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Motion 1
Atypical is a limited series on Netflix that revolves
around the life of Sam, an autistic teenager, and
how him being on the spectrum impacts his
friends and family. Although the show has been
hailed for its role in representing people on the
Autistic Spectrum, critics have been quick to point
out the superficialistic nature of this
In this case the representation was restricted only to a
character, and the rest of the production made no
changes to be more inclusive. This means that
although the entire show made millions of dollars in
profits and won accolades for its work, there was no
additional effort put in to include people on the
Autistic spectrum in the writing , costume designing
or any other part of the show.

Therefore, the superficial representation

meant the show, was like any other piece
of media, and thus completely alien to
autistic individuals in the industry.
Motion 2
The Indian Blockbuster model
refers to a recent series of films
directed with huge budgets and
cast actors with a huge fanbase and
critical acclaim (Jawan, RRR,etc)
Motion 3

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