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Group 4 Members:

Korine C. Bentulan
Jenny Canete
Vallery Jay Dumayao

Typical Development Case Study: [Maya]

Child's Information:
● Child's Name: May
● Age: 15 years old
● Gender: Female
● Ethnicity: Not specified
● Location: Picturesque suburban neighborhood

Background and Family Dynamics:

● Family Structure: Maya lives in a supportive family environment and a
loving and nurturing environment.
● Socioeconomic Status: Not specified
● Cultural Background: Not specified
● Parental Involvement: Maya’s parents deeply committed to her
well-being and provided her a nurturing environment that allowed her to

Developmental Stage:
Chosen Developmental Stage: Adolescence (12-18 years):
● Key Characteristics: Adolescence is marked by puberty and the
development of abstract thinking. Teens establish their identities, become more
independent, and may experience emotional turbulence as they navigate
through this stage.
● What theory is being anchored (Jean Piaget or Erik Erikson)? : This case
study is anchored in the principles of adolescence, emphasizing the
development of abstract thinking and independence.

Cognitive Development:
● Language Skills:Maya can communicate with her peers effectively, she
can understand and be able to build sentences and convey them to other
people effectively.

● Problem-Solving Abilities: Maya can adapt to her new environment with

resilience and determination. And Maya is able to make or think about
community service projects with her peers to make a positive impact on their
local community.

● Cognitive Milestones: Maya entered highschool and it was filled with

excitement and trepidation, but she approached it with resilience and
determination. She adapted to the new environment quickly and made some
friends. And her academic achievements were impressive.
● What theory is being anchored (Jean Piaget or Erik Erikson)? :
This stage aligns with Jean Piaget’s Formal Operational Stage, emphasizing the
increase in logic, the ability to use deductive reasoning, and an understanding
of abstract ideas.

Social Development:
● Peer Interactions: Maya interacted with her peers and the people
around her with kindness, empathy, and respect.
● Family Relationships: Maya shares a strong bond with her parents,
deeply committed to her well-being, and has provided a nurturing environment
that allowed her to flourish.
● Emotional Regulation:Maya responds to peers and teachers interacting
positively and cheerfully.
● [ What theory is being anchored (Jean Piaget or Erik Erikson)?
This stage aligns with Erik Erikson’s theory of Identity vs. Confusion, as Maya
developed a strong sense of identity that made her able to do academic and
extracurricular activities very well and made her able to communicate with her
peers and teachers effectively.

Emotional Development:
● Emotional Expression: Maya expresses her emotions through
communicating with her peers and teachers.

● Empathy and Understanding of Others: Maya had a natural ability to put

herself in someone else's shoes, offering a comforting presence to her friends
during their moments of need. Her kindness and compassion created an
atmosphere of warmth and inclusivity among her social circles.

● Self-Regulation: Maya regulates her emotions by thinking first the result of

the actions she will think.

● What theory is being anchored (Jean Piaget or Erik Erikson)?

This stage is aligned with Erik Erikson’s theory, emphasizing the development of
emotional regulation.

Physical Development:
● Gross Motor Skills: Maya as a normal and a 15 years old individual and
enrolled in highschool, she is able to walk, run, and do things that move any
parts of her body very well. And Maya walks around the school and their town,
and she participated also in a clean-up drive where her body was involved in
● Fine Motor Skills: Maya as a normal and a 15 years old individual and
enrolled in highschool, she is able to draw, write, do hand-eye coordination
very well. And she plays violin under hand-eye coordination.

● Health and Nutrition: Maya’s overall health and nutrition status are not
discussed in detail.

● What theory is being anchored (Jean Piaget or Erik Erikson)?: This stage
aligns with Erik Erikson’s theory of identity vs. confusion, emphasizing
development of self control and identity.

Impact on Learning and Education:

● Learning Style: Maya’s advanced cognitive development will mold her
future abilities and strengths.

● Interactions with Peers: Maya’s interaction with both her friends and
teachers have created a healthy bond. Her strengths in forming social
connections has resulted in strong relationships with them.

● Engagement in Educational Activities: Maya’s engagement in

extracurricular activities such as playing violin and participating in debate club
contribute to her cognitive development.

