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What Do All Good Leaders Have in


They are Confident, Decisive Leaders that

Continously Work on Improving Their Skills
Leadership success starts with confidence in your ability to lead people, and once you
have it—that’s when you'll find more success in life and your career.

It's that simple.

To be a more confident, rising star leader that pushes the envelope and builds an
exceptional career takes practice and preparation.

And that starts with taking action to find the best training that builds the skills you need
to get the results you want.

The good news is anyone can be a rising star. The one who makes their dreams a

But for this to happen... you have to take charge. You can't rely on anyone to help you
or invest in you. As they say "if it is to be it's up to me".

Your life, leadership and career success is all on you.

You've seen people who stay at the same job year after year. Why? Because average
effort equals average results... and average sucks!

Multiply the average manager salary by 3 and that's the upper level salary paid to
leaders with solid leadership skills and know how get results through people.

So, what do you expect out of yourself?

Going with the flow—or taking the bull by the horns?

You Are the Exception

Right now, decide to separate yourself from the pack. Start dreaming. Decide to not
dwell in the past... instead, ask yourself future "what if" questions:

What if I became the confident, decisive leader I know I can

What if I develop my strengths and overcome my weaknesses?
What if I had the skills to build the career I'm capable of?
Will your honest answers to these questions set you on the path to greater success?
Absolutely! You are the exception when you step up and start training for your career

Get Rid of Stress

The stress and frustration that managers feel from being overwhelmed with people
problems always cause burnout. Issues like:

Employees not showing up

Conflicts between employees
Low productivity and morale
So, what's the answer, how do you get ahead of the curve?

...You focus on and learn the leadership skills that virtually eliminates the people
problems leaders deal with daily.

Think about how nice it would be to never have to fire anyone again.

It's possible when you know the best way to set expectations and hold people
accountable. When you set this up correctly, people who are not a match for your team
will quitely leave on their own. Solving this one issue makes being a leader much less

How about having the skills to easily solve conflicts and get people back on track

Solving conflicts is one of the most valuable skills because productivity tanks when it
goes unchecked. And who gets the blame? The leader!

The biggest cause of people problems is a lack of trust. Having the ability to build
trust within a team is the number one leadership skill. When there is trust within the
team everything becomes easier and much less stressful.

Overcome Challenges
In a recent About Leaders survey over 1000 respondents said their top leadership
challenges when working with people are:

1. Building trust with employees, peers, and managers

2. Communicating effectively

3. Solving conflicts before they get out of hand

4. Motivating employees to do their best

5. Defining and setting expectations

6. Holding people accountable

If you experience some of the same challenges, there is a solution—a proven system,
used by 30,000+ leaders, that will help you immediately become a more confident,
decisive leader too.

This proven system will show you step-by-step how to handle your leadership
challenges. Even if you only improve 10% you will experience amazing results and
much less frustration working with people.

So, what is this proven system?

It's Dr. Mary Kay"s flagship course she uses with Fortune 500 companies...

The Ultimate Leader Success System

This is the perfect resource for beginner-to-advanced

leaders looking to learn new skills or hone existing
The Ultimate Leader Success course is online, fully self-contained, and available to
you 24/7, so you can work at your own pace and schedule.

Throughout the course, you'll discover exactly how to handle people problems to get
results with and through people.

The key to success in any leadership position is to train for success. Just like athletes do.
Focus on building your skills at building trust and influence, connecting with people,
problem-solving, resolving conflict, personal and team motivation, and more—skills
that will amplify your results in everything you do.

The main thing is to get started and invest in your career. One thing is certain... not
investing in yourself cost much more.

Here's the 6 Steps that Will Fast Track

Your Leadership Success
Step One

Building Trust

Engage their Hearts and Minds

When it comes to building a foundation of trust among the team, Leaders look at the
situation differently than managers. They know that the people in the organization drive
its productivity and success; they also know that if they aren’t looking at change within
themselves, then they aren’t going to achieve long-term results.

