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Definition of key terms:

2.1.1. Scanning:

Scanning is the process of rapidly glancing over the content to find cues, visuals,
phrases, and other essential information. It is typically completed in a short
amount of time, such as 2 or 3 seconds for each page. Students rarely read more
than the first sentence of a chapter, section, article, or part of a sentence.
Scanning means searching for specific phrases in the text to answer some questions.
Scanning is the technique of fast reading to locate certain information. It is
comparable to skimming but more akin to pearl diving.
A text scan is a rapid technique to discover specific information. It is utilized in
common situations, such as searching up a term in a dictionary or looking up a
friend's name in a phone book.
Scanning is a type of fast reading in which the reader only glances at the context
of the material. After scanning, the reader should have a good notion of what
information is present in the text within the precise region that has been
examined. Scanning can also be used to familiarize oneself with the contour of
the text. Scanning is typically used to locate specific information within a

Definition of skimming:

2. Skimming is the process of swiftly reading through a chunk of material to

acquire a basic impression of what it contains. This is not a complete review.
Instead, you are just passing your eyes over the words while taking in the overall
idea of the text.
3. Skimming is the ability to obtain the overall concept as well as the key point of
an article or paragraph. When you skim a paragraph, you merely read the title,
the topic phrase, the ending sentences, and the keywords. You skim through the
material rather than reading the full essay word by word. This allows you to find
keywords and establish the points of each text. In rare circumstances, you can
even locate the paragraph's end. You can also show the author's viewpoint on the
given issue at times.
4. Skimming is a reading strategy that is used to seek for primary or basic
concepts in a material without reading it thoroughly. A reader who skims reads
just key information and not everything.
5. Skimming is a style of strategic, selective reading in which you concentrate on
the major concepts of a text. When skimming, skip content that contains specifics,
anecdotes, facts, or other elaboration. Rather of reading every word, concentrate
on the introduction, chapter summaries, beginning and final sentences of
paragraphs, bold words, and text characteristics. Skimming is the process of
getting the essence of the author's primary ideas rather than the finer aspects.
Skimming is a technique for reading more in less time. It works best with
nonfiction (or factual) information since it concentrates on the basic or primary
themes. Skimming occurs when reading and helps you to seek details as well as
main ideas. Without skimming, your overall comprehension suffers.

Definition of reading
1. "Reading" is the process of deciphering meaning from a succession of
written symbols. When we read, our eyes acquire written symbols (letters,
punctuation marks, and spaces) and our brain converts them into words,
sentences, and paragraphs that communicate with us.
2. 2. Reading is a complex process that includes word recognition,
comprehension, fluency, and motivation. Learn how readers utilize these
elements to derive meaning from print.
3. 3. Reading is a series of interactive activities that take place between the
reader and the text in which readers utilize their knowledge to develop,
generate, and construct meaning.
4. According to Tarigan (1998:7) reading is a process that is used by a reader in
order to get the purpose of the writer through the written word.
5. 6. Reading is a cognitive activity that entails comprehending symbols and
characters in order to decode the meaning. The reader is immediately
exposed to the text or reading material from which he or she can learn. As
a result, the reader may engage interactively with the text and gain
numerous sorts of information. Reading is regarded as a receptive talent,
and there are different reading tactics and approaches employed during the
reading process.

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