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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Academic experience and career choice are crucial aspects of senior

high school students' lives as they shape their future trajectories (Zaini et

al.,2021). Academic experience refers to the education and learning that

students receive during their high school years. This includes classroom

instruction, extracurricular activities, and any other opportunities for skill

development and personal growth (Llego,2022). Career choice, on the other

hand, refers to the process of identifying and selecting a profession or

occupation that aligns with one's interests, skills, and goals. The career of a

student is often influenced by their academic experience. The knowledge and

skills acquired during their studies can be applied in a wide range of

professions, from engineering and medicine to finance and law. Many

students choose to specialize in specific fields, which can lead to a career

path in that area (Nyamwange,2016).

Every nation of the world aspires toward quality of life and social

status. Career selection is one of many important choices students will make

in determining their future. This decision will be imparted to them throughout

their lives. A major turning point in adolescents’ lives involves the career

choice that they make while in senior high school (Ouano, et al., 2019).

Learners in South Africa depend their career decision making on the category

of school attended, parent level of education and parental income. The study

further reported that schools in affluent community present learners with more

career opportunities and options that are relevant to demands in the job

market while schools in disadvantaged communities associated career

decisions to the traditional careers, such as, nursing and teaching


In the Philippines, deciding on the career path of a student is a familial

decision as parents are part of the process of which track to take and which

school to enroll in. Parents are crucial in the decision-making process of every

Filipino student, as the former mostly pay for the tuition fees and other related

expenses of the latter. As a result, many Filipino students take the path

preferred by their parents rather than develop their own career choice. In

addition, a study conducted by Almario (2021) among senior high school

students in Central Luzon revealed that social factor has significant influence

over the students’ career choice which includes considering the influence of

teacher in career choice as one of the indicators.

In Davao City, Regional Career Advocacy Congress was held. The

activity was carried out in conjunction with the Regional Office of TESDA, the

Department of Science and Technology XI (DOST XI), the Professional

Regulation Commission XI (PRC XI), the Department of Education XI (DepEd

XI), and the Commission on Higher Education 10 (CHED XI). It was intended

to present innovative employment and career guidance for college and high

school students, as well as for job searchers in the twenty-first century. This

initiative was requested to solve the mismatch between employment and skills

and to address the widening competency gap between the graduates and

labor force of the Philippines and foreign students who graduated from

universities overseas (Suyao, 2013). Meanwhile, a study conducted by


Limjuco (2018) stated that students and parents preferred public urban type of

institutions for senior high school which implies that students and parents of

Region XI trust the capability of state colleges and universities or national high

schools as provider of quality basic education (Limjuco, 2018).

There has been a significant amount of research on the factors that

influence students' career choices. However, there are still gaps in the

literature when it comes to understanding the relationship of academic

experience on career decision-making processes of senior high school

students. One possible gap in the literature is the lack of research on the role

of extracurricular activities in shaping senior high school student's academic

and career aspirations. While there have been studies on the impact of

extracurricular activities on student's academic performance and college

readiness, there may be less research on how these activities specifically

influence students' perceptions of different career fields and the decisions

they make about their future education and training. Another gap in the

literature may be the lack of research on the effects of different types of high

school programs, such as vocational or technical programs, on students'

career choices. While there is some research on the positive impact of

vocational education on students' employment outcomes, there may be less

research on how these programs specifically influence students' decisions

about which fields to pursue after high school. Additionally, most studies done

on academic experience and career choice are done in developed countries,

with less of the study done on developing countries, where the context and

culture might be different. There may be a gap in understanding how different

cultural and societal factors influence the academic experiences and career

choices of senior high school students in these contexts. It is also to be noted

that there is less research that specifically examines the senior high school

level, compared to the higher levels of education, given that most of the

students are still at the age of finding their interests and figuring out their

career path.

Overall, further research in these areas could help to provide a more

complete understanding of the factors that shape senior high school student's

academic experiences and career choices.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between academic

experience and the career choice of senior high school students in

Bongabong National High School. Specifically, it seeks to answer the

following sub-questions:

of Bongabong National High School

1. What is the extent of academic experience among senior high school


2. What is the level of career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High School in terms of:

1.1. Educational Teaching,

1.2. Allied Health Professions.

1.3. Business,

1.4. Military and Law Enforcement,

1.5. Computers and Technology?


3. Is there a significant difference in the extent of academic experience among

senior high school students of Bongabong National High School when

analyze according to gender and grade level?

4. Is there a significant difference in the level of career choice among senior

high school students of Bongabong National High School when analyze

according to gender and grade level?

5. Is there a significant relationship between academic experience and career

choice among senior high school students of Bongabong National High


Null Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference on the extent of academic experience

among senior high school students of Bongabong National High School when

analyzed according to gender and grade level.

2. There is no significant difference on the level of career choice among

senior high school students of Bongabong National High School When

analyzed according to gender and grade level.

3. There is no significant relationship between academic experience and

career choice among senior high school students of Bongabong National High


Review of Related Literature

The ideas for the academic experience and career choice presented in

this chapter are connected. We correctly cited the authors and their ideas.

Information about our study is obtained from books, journals, online articles,

and other sources.

Academic Experience

Due to the use of online learning during the pandemic, intends to

examine how this affected lecturers' teaching and assessments as well as the

learning experiences of students in order to evaluate their impact. considering

the online learning environment will also have an impact on their physical and

emotional well-being. In order to develop the necessary procedures for

implementing online education tailored to the university community, our study

examines both positive and negative experiences. The impact on physical and

mental health needs to be investigated in order to find ways to address any

positive or negative effects that can be brought about by online education

(Idris et al. BMC Med Educ 2021). Academic engagement in blended learning

environments: Student experiences and strategies" by Panos Vlachopoulos

and Andri Ioannou is a study that was published in the International Journal of

Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016). The study aimed to

explore students' academic engagement in blended learning environments

and identify the strategies they used to remain engaged in their studies. The

study found that students' academic engagement in blended learning

environments was influenced by a variety of factors, including their prior

knowledge and experience with technology, the design of the blended

learning environment, the quality of the online resources provided, and the

level of interaction with peers and instructors.

