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The Legalization of Gambling

According to Korn & Shaffer, Gambling means jeopardizing something that is of value
on an outcome of an event when the likelihood of winning is less than assured. There is proof
that it existed during Ancient times; although under the rule of Caesar, the Romans took part in
it; in our day and age, we are encircled by it. Gambling has become a familiar truth in our
Playing the weekly lottery, betting on horses at the track, and daubing one’s bingo card at
the community hall are just a few of the many practices of gambling. Although it is considered to
be a harmless hobby to some people, it is an addiction to others.
Despite the studies that specify that gambling can have negative effects on the family,
health, the law, and enforcement system, it is the attractive income that gambling provides to
governments, the inflow of tourism it can bring to a city, or the concept of the state taking
control away from the underworld that helps to divulge that the benefits of the legalization of
gambling are much greater than the costs.
The most evident argument as to why the legalization of gambling has been so
widespread is the enormous revenue it generates for governments. With an enterprise that sums
up over fifty billion a year, many governments view gambling as a smart way of bringing in
money. In a study by Vaillancourt and Roy, the authors stated that the ban on gambling would
result in a tax increase between ten and fifteen percent to replace gambling revenues.
Given the statistic that 82% of households took part in some form of gambling, taking
this activity away followed by increasing taxes would not reverberate well with the public. Such
a high proportion of people gambling illustrates how the attractiveness of legalized gambling can
entice people to cities, therefore giving a boost to the city’s tourism industry, one more sector
that welcomes this source of revenue.
Cities, where gambling is permitted, are considered to be great tourist attractions. When a
casino opens, an influx of money enters the economy because of the increased number of
tourists. Las Vegas is a testimony to how tourists’ dollars are capable of transforming a barren
desert into a highly desired and preferred destination.
This increase in the number of tourists results in an upsurge in spending in the
community, thus providing opportunities for employment and a boost to the hospitality sector.
One of the motives why many people have become keen to try to gamble is because the majority
of people no longer see the act as a sinful and dirty vice conjured up by the corrupt underworld.
The legalization of gambling has permitted the state to take control away from the
criminal underworld. This has weakened the influence of swindlers, forgers, and thieves, all of
whom use gambling as an arena for their work. Although placing bets illegally through
bookkeepers continues to exist, it is essential to realize that earlier to its legalization, those in
control of gambling entirely controlled the underworld.
While it gives the impression that the legalization of gambling has delivered society with
positive results, one must also identify the negative effects that it has had on the family, health
sector, and law and enforcement. When scrutinizing the cost-benefit effects of the legalization of
gambling, one should also study the family.
One problematic issue is that gambling has provided everyone with an opportunity to
take part in an act that can destroy people’s lives and the lives of those closest to them. There is
proof that gambling can have negative effects on one’s life, all of which can take a toll on family
and community life.
An analysis of the Florida lottery revealed that a greater portion of the revenue made
through the lottery came from low-income families who bought lottery tickets in place of
utilities. The increasing attraction between children and gambling has resulted in several studies.
Researchers have discovered that adolescents who get involved in gambling have a
higher rate of school failure, family struggle, sexual activity, psychiatric disorders, and felonies.
Given the problems in this area, parents and schools should take on greater responsibility for
enlightening children about the potential dangers of gambling. It is important to recognize the
association between gambling and numerous negative behaviors.
Studies have confirmed that alcoholism and depression are related, and it has also been
discovered that approximately forty-four percent of pathological gamblers are problem drinkers
as well. Some studies similarly put forward the theory that spouses of compulsive gamblers also
have a high rate of mental diseases like depression and psychosomatic ailments.
In a country such as Canada, where there is universal healthcare, researchers argue that
all of these negative effects of gambling place stress on the health sector. Just as it has been the
government’s choice to legalize gambling, it has become the government’s obligation to develop
and fund treatment programs for illnesses caused by gambling.
Acknowledging that pathological gamblers do need support from the health system, it is
important to identify that only a minority of gamblers have problems. Therefore, the argument of
those opposing the legalization of gambling on the justification that it takes its toll on our
healthcare system does not carry much weight, because it has been seen that the strain on the
health sector is nominal.
The law and enforcement system is another area of apprehension for adversaries of the
legalization of gambling. This is because many people who have become in debt due to gambling
route to committing crimes to rectify their financial situation. This in turn brings the police into
the balance, followed by a judicial system where there would be a trial. Once again, this
argument is not a robust one, as the ratio of people who gamble to the point where they are
forced to commit crimes is very small.
Legalized gambling has provided governments with a great source of revenue, it has also
facilitated offering a tourist attraction to many cities, and it has delivered a safer environment for
people who relish gambling. However we cannot dismiss the impending dangers of gambling;
nevertheless, one must always accept the responsibility for their actions.
Family members, school systems, and any business profiting from the gambling industry
should do their share in helping to safeguard that gambling is regarded as a stimulating social
outing, a delightful activity, or in the case of the purchaser of a weekly one-dollar lottery ticket,
an enjoyable hobby.

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