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What are the five basic operations of computer


Name: Samina Aslam

Reg No: 2563

Section: B

Assignment No: 01
There are five basic operations of computer system, which are given below.

1. Inputting
2. Processing
3. Outputting
4. Storing
5. Controlling

1. Inputting

Simply put, inputting is a process by which a user enters any type of data into a computer system.
Inputting is the first basic operations of computer system. Input devices are used to provide
information to the computer. For example, your mouse or keyboard may be an input device.
You can also use the camera to take pictures or videos and then upload them to your PC.
The keyboard is an example of an input device. When you type on a keyboard, pressing your
individual keys converts the letters - A, B, C - into binary code that is sent to the system's processor
or CPU. The CPU then parses this code and produces an appropriate output based on what was
input. For example, if you typed "ABC" on the keyboard, "ABC" would be parsed as ABC by the
system's processor or CPU and it would generate a letter for each key pressed (i.e., A = a; b = b;
c=c). Computers are not only used to run programs but also to store data.
There are several types of storage devices you can use to store data - a hard drive, a DVD, a USB
flash drive, etc. And computers have several ways to input data into these storage devices, such as
through a USB port or by using a keyboard. If you're inputting data from another source (such as
a camera), it's likely to go through an interface card before reaching the CPU.

And there are many types of input devices, whose names are given below.
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Joy Stick
• Light pen
• Track Ball
• Scanner
• Graphic Tablet
• Microphone
• Magnetic Ink Card Reader(MICR)
• Optical Character Reader(OCR)
• Bar Code Reader
2. Processing

Processing is the second basic operations of a computer system. In simple language, the processing
means, when the computer system starts executing the instructions given by the user, then this
process is called processing. The processor is the component of a computer that does most of the
"work" in terms of processing. It's responsible for running programs and carrying out instructions
from the user. The processor reads and writes information to and from the hard disk (a type of
storage device) and sends messages to other components in the computer like the monitor, mouse,
or keyboard. All this data flowing through your PC happens because electricity is running through
each component at a specific speed or frequency. This is called clock speed. The higher the clock
speed, the more quickly information will be processed on your PC.
For example, some PCs may run at 1 GHz (which means one billion cycles per second), while
others might run at 800 MHz (800 million cycles per second).

3. Outputting

Outputting is the third basic operations of computer. In simple language, outputting means, the
result of instruction given by a user is called output. Whatever input is given by the user computer,
then the output result of that input is outputting. Input/output devices are responsible for the
computer's interaction with the physical world. For instance, a keyboard or mouse are input/output
devices. They are responsible for responding to your commands and providing feedback. The
computer needs these components to provide output, which is information that comes out of the
system. This includes visual feedback like video or text, as well as audio feedback like sound or
music. HW is made up of all the physical components that define how your PC operates - it is what
allows you to interact with your PC in some way. HW could include your keyboard, mouse,
microphone, or speakers. These are all hardware pieces that allow you to use your computer in
some way. SW is made up of everything on your screen - everything from Microsoft Word to
Spotify - and it is what allows you to interact with those programs on your computer. SW could
include Microsoft Office or an online game like Candy Crush Saga.
Combined, HW and SW make up the "operating system" (OS) of your computer because they're
what makes it function correctly and work with each other. The OS ( Operating system ) allows
input devices like keyboards and mice to work with output devices like monitors; this means you
can control what happens on screen by typing on a keyboard or moving a mouse around!
You also need drivers (software) for both HW and SW so they will communicate properly; without
drivers installed, you won't be able to do anything.

And there are many types of output devices, whose names are given below.
• Monitor
• Printer
• Headphones
• Computer Speakers
• Projector
• Sound Card
• Video Card
• Braille Reader
• Speech-Generating Device
4. Storing

Storing is the fourth basic operations of computer system. In simple language, storing means, the
output result that comes after executing the instruction given by a user, and storing that output
result is called storing. The CPU is responsible for storing data in your computer's memory, which
is where the data is stored when you type it into a word document or open an image.
The CPU processes this data to make it easier to retrieve. Processors are the components that are
responsible for executing applications that are stored in your computer's memory. These
processors can be found on the motherboard and can vary depending on the PC’s specifications.
When you save a file, you are copying it from random access memory onto a storage device like
an external hard drive, CD/DVD, or flash drive. When you save a file to your computer's hard
drive, you're always saving two copies of the original file - one copy in its original location and
one backup copy in another location. This redundancy ensures that if something happens to the
first file - say by accident deletion - then there is another copy of it somewhere else on your hard

There are various types of storage device, which are given below.
• Hard Disk Drive ( HDD )
• Floppy Disks
• Tapes
• Compact Discs (CDs)
• DVD and Blu-ray Discs
• USB Flash Drives
• Secure Digital Cards (SD Card)s
• Solid-State Drives (SSD)
5. Controlling

Controlling is the fifth basic operations of computer. Controlling means the combinations of all
computer operations. Controlling is a type of process that monitors the instruction given by the
user from the time it is executed to the output result. This process itself is called controlling.
In simple language, monitoring means monitoring, which device is doing its work or not.
In a basic computer system, the monitoring work is done by the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).

These five operations are the backbone of every computer system, enabling it to receive, process,
and deliver information efficiently.

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