Career Choice

A study conducted by Diones and Samson (2016) investigated the

factors that influence the career choices of senior high school students in the

Philippines. The study surveyed 400 students from various senior high

schools in the region and found that there were several factors that

significantly influence career choices, including parental influence, personal

interest and aptitude, peer influence, availability of job opportunities, and

financial security. The authors also noted that gender, academic performance,

and exposure to job opportunities and career talks also played a role in career

decision-making. Overall, the study highlights the importance of considering a

range of factors that may influence career choice, particularly in the context of

the Philippines where students face a range of challenges in pursuing their

chosen career paths. Journal of Career Development (2017) found that

students who have a clear understanding of their career goals are more likely

to be successful in their chosen field. The study also found that students who

have a strong sense of identity and self-efficacy are more likely to make

informed career choices.

The idea of selecting one lifelong occupation and drafting a long-term

career plan is passé. We know that we will all make several changes in jobs,

as well as in occupations, in our lifetimes. We also know that we will never

finish our education, but rather will need to continually upgrade skills and

acquire new ones. It also seems evident that jobs of the future will be

described by the list of skills needed to perform them and the level of each

skill needed. Thus, in the future, we may talk about transferring a set of skills

from one occupation to another, and the titles of those occupations may

appear to be quite different from each other, though the skill set needed to

perform them is common (Kuder, 2019).

Educational Teaching Career

The teaching profession is a desirable employment option for many

potential students, and the number of first-year students is steadily increasing.


The first-year students are aware that when they started their studies in

teaching, they decided to pursue a career as a teacher (at least with the aim

of passing the state examination). The motivations behind enrolling in a

teacher training program were looked at in a variety of ways. According to

most of the research, having contact with kids and teenagers, having a career

that interests you, and making a difference in the community are what drive

people to become teachers.

Many people believe that teaching can be a rewarding and fulfilling

career choice for those who have a passion for education and working with

young people. The benefits of teaching, such as job security, flexibility, and

the opportunity for career growth, make it an attractive option for many

students. However, it is important to note that the teaching profession also

comes with its own unique challenges and demands, and it is important to

carefully consider these factors when deciding whether or not to pursue a

career in teaching (Darling-Hammond et al. 2016)

Allied Health Professions

Allied health professions are designed to attract students who show

interest in the profession and tend to practice it with a lifelong learning

continuum. Therefore, student recruitment and screening include an

assessment of suitability for the profession. Upon acceptance to professional

training programs, discipline-specific skills are focused on and imparted to the

students. Often, the training lacks developing interprofessional, team-focused,

research competence, and work-ready professionals needed for the current

healthcare work setting to offer evidence-based care; besides these gaps and

inadequacies in synergy, it is well known that student-to-professional


transition is challenging. The key skill recognized by healthcare workers from

diverse professions and cultures is providing evidence-based care(Dr. G.V.

Asokan, September 2012.)

Because of their greater specialization, some allied health professions

are required to follow national training and education criteria as well as their

professional scope of practice. They frequently have to substantiate their

qualifications through degrees, certificates, validated credentials, and ongoing

education. Some allied health professions teach employees for their jobs

through on-the-job training, which doesn't require any special training or

certifications which would then exclude them from consideration as an allied

health profession. Due to the chances for career growth within particular

disciplines, many allied health positions are regarded as career ladder


There are numerous skills that can be used in allied health professions.

Basic life support, medical terminology, acronyms, and spelling, fundamentals

of medical law and ethics, comprehension of human relations, interpersonal

communication skills, counseling skills, computer literacy, the capacity to

record healthcare information, interviewing skills, and competency in word

processing, database management, and electronic dictation may be included,

depending on the profession. (Wotheina,2020)


Business is a vast and constantly evolving field with a wide range of

career options. Entrepreneurship: This field involves starting and growing

businesses. Entrepreneurs are responsible for identifying business


opportunities, developing innovative products and services, and building

successful companies.

Finance: This field involves managing money and investments. Finance

professionals work in areas such as investment banking, corporate finance,

and financial planning marketing this field involves promoting and selling

products and services. Marketing professionals work in areas such as

advertising, branding, market research, and sales management this field

involves leading and directing people and resources within an organization.

Management professionals work in areas such as operations management,

human resources management, and project management (Griffin and Ebert,

2018). Outstanding opportunities for doing good exist in business. ethical

corporate behavior and by creating and distributing useful goods and

services, businesspeople can enhance their community. Business must be

done in an ethical and socially responsible manner, which is a major focus of

this text in a responsible way (Koffel,2019).

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the Students Engagement Theory which was

proposed by Astin (1984) and later expanded by Kuh (2003). This theory

suggests that student engagement is a key factor in academic success, and

that engagement can be fostered through a variety of factors including faculty-

student interactions, peer interactions, and student involvement in

extracurricular activities. According to this theory, engagement is defined as

the degree to which students are involved in their academic experience, both

in and outside of the classroom. This involvement can take many forms,

including participation in class discussions, interactions with faculty members,


and participation in extracurricular activities. The Student Engagement Theory

has been supported by numerous studies, which have found that students

who are more engaged tend to have higher grades, greater persistence in

college, and a greater sense of personal and academic growth.

