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Local Pride: Oyster Mushroom and Organic Soap

Money Fields
Being old doesn't mean you have to stop working and trying. Utilizing the land next to their
house, husband and wife Umar Sanusi and Siti Aminah, residents of Genugwatu village, Ngoroh
District, Jombang, East Java, fill their old age by cultivating oyster mushrooms. Siti Aminah admitted
that she chose the business of growing mushrooms in her old age, apart from being light work, the
results were quite promising.

For daily maintenance, she only needs to water the backlog and from one backlog, this couple
can harvest 10 kilograms of mushrooms. Besides the low maintenance, it doesn't require a large space.
In addition, it is for the business of old people. Now this couple has produced thousands of mushroom
backlogs. 1 kg of oyster mushrooms is sold for IDR 14,000. Apart from being bought by neighborhood
traders, these mushrooms are taken by collectors who will be distributed to markets in East Java.

In the meantime, in Tuban, East Java, a housewife was able to make a living from making
organic soap. That is Retnawula Noviana, a resident of Demit village, Jati Rogo sub-district, Tuban
district. Over the past 8 months, this 37-year-old woman has been making organic soap in between
her busy schedule of taking care of her children and the house. This skincare product is made manually
using household appliances. Brawal has sensitive skin problems. She tries to make the organic soap
she needs.

But unexpectedly, her friends were interested until finally, this mother of two children made
it a business field. I learned online with mentors abroad and locally. For now, how much can I produce
in one day? 43 pcs a day, even more, can be produced according to demand.

There are 3 variants of organic soap made by Retno, including honey, coffee, and milk. Retno
sells the soap for 45 thousand rupiah per package, while for resellers it is sold for 35 thousand rupiah
with a minimum purchase of 15 packages. Orders also come from various cities such as Batam, Jakarta,
Semarang, and Malang. CNN Indonesia coverage team

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