- tance of the protocol. In fact, previous studies have shown
anisms underlying the long-lasting anodal tDCS facilitatory that rPNS should last at least 2 hours to induce moderate but
posteffects are not completely elucidated, and the potential measurable positive effects on the motor performance in
influence of the cathodal electrode over the contralateral chronic stroke patients.19,22,48 Because of the absence of a
prefrontal cortex is still unknown.45 It is worth noting that sham rPNS arm and the lack of selective outcome measur-
tDCS increases BDNF secretion and synaptic plasticity in ing the wrist and finger extension specifically, we are unable
animals,5 which could be a key mechanism underlying to estimate precisely the amount of facilitation induced by
tDCS-induced improvements.46 the radial nerve stimulation on the paretic wrist and finger
If these results suggest that a certain degree of recovery extension (in comparison with the spontaneous motor
in the treated group was due to therapeutic intervention, recovery), and its relative contribution to the global better
several factors, other than the intervention itself, deserve to motor performances observed at JHFT in the group receiv-
be discussed. Brain reorganization after stroke is a dynamic ing the combined tDCS + rPNS intervention compared to
process, which differs considerably across patients depend- the group receiving only the rPNS. Nevertheless, Fugl-
ing on lesion location, time since stroke, severity of motor Meyer’s wrist and finger extension subscore analysis con-
impairment, premorbid state, and genetics. Baseline mean firms that most of the patients of both groups had a very
motor performance, NIHSS, age, sex, and delay after stroke good recovery of their wrist and finger extension on the
at inclusion, were not statistically different between the 2 paretic side at the end of the study. The 2-arm design of our
groups (except for the grip force), so that the influence of pilot study did not allow either to compare the effect of
these factors should be very mild. However, the absence of combined tDCS + rPNS versus real tDCS alone so that the
significant difference in the mean time required to perform potential additive beneficial effects of the combined stimu-
the JHFT at baseline was not a guarantee that both groups lation remain to be demonstrated in the acute phase.
were prognostically equal, given the large range of values However, even if we cannot assess precisely the amount of
and their unequal distribution between the 2 groups. motor improvement at JHFT, respectively, due to anodal
More intensive physical therapy in the tDCS group com- tDCS, radial nerve stimulation, or their combination, our
pared to the sham group could have contributed to the dif- results are encouraging. The changes of corticomotor excit-
ferences of recovery pattern observed. Although outpatient ability induced by rPNS on motor cortical function may
poststroke rehabilitation programs were delivered by differ- well involve a modulation of GABAergic interneurons that
ent rehabilitation centers, the mean therapy doses (expressed are somatotopically specific to the stimulated region,19,22,49
in total number of hours during the follow-up) was similar and which could potentiate the long-lasting anodal tDCS
in both groups. None of the patients included had poststroke facilitatory post-effects on motor learning. Promising
depressive symptoms, severe spasticity, or shoulder pain, results have been reported in chronic patients with a clear
which also would possibly have influenced the results. additional benefit of the combined peripheral and cortical
752 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29(8)

stimulation compared to the cortical or peripheral stimula- In conclusion, this pilot study shows that 5 consecutive
tion alone.22 days of tDCS combined with rPNS proposed in the acute
The tDCS-induced gain of motor performance in JHFT phase after a stroke is well tolerated, that it can promote the
was measurable 10 days after the end of the 5 daily sessions recovery of paretic hand performance, at least in patients
but not on the last day of treatment (D5), contrary to what with motor deficit that is not too severe, and that the benefit
has been found in most of the multisession NIBS studies is still present 1 month after the stroke. Further trials per-
performed in the chronic phase of motor recovery.6,15,16,22,50 formed in multiple centers with larger sample size, different
In the subacute phase, Kim et al10 reported an improvement designs, longer follow-up, different comparative NIBS
in the Fugl-Meyer score at 6 months follow-up but not 1 day doses and montages (anodal, cathodal, or bihemispheric),
after the end of 10 sessions of real tDCS compared to sham using markers predictive of behavioral response,17 should
for 18 patients included. It is also likely that a more subtle be conducted in the acute or subacute phase in order to con-
beneficial effect of tDCS on recovery was not evident at D5 firm that NIBS is able to speed up recovery, which could
because of the small number of patients in each group. have a medico-economic impact in terms of the duration of
Another important question is how long the tDCS post- rehabilitation programs.
effects actually last. In most of tDCS stroke studies, the
follow-up of the patients is very short, not exceeding 15 Acknowledgments
days, except for two,9,10 with a follow-up of 6 months. Here, The authors are grateful to Dr Tap for the statistical analysis and to
the beneficial additional effect of the tDCS observed 2 Dr Samia Cheriet for technical assistance.
weeks after the first day of treatment was still present after
a further 2 weeks, confirming that 5 days of NIBS treat- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
ment, proposed on average 5 days after the stroke, were
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
enough to induce long-lasting enduring positive effects on to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
motor recovery.
The presence of an ECR MEP in almost all the patients Funding
(except 3), on the first day of treatment (which is generally
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
accepted as a marker of good prognosis for motor recov-
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This
ery51,52), suggests that, in most patients, the motor output work was supported by grants from Fondation de l’Avenir (ET9-
was preserved. The absence of significant changes of RMT 531), by INSERM (C09-27), the Clinical Research Center of
and AMT between baseline and D5 in the anodal tDCS Toulouse (CIC), and Toulouse University Hospital.
group was in accordance with results observed in healthy
subjects and suggests that tDCS neuromodulation is not Supplementary material
enough to induce an MT shift.53 The trend toward a decrease
Supplementary material for this article is available on the
of RMT and AMT with time observed in both groups during Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair Web site at http://nnr.sage-
the follow-up was in accordance with previous results.9,54-56
As in previous reports,55-57 confirmed recently,54 we did not
find any association between clinical improvement and mea- References
sures of RMT, but we observed a good correlation at base-
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