This study correlates with Student Engagement Theory as academic

experiences of students affect students’ engagement in which studies show

that the more a student is engaged the greater the chance to persist in

college. Hence, academic experience primarily affects the future career

options of students.

Furthermore, John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice assumes that

the career choice of a person is based on the expression of their personality

and interaction in the environment. They searched for the environment that

would fit them and use their skills and abilities and express their attitudes and

values. Holland’s theory emphasizes the choice of career is like the

personality of a person and that the environment is more likely to be happy

and successful and satisfied.

Holland’s theory clearly supports the connection between academic

experience and career choice among students since it stated that a career

choice of a person is primarily based on his or her interaction with the

environment that would fit them and use skills and abilities and express their

attitudes and value. Hence, a school is considered an environment of the

students where they can use their use skills and abilities that contributes to

their academic experience.

Career Choice
Educational Teaching
Allied Health Professionals
Academic Experience Business
Military and Law Enforcement
Computers and Technology

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the variables of the study. Academic experience is the

independent variable of the study. Meanwhile, career choice is the dependent

variable with its indicators: educational teaching, allied health professions,

business military and law enforcement and computers and technology. These

two variables directly correlate with each other.

Significance of the Study

The study has significance in several areas. The result of this study will

be beneficial to the following:

Students. The outcome of this study will help them get new discernment

about the factors that will affect their decision in choosing their preferred

course in college. They would be more aware of their interest and more

certain of what they want in the future.

Parents. This study will give them information on how their son or daughter

makes their decision in choosing their preferred course in college.

Teacher. Through this study, they will be able to help the students by giving

advice and suggestions in choosing their preferred course in college.

School Administration. It will give them an eye-opener on what factors are

the most influential in students' decision-making.


Researcher. It will help the researcher analyze how the factors affect the

students in their decision-making.

Future Researcher. The study will serve as reference material for the


Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following major terms are

herein defined in both theoretical and operational ways.

Academic Experience. It refers to the educational and intellectual

development a person gains while pursuing their studies (Groves and Welsh,

2015). In this study, academic experience refers to the senior high students’

wide range of activities such as attending classes, conducting research,

writing papers, participating in group projects, and collaborating with other

students or faculty members. It can also involve extracurricular activities such

as clubs, sports teams, and community service projects that are related to

academic pursuits.

Career Choice. It is the process of determining a field of learning that

requires certain knowledge and skills, acquired through a specific educational

program which results in a certificate or degree attesting to your

accomplishment (Powers, 2013). In this study, career choice refers to the

senior high students’ selected occupation or profession to pursue, based on

their individual interests, abilities, skills, values, and goals.

Allied Health Professional. It may be defined as those health professions

that are distinct from medicine, dentistry, and nursing. All are integral to the

safe, patient-centered, and effective provision of healthcare (Journal of Allied

Health, 2016). In this study, allied health professions refer to work such as

giving first aid to people, working as a nurse in a hospital, and the like. Which

senior high students may choose as one of their career options.

Business Careers. Business professionals conduct a wide variety of job

activities to boost sales and revenues, improve cash flows, and increase an

organization's profitability. Given their valuable expertise, these individuals are

usually in high demand (Writer, 2023). In this study, business careers refer to

work related to recording and management of financial records, management

of all business operations, including resources and people and the like.

Computer and Technology. It refers to the broad range of electronic and

digital tools, devices, systems, and processes that are designed to automate,

enhance and simplify task in various domains such as business, science,

education, entertainment and personal communication. These include, but is

not limited to hardware such as computers, laptops, smartphones, tables,

gaming consoles and wearable devices, as well as software such as

applications, programs, operating systems. In this study, computers and

technology refers to career options such as computer technicians or computer

user support specialist.

Educational Teaching. It refers to the profession that is concerned with

teaching and learning in a school and school like environment (Meyer et al.

2023). In this study, it refers to one of the careers senior high school students

may choose which involves teaching or providing instruction.

Military and law Enforcement. It refers to the organizational entities and

activities involved in the use of force, weapons, and technology to maintain

public safety, enforce law, and defense against external threats. This includes

but is not limited to the armed forces, national guard, police, and other law

enforcement agencies, as well as the use of technologies such as unmanned

aircraft systems and predictive analytics in these contexts (Hooton,2016).

Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the study's research methodology. It includes

data gathering procedure, research design, research respondents, research

instrument, and statistical treatment tools.

Research Design

This study employed a quantitative type of research and utilized the

descriptive correlational method since it examined the relationship between

academic experience and career choice of senior high school students in

Bongabong National High School. Descriptive research is a study technique

that can ascertain the context of a present phenomenon. The aim of

descriptive research is to identify and categorize the phenomena (Nassaji,

2015). Correlational research is a statistical method for identifying the

likelihood that two or more variables or two sets of data will vary in a

predictable way (Barksh 2011). In addition. Descriptive correlational research

is a design appropriate to use and determine the degree to which a

relationship exist between two or more variables.

Moreover, data collection for the study used a validated research

instrument. The researcher conducted an analysis of the data to respond to


the study’s several research questions. With the use of statistical analysis

techniques, it becomes possible to identify the relationship that exist between

academic experience and students’ career choice.

Research Respondents

The population studied were senior high school students currently

enrolled in Bongabong National High School for the second semester of the

school year 2022-2023. The researchers focused on them since they are

important in this study as to the extent of their academic experience and its

relationship to their career choice. This study utilized Slovin’s formula in

determining the sample population in which there were 73 female students

and 75 male students who were randomly selected as the sample population

out of 238 total population.

