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Nama : Kevin Reynaldi Tanda Tangan

NIM : 2162201111
Program Studi : Akuntansi
Fakultas : Ekonomi KEVIN REYNALDI
Mata Kuliah : Pendidikan Pancasila
Dosen : Andrew Shandy Utama, S.H., M.H.
Tanggal Ujian : 14 January 2022 TA 2021/2022

1.The opening of the 1945 Constitution The fourth paragraph reads:

"Then from that to form a government of the state of Indonesia and to

promote general welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in implementing
world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice, then
The independence of the Indonesian nationality was drawn up, which was formed in a state
The Republic of Indonesia which is sovereign by the people based on:
Almighty God, Just and Civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity, Democracy
led by wisdom in deliberation/representation, as well as by
realize a social justice for all Indonesian people.”
Akreditasi A, SK BAN-PT No. 591/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/III/2019
Jl. Yos Sudarso Km. 8 Rumbai, Telepon 0812 8390 3955
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2. a Indonesia is a country consisting of various religious adherents. Even the first precepts
in Pancasila mention "God Almighty". This means that Indonesia is a religious country and
recognizes God. Meanwhile, the concept of divinity does not exist in communism.

b. Indonesia adheres to a democratic system. While communism does not recognize it.
absolute power is in the hands of the government.

c. Because they don't recognize God, it means that communists don't know religion. Where
religion teaches what is good and what is bad. Communism tends not to respect human rights.
So that massacres, confinement, torture are very easy for them to do.

d. There is no individual freedom to develop so that people tend to be passive and have no
motivation to develop.

3. Soekarno believed that Pancasila was a philosophy that unites and binds Indonesia.
"Pancasila is a unifying tool, which I firmly believe that the Indonesian people from Sabang
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Jl. Yos Sudarso Km. 8 Rumbai, Telepon 0812 8390 3955
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to Merauke can only unite on the basis of the Pancasila," Soekarno said. Not only as a basis,
Soekarno also wanted Pancasila as a weapon to cure the nation's ills. What's the disease? Of
course imperialism. The way Indonesia fought against the colonialism of imperialism,
Soekarno said, was different from the way other nations liberated themselves.

He gave an example of how India freed itself from Britain. Then the way America opposed
British colonialism through the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Also the way Russia
overthrew capitalism. "It is very different from the Indian movement, which is essentially a
movement of the middle class and the bourgeoisie riding on the proletariat, in stark contrast to
the French revolutionary movement, in contrast to the American revolutionary movement. We
are a movement of the whole people on a united and revolutionary basis," he said. According
to Soekarno, each nation has a different style of resistance. The form of the enemy and the
means of struggle are also different. Soekarno explained each background and the results. It is
this commonality of resistance that unites people in a nation. In Indonesia, the unifying tool
on which the state is based is Pancasila.

4. a) Not Campaigning while still carrying out human values, for example by
maintaining the security of other parties, not harming others, and maintaining good relations
with others in order to remain harmonious, so that clashes will never occur. This is based on
the 3rd precept.

b) Rules in campaigning activities are violated because complying with the provisions means
bringing harm to all of us. This is based on the 4th precept.

c) Elections and campaigns have the ultimate goal of prosperity and prosperity for living
together. However, many officials only make promises of shared prosperity because they are
thirsty for power.

d) The core political problem is of course not limited to the question of power. However,
politics is about a set of beliefs in social life, as well as the nation and state that are fought for
by those who believe in them. That is the scientific understanding of "politics". The non-
Akreditasi A, SK BAN-PT No. 591/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/III/2019
Jl. Yos Sudarso Km. 8 Rumbai, Telepon 0812 8390 3955
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scientific understanding of "politics" is that which has the principle of struggle to win power.
They even tend to ignore human values, thus justifying any means to achieve their goals.

5. The development of science and technology (IPTEK) is one of the aspects needed to
realize the life of an advanced and modern Indonesian nation. Especially now that we have
entered the era of globalization. The development of science and technology is absolutely
necessary so that the Indonesian people can compete globally. Even so, the development of
science and technology cannot be fully focused on pursuing material progress. The
development of science and technology must also pay attention to spiritual aspects. This
means that the development of science and technology must be directed to achieve inner and
outer happiness. Heri Herdiawanto and colleagues in their book entitled Spiritualism
Pancasila (2018), explain that the main goal of developing science and technology is to
achieve the welfare of the Indonesian people. Therefore, the development of science and
technology is essentially not value-free, but bound by values. Because it is bound by values,
there must be a paradigm that is the basis for the development of science and technology. The
paradigm is Pancasila. Pancasila is important to be used as a paradigm for the development of
science and technology because the values contained in each of the precepts of Pancasila
contain things that are important in the development of science and technology and indicate
an ethical system in the development of science and technology. Furthermore, Edi Rohani in
his book entitled Pancasila and Citizenship Education (2019), explains the importance of
Akreditasi A, SK BAN-PT No. 591/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/III/2019
Jl. Yos Sudarso Km. 8 Rumbai, Telepon 0812 8390 3955
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values in each of the Pancasila precepts as the basis for the development of science and
technology, namely:

1. The Precept of Belief in One Supreme God This precept emphasizes that the development
of science and technology is interpreted as a form of gratitude for the gift of reason by the
Almighty. So that in the process of developing science and technology it is not made to injure
religious beliefs.
2. The principle of just and civilized humanity. This principle emphasizes that the
development of science and technology must be done in ways that are humane and do not
harm individual humans or human beings now and in the future in order to prosper human
3. The Precepts of Indonesian Unity This precept reminds that the development of science and
technology is aimed at the entire homeland and nation equally. In addition, this precept also
provides awareness that the sense of nationalism of the Indonesian nation can be increased
with the advancement of science and technology. 4. The populist principle led by wisdom in
representative deliberation. This principle emphasizes opening equal opportunities for all
citizens to be able to develop science and technology and feel the results according to their
respective abilities and needs so that there is no monopoly on science and technology.
5. The principle of social justice for all Indonesian people. This principle emphasizes that the
development of science and technology must be based on balance and justice in human life.

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