● Maya’s journey through adolescence follows the expected progression
outlined in Jean Piaget’s theory. It demonstrates her growth in developing
strong social connections and skills in various school activities.
● This is significant for educators and caregivers, as it aids the child in
honing her knowledge, abilities, and reaching her fullest potential. Maya’s
narrative is truly inspiring due to her meaningful social and emotional bonds
with peers, as well as her commitment to enhancing their community.
Atypical Development Case Study: [Liam]

Child's Information:
● Child's Name: Liam
● Age:15 years old
● Gender: Male]
● Ethnicity: Not specified
● Location: Small and quiet neighborhood

Background and Family Context:

● Family Structure: Liam faced a family instability
● Socioeconomic Status: Liam’s family faced financial difficulties
● Cultural Background: Not specified
● Parental Involvement: Liam did not receive the support and love that he
needs from his parents

Atypical Development Pattern:

● Atypical Development Pattern: Learning Disability

Specific Atypical Characteristics:

● Liam struggles with school attendance and academic performance. He
also has limited peer interactions and a lack of social skills.

Challenges and Strengths:

● Challenges: Liam found difficulty in connecting to his peers and teachers
and he found it hard to have good school attendance and gain academic
● Strengths: Liam is resilient and has determination to succeed in life, he
was determined to find his path towards healing from the bad experiences that
he had in his childhood and he was also determined to get self-discovery and
to learn how to have a good interaction with other people.
Interactions with Learning Environment and Peers:
● School Environment: Liam’s teacher found it difficult to engage with him
in a productive way because of his oppositional behavior and aggression. And
he doesn't accept help or support from authority figures and keeps himself
● Peer Relationships: Liam had limited peer interaction because of the
weight of his past experiences and emotional turmoil. Liam's limited peer
interactions and social withdrawal became increasingly pronounced. He often
found solace in isolation, seeking refuge from the tumultuous world around him.
The sense of isolation deepened his emotional struggles, leaving him feeling
disconnected from his peers. Despite the challenges he faced, Liam was not
alone in his journey.

Educational Interventions and Strategies:

● Educational Accommodations: Liam receives counseling from a
counselor that provided him a safe space for him to express his feelings, fears,
and frustrations, offering guidance and support as he grappled with his atypical

● Enrichment Strategies: Liam's counselor encouraged him to share his

poems with a small group of peers who were also going through challenging
experiences. They formed a supportive community of young individuals who
found solace in expressing themselves through art and writing. Together, they
discovered the healing power of creative expression and the strength that
came from shared experiences.

● Collaboration with Specialists: Liam had access to ongoing counseling

support from a counselor to help him navigate the emotional turmoil that had
taken root in his early years.

● Liam’s case exemplifies the determination and the resilience of the
human spirit. Despite the atypical development resulting from adverse
childhood experiences, Liam was determined to find his path toward healing
and self-discovery. He tried his best to be able to heal and recover from the
hard moments in his childhood. The counseling from a counselor that provides
him a place or chance to express his feelings, fears, and frustrations with a
small group of peers. Through this counseling, Liam was able to learn how to
express himself to other people and connect his experiences to other people’s
experiences. Liam’s journey emphasizes the importance of individualized
support for children with atypical development, giving them the opportunity to
thrive and reach their full potential.

Comparative Analysis of Case Studies

● Maya is having typical development as adolescence due to her
supportive family and her enriching environment, whereas Liam is having
atypical development due to his bad experiences with his family in his
● Typical and atypical developmental pathways of a learner will depend
on their family structures and situations and the environment that they are
having because it influences their way of thinking. These factors made them
what they are and have the kind of development that they are having right

● Maya and Liam are both adolescents and they both experience the
things that an adolescence is supposed to experience.
● Both Maya and Liam experience adjusting to their new environment and
adjusting to the new world of adolescence.
● Maya and Liam are both adolescents that are both receiving support
from their peers and community.
● Maya and Liam are both enrolled in a school and experiencing
milestones that they eventually cope up with.They are both resilient in doing the
things that they wanted to do.
● Maya received supports and guidance from her family, while Liam
receive gidance and supports from a counselor.


● Developmental Pathways: The most significant lies in their developmental

pathways. Maya follows a typical development trajectory, whereas Liam
having or facing atypical challenges due to his bad experiences in his

● Cognitive Development: Maya can communicate with her peers

effectively, can adapt to her environment easily, whereas Liam found it hard to
communicate with her peers and it takes more time for him to adjust to his new

● Family Context and Support: Maya lives in a supportive family

environment and a loving and nurturing environment, whereas Liam faced a
family instability and financial limitations.