The number of respondents for each part was determined using

stratified random sampling. Simple random, stratified, random, and

proportionate stratification are examples of random sampling approaches. As

a result, the researcher used a variety of stratified random sampling

techniques before selecting samples randomly (Hatmawan and Riyanto


Furthermore, the study was conducted in Bongabong National High

School located in Purok 2 Brgy. Bongabong, Pantukan, Davao De Oro where

the respondents are currently enrolled. Table one (1) below shows the

distribution of the respondents in each section and year level.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents
Population Total Sample Total
Year Level Male Female Male % Female %
Grade 11 Empathy 12 20 32 7 37% 13 63% 20
Grade 11 Elegance 4 26 30 3 13% 16 87% 19

Grade 11 Eminence 56 11 67 35 84% 7 16% 42

Grade 12 Fortitude 14 35 49 9 29% 22 71% 31

Grade 12 33 0 35 21 100% 0 0 21
Grade 12 Felicity 0 23 26 0 0 15 100% 15

TOTAL 119 115 234 75 73 148

Research Instrument

An adapted questionnaire will be used to collect the data in this study.

It was distributed to the respondents after it will be verified by the experts

before it will be utilized by the researchers. There were two sets of

questionnaires, one for the independent variable and one for the dependent


The questionnaire for academic experience as an independent variable

was adapted from a qualitative study conducted by Grove and Welsh (2010).

On the other hand, the questionnaire for career choice was adapted from the

career guidance questionnaire (Stead, 2023). The first set of questionnaires

used to determine the extent of academic experience among senior high

students. It consists of twenty-four (24) questions. Meanwhile, the second set

of questionnaires was used to determine the level of career choice. Five

indicators of the study stand as specific dependent variables which include:

educational teaching, allied health professions, business, military and law

enforcement and computers technology. Each indicator contains five (5)


Statistical Treatment

The data would be analyzed and interpreted using the following

appropriate statistical treatment tools.

Average Weighted Mean

This was employed to determine the extent of academic experience

and level of career choice among senior high school students in Bongabong

National High School. According to Ganti (2019), average weighted mean is a

calculation that considers the verifying degrees of importance of the numbers

in a data set.

Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) or Product Moment

The statistical test was used to measure the relationship between the

variables in this study. It tries to determine the relationship between the level

of academic experience and career choice among senior high school student

at Bongabong National High School. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) is

the most common way of measuring a linear correlation. It is a number

between –1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the relationship

between two variables (Turney, 2022). Pearson's product-moment correlation

coefficient (sometimes known as PPMCC or PCC,) is a measure of the linear

relationship between two variables that have been measured on interval or

ratio scales. It can only be used to analyze the relationship between two

normally distributed variables.


It determines the significant difference between the independent

variable and dependent variable in terms of gender and level. According to

Kenton (2020), a t-test is a form of inferential statistic that is used to ascertain


whether there is a significant difference between the means of two groups that

may be related in certain ways.

Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting data for this study, the researcher asked permission to

conduct the study by writing a formal letter to the principal of Bongabong

National High School and addressing it through the class advisers of the

student respondents. After the approval for the conduct of the study, the

researcher proceeded with the distribution of questionnaires to the

respondents per section of the senior high school department. After that,

respondents were given enough time to answer the questions before they

were retrieved. After the study was conducted, questionnaires were checked

for completeness, tallied trough Microsoft Excel and analyzed with the help of

a satisfaction and the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science)

software program. In answering the questionnaire on the extent of academic

experience, a Likert-type rating scale will be used, with a scale of 5 for always,

4 for often, 3 for sometimes, 2 for rarely; and 1 for never.

The following parameter limits, with their corresponding descriptions,

were applied to the extent of academic experience.




4.50-5.00 Always This means that the academic

experience among senior high
students is experienced all the
3.50-4.49 Often This means that the academic
experience among senior high
students is experienced
2.50-3.49 Sometimes This means that the academic
experience among senior high
students is experienced
1.50-2.49 Rarely This means that the academic
experience among senior high
students is seldom
1.0-1.49 Never This means that the academic
experience among senior high
students is not experienced at

In answering the questionnaire on the level of career choice, a Likert-

type rating scale was used, with a scale of 5 for strongly agree, 4 for agree, 3

for uncertain, 2 for disagree; and 1 for strongly disagree.

The following parameter limits, with its corresponding descriptions, was

applied for the level of career choice.



4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree This means that the career is

highly chosen among senior
high school students
3.50-4.49 Agree This means that the career is
moderately chosen among
senior high school students

2.50-3.49 Uncertain This means that the career is

unsure chosen among senior
high school students
1.50-2.49 Disagree This means that the career is
highly not chosen among
senior high school students

1.0-1.49 Strongly Disagree This means that the career is

moderately not chosen among
senior high school students

Chapter 3


In this chapter, the researchers discuss the findings and results from

the data gathered. The researchers also tested the null hypothesis formulated

in the study.

Extent of Academic Experience among Senior High School Students of

Bongabong National High School

Table 2 shows the extent of academic experience among senior high

school students. Among the (24) items, the fourteenth item” I show respect to

my teachers.” got the highest average weighted mean of 4.52 with a

descriptive equivalent mean of always. On the other hand, the twenty-one

item, “The learning experiences I am involved in are challenging yet


achievable.” got the lowest average weighted mean of 3.19 with a descriptive

equivalent of sometimes.

The extent of students’ academic experience among senior high school

got an overall average weighted mean of 3.80 with a descriptive equivalent of

often which means that the academic experience among senior high students

is observed oftentimes.

