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Conclusion of Secondary research question -3

To conclude, if the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are prioritized in schools

and universities, there are many opportunities and advantages for building a
sustainable future. Incorporating the SDGs into academic programs has the potential
to improve the social and environmental outcomes of universities and research
institutions, as well as their reputations, competitiveness, and access to funding.
Focusing on the SDGs also fosters innovation and collaboration, which leads to
workable solutions for international issues. Problems with resource distribution and a
lack of agreement are two possible difficulties, although they are solvable with good
preparation and cooperation. Prioritizing the SDGs has more upsides than downsides
since it prepares students for the realities of the workforce and motivates them to
work toward a better world.

Recent grads who study sustainable development in depth may change the world for
the better. They have the power to shape legislation, introduce innovative solutions,
and spread knowledge about sustainable development methods. By doing so, they help
create a more sustainable future and motivate others to follow suit. Sustainable
development, climate change mitigation, sustainable corporate management,
sustainable urban planning, environmental ethics, and many other topics can be
explored in sustainability-oriented academic programs and courses. By preparing
students with in-depth knowledge on these issues, schools can help shape a more just
and sustainable global society.

Overall, if schools and universities are serious about promoting sustainability,

cultivating future leaders, and tackling global concerns, they must include the SDGs
into their curricula. Prioritizing the SDGs is a great way for institutions to boost their
profile as forward-thinking organizations with a passion for improving the lives of
people everywhere.

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