● Educational Experiences and Interventions: Maya entered highschool

and was engaged with extracurricular activities such as playing violin and
participating in debate club to contribute to her cognitive development. On
the other hand, Liam, receives counseling from a counselor that gave her the
guidance and support as he grappled with his atypical development.
Implications for Educators and Professionals: The understanding of both typical
and atypical development pathways can inform educators and professionals
by giving them the idea of the traits and characteristics of typical and atypical
learners and by this, they are able to understand and know what a particular
learner really needs.

Discuss how the insights gained from these case studies can shape teaching
approaches and support systems:

● The insights gained from these case studies can shape the adaptations in
teaching strategies to accommodate diverse developmental needs by
providing ideas or information about typical and atypical development of the
learners and the ways on how to teach these learners properly.
● The insights gained from these case studies highlight the importance of
individualized education plans (IEPs) and personalized support. It helps a
learner who is typical or atypical to improve their learning skills and to enhance
their way of thinking. It ensures that these learners are on their right track of
learning despite the things that made them different from other people.
● The insights gained from these case studies treasure the importance of
inclusive classrooms that embrace diversity. It gives ideas on how to give these
learners who are typical and atypical a classroom that is inclusive and full of
acceptance of differences.
● These case study analysis highlight the importance of collaboration with
specialists and experts to address unique challenges. It shows how these
collaborations and interactions of these typical and atypical learners with their
counselors or specialists made them able to transform into better individuals
and enabled them to cope up with the challenges of their personality or their
learning skills.

● Regardless of the developmental pathways, both Maya and Liam have

unique qualities and abilities that should be appreciated and celebrated’
● Maya and Liam are both teenagers in the adolescence stage, and are
currently undergoing cognitive development. Contrasting their situations, Maya
received love and support from her parents, displaying high social and
emotional engagement with peers and teachers. On the other hand, Liam
faced a deficiency of parental support and affection, resulting in limited social
interaction and emotional sensitivity. These cases highlight the importance of
comprehending both typical and atypical child development.
● Studying both typical and atypical development is crucial for educators
and professionals. It equips them with a comprehensive understanding of how
students progress and mature. This knowledge promotes inclusivity and enables
a more informed approach to professional practice.
● The study of both typical and atypical development is not a mere
routine, but rather a profound and vital area of study that demands dedicated
and responsible educators. It is a call to all current and aspiring educators to
cultivate an environment of inclusivity, ensuring every individual feels valued
and can achieve their utmost potential. This entails implementing inclusive
practices across all aspects of teaching, so that no student experiences a sense
of alienation or exclusion.

Overall Conclusion:

Korine Bentulan:
The significant understanding that I gained from doing this activity is typical and
atypical child development are the results of the family structure and situations.
These learners that are typical and atypical reflect the situation of the family
and the parenting styles of the parents. Because as I read the cases of Maya
and Liam, they have different family structures, Maya had the positive family
situation and full support from her parents that made her able to have
academic achievements and good traits. On the other hand, Liam had the
bad experience of his childhood with his family that led him to have difficulty in
engaging and connecting with his peers and teachers as well as other people.
I have also learned the importance of inclusivity and personalized learning
approaches,that these are the big factors of enhancing the learning skills,
personality and behavior of these learners who are typical and atypical.
Jenny Canete:
The things that I learned from the group activity are that family support matters
in every learner. The situation of a family inside the house affects the overall
development of a child. And I also learned that It is very important to provide
every child the support and guidance that they need in order for them to be
able to continue in their learning journey and have good learning
development. I also learned that inclusivity and personalized learning
approaches are very important to learners who are typical and atypical
because it will help them in their learning and improve their learning skills.

Vallery Dumayao:
As I reflect on my individual contributions to our group's work, I perceived how I
should put effort into doing the case studies of typical and atypical
development. Through this process, I’ve come to realize that understanding
both typical and atypical development is crucial to create an inclusive and
effective learning environment for all learners. Inclusivity creates an
environment where all individuals are included and valued, however,
personalized learning approaches aims to provide a customized learning
experience. Both of this contributes to the students' progress in learning.

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