Table 2

Extent of Academic Experience Among Senior High School Students in

Bongabong National High School

1. I have positive school and learning 4.16 ALWAYS

2. I do have opportunities in class to learn 3.91 OFTEN
the way that is best for me.
3. I feel confidence to ask questions in class. 3.22 SOMETIMES
4. I participate in the decision-making 3.51 OFTEN
process within the classroom.
5. I have clear understanding of my role as 3.81 OFTEN
6. I participate in the decision-making 3.45 SOMETIMES
process within the classroom.
7. I feel I am control of my learning in class 3.49 SOMETIMES
8. I have opportunities to contribute to 3.51 OFTEN
classroom management.
9. My personal interest have been 3.37 SOMETIMES
incorporated into the curriculum.
10. I feel my views and opinions about my 3.32 SOMETIMES
learning have been considered.
11. The learning experience I am involved in 3.51 OFTEN
are varied.
12. I feel my teachers respect me as an 4.15 OFTEN

13. I feel the learning experience I encounter 3.81 OFTEN

at school are relevant to real life.
14. I show respect to my teachers. 4.52 ALWAYS
15. I believe the skills and knowledge I have 4.14 OFTEN
developed at school will be helpful to me
outside of school.
16. I am encouraged by teachers to express 3.81 OFTEN
my thoughts about schoolwork.
17. I believe my teachers want me to succeed 4.34 OFTEN
as a learner.
18. My school has a positive atmosphere 3.81 OFTEN
19. I do have positive relationships to my 3.81 OFTEN
20. Positive relationships with teachers and 4.00 OFTEN
administrative staff are important to my
learning experience.
21. The learning experiences I am involved in 3.19 SOMETIMES
are challenging yet achievable.
22. I am able to complete task at my own 3.81 OFTEN
23. I have a clear understanding of what I 4.01 OFTEN
need to achieve in order to succeed in
senior high school
24. My expectations of YR 11 and TEE are 3.61 ALWAYS

Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students’ of

Bongabong National High School in Terms of Education Teaching

Table 3 shows the level of career choice among senior high school

students in terms of education teaching. Among the (5) items, the” Studying

how life works the nature of plants and animals, gravity, chemical bonds,

space, motion, and light.” got the highest average weighted mean of 3.81 with

a descriptive equivalent mean of agree. On the other hand, the fourth item

“Guiding and counseling individuals and groups.” Got the lowest average

weighted mean of 3.08 with a descriptive equivalent mean of uncertain.

The level of career choice among senior high school students got an

overall average weighted mean of 3.76 with a descriptive equivalent of agree

which means that the career is moderately chosen among senior high school


Table 3
Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students in
Bongabong National High School in Terms of Education Teaching

1. Guiding and counseling 3.08 UNCERTAIN
individuals and groups
2. Teaching children and 3.28 UNCERTAIN
young people
3. Planning and 3.72 AGREE
organizing the day-to-
day activities of other
people’s work
4. Reading books on 3.53 AGREE
people and events of
the past
5. Studying how life works 3.81 AGREE
the nature of plants and
animals, gravity,
chemical bonds, space,
motion and light

Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students’ of

Bongabong National High School in Terms of Allied Health Profession

Table 4 shows the level of career choice among senior high school

students in terms of allied health profession. Among the (5) items, the” Giving

first aid to people.” got the highest average weighted mean of 3.73 with a

descriptive equivalent of uncertain. On the other hand, the fourth item

“Working as a nurse in a hospital.” got the lowest average weighted mean of

3.19 with a descriptive equivalent mean of uncertain.

The level of students’ career choice among senior high school students

in terms of allied health profession got an overall average weighted mean of

3.36 with a descriptive equivalent of uncertain which means that the career is

unsure to be chosen among senior high school students.

Table 4
Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students in
Bongabong National High School in Terms of Allied Health Profession

1. Working as a nurse in a 3.19 UNCERTAIN
2. Studying the causes 3.41 UNCERTAIN
and diseases
3. Giving first aid to people 3.73 AGREE
4. Risking your life to 3.71 AGREE
protect the lives and
property of others
5. Assisting physically 3.70 AGREE
disabled people to
function independently

Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students’ of

Bongabong National High School Business in Terms of Business

Table 5 shows the level of students of their career choice among senior

high school students in terms of business. Among the (5) items, the

“Budgeting, costing and estimating for a business.” got the highest average

weighted mean of 3.84 with a descriptive equivalent mean of agree. On the

other hand, the fourth item “Providing cleaning services for big companies.”

got the lowest average weighted mean of 3.41 with a descriptive equivalent

mean of uncertain.

The level of students’ career choice among senior high school students

got an overall average weighted mean of 3.78 with a descriptive equivalent of

agree which means that the career is moderately chosen among senior high

school students.

Table 5
Career Choice among Senior High School Students in Bongabong
National High School in Terms of Business


1. Ensuring that a 3.83 AGREE

business meets their
budgets and achieves
their targets
2. Managing projects 3.83 AGREE
3. Budgeting, costing and 3.84 AGREE
estimating for a
4. Managing other 3.43 UNCERTAIN
people’s money
5. Providing cleaning 3.41 UNCERTAIN
services for big

Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students’ of

Bongabong National High School in Terms of Military and Law

Table 6 shows the level of students of their career choice among senior

high school students in terms of military and law enforcement. Among the (5)

items, the “Working in the army or police force.” Got the highest average

weighted mean of 3.62 with a descriptive equivalent mean of agree. On the

other hand, the fourth item “Risking your life to protect the lives and property

of others” Got the lowest average weighted mean of 3.05 with a descriptive

equivalent mean of uncertain.

The level of students’ career choice among senior high school in terms

of military and law enforcement got an overall average weighted mean of 3.70

with a descriptive equivalent of agree which means that the career is

moderately chosen among senior high school students.