Instead of simply reviewing data and making changes based on cold, hard numbers,
Leaders first look at themselves. Which of their behaviors makes the team members
want to increase their productivity? How can they, as Leaders, engage the hearts and
minds of their people? Your goal as a Leader is to build a team that is empowered
instead of disengaged.

Connect With Anyone Even Difficult People

Communication is based on two elements: how one delivers a message, and how the
receiver processes it. If you fail to get your point across effectively, you fail to get the
other person’s attention, causing them to disconnect. When someone does not get the
message you intended, they cannot process it or act on it.

As an effective Leader, you have the ability to adjust and connect in a way that is not
available to reactive managers—because you are engaged with your team. This will
give you a competitive edge and allow you to focus on what needs to be done because
you'll have much fewer “people problems” to deal with.

Step Two

Establishing Connections

Step Three

Resolving Misunderstandings

Go Direct To The Source Of The Conflict

Though none of us like it, conflict itself is essential and one of the few things in
business that you can count on. Without conflict, there can be no progress. Leaders
understand this, so they do not shy away from conflict. Instead, they respond to it
productively before it gets out of control.

As an Ultimate Leader you'll be eager to uncover destructive conflicts and resolve them.
You'll know that having tough discussions is the right thing to do because team
members can’t be successful without engaging in crucial conversations. It is by giving
team members an opportunity to solve conflicts that Leaders get exceptional results.

Find The Passion Of Each Person

If you want the members of your team to consistently do what you ask them to, you
must understand what motivates each one—and it has to be more than just a
desire to please you.

Motivation is the perfect blend of a team member’s drive and the actions they perform;
if the former outweighs the latter, you have a motivated individual who exceeds what is
expected because of their passion for the work. If, on the other hand, the actions needed
are greater than the drive, you have an unmotivated individual—one who works on the
required tasks but seems disinterested or apathetic toward them. It is incredible how
quickly you can implement this motivational formula with your team to boost

Step Four

Discovering What Motivates

Step Five

Clarifying Expectations


Show People What Right Looks Like

When performance is declining, it’s important to look not only at what you can do to fix
it, but why it is going downhill in the first place. This is a step that reactive managers
often skip, tending instead to just stay frustrated and discouraged. The problem is team
members need to know what is expected of them—but often do not get this clarification.

Why is it so difficult for managers to come out and say what they expect from their
team members? Fear of confrontation has something to do with it; so does a lack of trust
and accountability. People need clear, direct and honest communication of what
right looks like to do their jobs well. When you put clear expectations in place you'll
quickly see dedicated team members that get it right the first time.

Create A Culture Of Commitment

Ultimate Leaders impress upon their employees that they can make their own choices
and be responsible for their actions, and any accountability problems in the past will
cease to exist.

Many managers often misinterpret what "accountability" means. Some believe it is

discipline; others simply say, "I'm holding you accountable" but do little to follow up
and teach people how to be accountable. Without leading others to recognize how to
take responsibility and "own it," the reactive manager has difficulty creating a
culture of commitment and risks becoming a weak manager that allows employees
to do what they please.

Step Six

Instilling Accountability


What People Say...

"If I were to say anything about the Ultimate Leader System, it would be that this course
can improve your team and your ability to deal with the everyday issues, as well as help
you become a better person at work and in life.

As a direct cause of the Ultimate Leader System I have turned many poor performing
employees into productive team players and problem solvers. My ability to handle
employee issues has been greatly enhanced, and has also made me a better overall

Leo Baldwin

Production Manager

"Our company enrolled over 250 people in the Ultimate Leader Online course and it has
been transformational for our people and culture. Across the country we find our people
working to build trust, working collaboratively and being accountable.

Our products are largely a commodity and we differentiate ourselves in the market place
with our culture. A culture largely built with this course.

Sign up your team right now. "

Marc Vitale

Director of operations

"Doing the Ultimate Leader Success course, you find out a lot about yourself and how
to get your team behind you and engaged.

If you get the chance to take the Ultimate Leader Success course do so. It has made me
realize how important it is to treat people like I want to be treated. And the course is
very good about explaining things clearly so you can understand and implement

Tim Mills

Shipping Supervisor

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