Table 6
Career Choice among Senior High School Students in Bongabong
National High School in Terms of Military and Law Enforcement
1. Ensuring that people 3.41 UNCERTAIN
who have broken the

law are punished

2. Working in the army or 3.62 AGREE
police force
3. Maintaining law and 3.50 AGREE
4. Risking your life to 3.05 UNCERTAIN
protect the lives and
property of others
5. Investigating a crime 3.59 AGREE

Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students’ of

Bongabong National High School in Terms of Computer Technology

Table 7 shows the level of students of their career choice among senior

high school students in terms of computer technology. Among the five (5)

items, the writing computer programs.” Got the highest average weighted

mean of 3.53 with a descriptive equivalent mean of agree. On the other hand,

the fourth item “. Manufacturing and maintaining electrical electronic

equipment” got the lowest average weighted mean of 3.08 with a descriptive

equivalent mean of uncertain.

The level of students’ career choice among senior high school in terms

of computer technology got an overall average weighted mean of 3.48 with a

descriptive equivalent of uncertain which means that the career is unsure to

be chosen among senior high school students.

Table 7
Career Choice among Senior High School Students in Bongabong
National High School in Terms of Computer Technology

1. Writing computer 3.53 AGREE
2. Manufacturing and 3.08 UNCERTAIN
3. Designing and installing 3.47 UNCERTAIN

computer equipment
4. Researching the latest 3.42 UNCERTAIN
computer technology and
5. Analyst computer 3.40 UNCERTAIN

Table 8 shows the summary of the level of career choice among Senior

High School. Among the five (5) indicators of career choice. Business got the

highest average weighted mean of 3.78 with a descriptive equivalent mean of

agree. On the other hand, allied health got the lowest average weighted mean

of 3.36 with a descriptive equivalent mean of uncertain.

The level of career choice among senior high school students got a

grand mean of 3.66 which means that the career is highly chosen among

senior high school students of Bongabong National High School.

Table 8
Summary On the Level of Career Choice Among Senior High
School Students of Bongabong National High School
Items Mean Description
1.Education Teaching 3.46 AGREE
2.Allied Health Profession 3.36 UNCERTAIN
3.Bussines 3.78 AGREE
4. Military and law enforcement 3.70 AGREE
5. Computer Technology 3.48 UNCERTAIN
Grand Mean 3.66 AGREE

Difference in The Extent of Academic Experience Among Senior High

School Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed
According to Grade Level

Table 8 presents the significant difference in the extent of academic

experience among senior high school students of Bongabong National High

School when analyzed according to grade level. Since the p-value of.800 is

greater than the alpha value of.05. This means that the null hypothesis is

accepted and there is no significant difference on the extent of academic


experience among senior high school students of Bongabong National High

School when analyzed according to grade level.

Table 8
Significant Difference in the Extent of Academic Experience Among
Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School When
Analyzed According to Grade Level
Grade level Mean Significant @ a=.05 Decision on Decision on
Ho Difference
t-value p-value
Grade 11 3.7701 .827 .800 Accepted Not Significant
Grade 12 3.8443

Difference in the Extent of Academic Experience among Senior High

School Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed
According to Gender

Table 9 shows the significant difference in the extent of academic

experience among senior high school students of Bongabong National High

School when analyzed according to gender. The p-value of .318 is greater

than the alpha value of 0.05 means that the extent of career choice among

senior high school students has no significant difference when analyzed

according to gender.

Table 9
Significant Difference in the Extent of Academic Experience among
Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School When
Analyzed According to Gender
Gender Mean Significant @ a=.05 Decision on Decision on
Ho Difference
t-value p-value

Male 3.45 -1.62 .318 Accepted Not Significant
Female 3.85

Difference in The Level of Career Choice among Senior High School

Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed According
to Grade Level

Table 10 shows the significant difference in the level of career choice

among senior high school students of Bongabong National High School when

analyzed according to grade level. There is no significant difference on the

level of career choice in terms of education teaching since the p-value of .694

is greater than the alpha value of .05. Moreover, there is no significant

difference on the level of career choice in terms of allied health profession

when analyzed according to grade level since the p-value of .860 is greater

than the alpha level of .05. Additionally, there is no significant difference on

the level of career choice in terms of business when analyzed according to

grade level since the p-value of .778 is greater than the alpha level of .05.

Also, there is no significant difference on the level of career choice in terms of

military and law enforcement when analyzed according to grade level since

the p-value of .915 is greater than the alpha level of .05. Further, there is no

significant difference in the level of career choice in terms of computer

technology when analyzed according to grade level since the p-value of .572

is greater than the alpha value of.05.

The overall career choice has a p-value of .430 which is greater than

the alpha value of .0.05. This means that the null hypothesis is accepted thus,

there is no significant difference on the level of career choice among senior

high school students of Bongabong National High School when analyzed

according to grade level.

Table 10

Significant Difference in The Level of Career Choice among Senior High

School Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed
According to Grade Level
Grade level Mean Significant @ a=.05 Decision on Decision on
t-value p-value Ho Difference

Grade 11 3.7143 -.885 .694 Accepted Not
Grade 12 3.8140 Significant
Grade 11 3.6791 .740 .860 Accepted Not
Grade 12 3.5684 Significant
Grade 11 3.6945 .355 .778 Accepted Not
Grade 12 3.6526 Significant
Grade 11 3.6923 -.232 .915 Accepted Not
Grade 12 3.7228
Grade 11 3.5538 1.095 .572 Accepted Not
Grade 12 3.3789 Significant
Grade 11 3.66 3.70 4.30 Accepted Not
Grade 12 3.63 Significant

Difference in the Level of Career Choice among Senior High School

Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed According
to Gender

Table 11 shows the significant in the level of career choice among

senior high school students of Bongabong National High School when

analyze according to gender. The p-value of .125 is greater than the alpha

value of 0.05 which means that the level of career choice among senior high

school students has no significant difference when analyzed according to


Table 11

Significant Difference in the Level of Career Choice among Senior High

School Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed
According to Gender
Gender Mean Significant @ a=.05 Decision on Decision on
Ho Difference
t-value p-value

Male 3.71 -.949 .715 Accepted Not
Female 3.81 Significant
Male 3.54 -.1504 .118 Accepted Not
Female 3.75 Significant
Male 3.69 .168 .189 Accepted Not
Female 3.67 Significant


Male 3.65 -.934 .842 Accepted Not
Female 3.72 Significant
Male 3.52 1.274 .001 Rejected Significant
Female 3..38
Male 3.63 -.436 .125 Accepted Not
Female 3.68 Significant

Relationship Between Academic Experience and Career Choice among

Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School

Table 12 shows the significant relationship between academic

experience and career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High School. It shows that the p-value of .000 is less

than the alpha value of .05 significance of level. This means that academic

experience has a significant relationship with career choice among senior high

school students. Academic experience and career choice has a positive

moderately strong correlation since the r value is .521.


Table 12

Relationship Between Academic Experience and Career Choice among

Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School
Variables r-value Significant @ a=.05 Decision Decision on
t-value p-value on Ho Difference

.521 .148 .000 Rejected Significant


Chapter 4


Regarding the connections between academic experience and career choice,

this study aimed at investigating the twenty-four research questions and five

indicators. The results presented in the previous section are discussed below in

relation to the study topics and its indicators findings from earlier studies.

Extent of Academic Experience among Senior High School Students of

Bongabong National High School

Among the twenty-fourth (24) question statements of academic

experience, the fourteenth item got the highest average weighted mean. This

implies that academic experience such as showing respect to the teachers.”

of senior high school students is observed all the time.

There is little evidence about the influence of personal and course-

related characteristics on satisfaction with the academic experience (Silva and

Braga, 2018) found that students in the initial years of an under-graduate

Pharmacy program show greater academic satisfaction than students from

more advanced years, with no effect of sex. Santos and colleagues (2013)

reported that psychology students were more satisfied with the course than

dental students, while dental students were more satisfied with the institution,

indicating that the program and its specifications also affect academic

satisfaction. Understanding how personal and course-related characteristics

influence academic satisfaction can allow educational institutions to carry out

effective discussions and reflections about the development of strategies to

improve the educational process (both cognitive and affective aspects) to


make it increasingly more meaningful to students (Santos et al., 2019;

Schleich et al., 2006).

The question statement with the lowest average weighted mean is the

learning experience that involve challenging and achievement of senior high

school students. This implies that academic experience such as having a

clear understanding of what they need to achieve to succeed in senior high

school is experienced sometimes by the senior high school students.

A learning experience that involves challenging and achievable tasks

for senior high school students can be a project-based assignment focused on

real-world problem-solving. This type of experience can provide students with

an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical and

meaningful way. By engaging in a project-based learning experience focused

on real-world problem-solving, senior high school students can enhance their

critical thinking, research, communication, and collaboration skills. This type

of experience allows them to see the practical application of their knowledge

and empowers them to make a positive impact in their communities. (Sarathy,


Level of Career Choice among Senior High School Students’ of

Bongabong National High School

Among the five indicators of career choice, business is the top career

chosen by the senior high students since it has the highest average weighted

mean. This implies that the career in line with business such as managing

projects and ensuring that business meets their budgets and achieves their

targets was moderately chosen by senior high school students.


High school students pursuing a career in business can choose to

become investment analysts. These professionals analyze financial data,

market trends, and company performance to make informed investment

recommendations. They assist clients in making strategic investment

decisions, conduct research, and provide financial analysis reports. They also

monitor economic conditions, assess risk levels, and stay updated with

industry news to ensure accurate investment advice. Investment analysts

often work for financial institutions, investment firms, or private equity

companies, helping clients grow their portfolios and achieve their financial

goals. (Joanna Gajda 2016)

The career choice with the lowest average weighted mean is allied

health profession. This implies that senior high school students are unsure to

choose career such giving first aid and other related health.

There have been more studies on practice location preference for

doctors than for other health professionals. These studies concluded that

doctors typically choose to work in rural areas for lifestyle reasons. Health

science students reported that they are influenced to choose rural practice by

a combination of factors, including personal and professional needs and

social context, with these factors also noted for a focus group of nutrition and

dietetic students and recent graduates. (Deborah Schofield, 2009)


Significant Difference in The Extent of Academic Experience Among

Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School When
Analyzed According to Grade Level

Based on the findings of the study, there is no significant difference in

the academic experience of senior high school students of Bongabong

National High School when analyzed according to grade level. It implies that

academic experience among grade 11 and 12 students of Bongabong

National High School does not significantly differ.

In high school, freshmen often undergo a transition period, adapting to

a new environment and a broader range of subjects. They typically

experience a more generalized curriculum, exploring various disciplines to

build a foundation of knowledge. Sophomores and juniors, on the other hand,

start to delve deeper into specific subjects, choosing elective courses and

focusing on areas of interest or potential career paths. Finally, seniors tend to

experience a culmination of their academic journey, taking advanced courses

and potentially engaging in research projects or internships as they prepare

for higher education or the workforce (Mirabueno, 2020)

Significant Difference in the Extent of Academic Experience among

Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School When
Analyzed According to Gender

Based on the findings of the study, there is no significant difference in

academic experience of senior high school students of Bongabong national

high school when analyzed according to gender. This implies that academic

experience does not differ significantly among male and female senior high

students of Bongabong National High School.


In regard to study time, a significant gender difference in favor of

female students emerged from the analysis, which is consistent with patterns

reported in prior research previously found that female undergraduates

attribute their academic success or failures to more internal and controllable

factors, such as effort, whilst male undergraduates make more attributions to

uncontrollable external factors, such as luck. Therefore, it may be that

females, through the belief that the outcome of a particular task is attributable

to the amount of study effort, are more likely to apply more time and work to

succeed or avoid failure in future academic task (Pirmohamed, 2017).

Significant Difference in The Level of Career Choice among Senior High

School Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed
According to Gender Grade Level

Based on the findings of the study, careers such as teaching, allied

health profession, business, and military and law enforcement, and computers

technology have no significant difference among senior high school students

of Bongabong national high school when analyzed according to grade level.

This implies that career choice does not significantly differ among grade 11

and 12 students of Bongabong National High School.

When it comes to choosing a career path, high school students have a

range of options to consider based on their interests, skills, and aspirations.

Some common career choices among different levels of high school students

are freshman/sophomore level, junior level, senior level. It's crucial for high

school students to explore their passions, seek guidance from school

counselors or career advisors, and engage in various experiences to make

informed decisions about their future careers (Adinkrah, 2020).


Significant Difference in the Level of Career Choice among Senior High

School Students of Bongabong National High School When Analyzed
According to Gender

Based on the findings of the study, careers such as teaching, allied

health profession, business, and military and law enforcement, have no

significant difference among senior high school students of Bongabong

national high school when analyzed according to gender. However, career

choice in terms of computers technology has significant difference among

senior high students when analyzed according to gender. In total, career

choice has no significant difference among the students. This implies that

career choice does not significantly differ among male and female senior high

students of Bongabong National High School.

It is widely acknowledged that men and women differ markedly in their

choice of field of study in higher (tertiary) education. Men are more likely to

choose engineering, science, or math fields, whereas women more often opt

for humanities, education, and arts (Jacob,2020).

Relationship Between Academic Experience and Career Choice among

Senior High School Students of Bongabong National High School.

Based on the findings of the study, academic experience and career

choice have a significant relationship. This implies that academic experience

is directly correlated with career choice. Further, the two variables are

positively correlated which means that when senior high school students have

a good academic experience, students will likely have a certain career choice.

Having positive experiences and role models working in specific

careers may influence the set of careers we consider as options for ourselves.

One aspect of Social Cognitive Career Theory addresses the fact that we are

likely to consider continuing a particular task if we have had a positive

experience doing it. In this way, we focus on areas in which we have had

proven success and achieved positive self-esteem. Moreover, all our career

choices take place within the context of society and the economy. Several

career theories, such as Social Cognitive Career Theory and Social Learning,

address this context in addition to other factors. Events that take place in our

lives may affect the choices available to us and even dictate our choices to a

certain degree (Edubirdie,2022).


Chapter 5


This part of the study presents the summary of the investigation and gives

conclusion and recommendation that was based on the findings of the study.


1. The extent of academic experience among senior high school students

of Bongabong National High school of academic experience got an

overall average weighted mean of 3.80 with a descriptive equivalent of


2. The level of career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High school in terms of education teaching got an

overall average weighted mean of 3.76 with a descriptive equivalent of


3. The level of career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High school in terms of allied health profession got

an overall average weighted mean of 3.36 with a descriptive equivalent

of “uncertain”.

4. The level of career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High school in terms of business got an overall

average weighted mean of 3.78 with a descriptive equivalent of “Agree”.


5. The level of career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High school in terms of military and law

enforcement got an overall average weighted mean of 3.70 with a

descriptive equivalent of “Agree”.

6. The level of career choice among senior high school students of

Bongabong National High school in terms of computer

technology got an overall average weighted mean of 3.48 with a

descriptive equivalent of “Uncertain”.

7. There is no significant difference on the extent academic experience

among Senior High School students of Bongabong National High

School when analyzed according to grade level. It shows the p-value

of .800 is greater than the alpha value of .05 extent of significance.

8. There is no significant difference on the level of career choice among

Senior High School students of Bongabong National High School when

analyzed according to grade level. It shows the p-value of 4.30 is

greater than the alpha value of .05 level of significance.

9. There is no significant difference on the extent of academic experience

among Senior High School students of Bongabong National High

School when analyzed according to gender. It shows the p-value of .318

is greater than the alpha value of .05 extent of significance.

10. There is no significant difference on the level of career choice among

Senior High School students of Bongabong National High School when

analyzed according to gender. It shows the p-value of .125 is greater

than the alpha value of .05 level of significance.


11. There is relationship between academic experience and career choice

among senior high school students of Bongabong National High School.

It shows that the p-value of .000 is less than the alpha value of .05

significance of level. This means that academic experience has a

significant relationship with career choice among senior high school



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn by

the researchers:

1. The extent of academic experience among Senior High School

students of Bongabong National High School is experienced


2. The level of career choice among Senior High School of Bongabong

National High School students is highly chosen.

3. There is no significant difference on the extent of academic experience

among Senior High School students of Bongabong National High

School when analyzed according to gender, and grade level.

4. There is no significant difference on the level of career choice among

Senior High School students of Bongabong National High School in

terms of education teaching, allied health profession, business, military

and law enforcement and computer technology when analyzed

according to gender, and grade level.


5. There is a significant relationship between academic experience and

career choice among Senior High School students of Bongabong

National High School.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were

formulated by the researchers that focuses the top five (5) lowest average

weighted mean by both variables academic experience and career choice.

1. Teachers will provide career-related projects and assignments

incorporate it in the subjects.

2. Conduct personal development programs that focus on essential

skills like communication, problem-solving, teamwork and

leadership. These skills are transferrable across multiple careers

and can help students in their decision-making process by enabling

them to be better understand their strengths.

3. The career guidance can provide career counseling sessions to

students to be able to assist them in identifying potential career

paths, developing career plans and understanding educational

requirements and job prospects associated with different careers.





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