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MAD313E Drilling Techniques

Prof.Dr.Hasan Ergin

Coarse Plan

Weeks Topics

1 Fundemantals of Drilling
2 Rotary Table Drilling – Drill Rigs
3 Rotary Table Drilling – Drill Pipe String, Drilling Conditions and Operations
4 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rocks, Estimation of Penetration Rate
5 Core Drilling – Drill Pipe Strings, Core Barrels, Wireline Drilling Techniques
6 Percusive Drilling
7 Drill-Hole Flushing
8 Drill-Hole Flushing, Drill Bits
9 Drill Bits
10 Laboratory drilling Experiments and Instrumantation
11 Safety and Environmental Aspects of Drilling Projects
12 Novel Techniques of Rock Drilling
13 Application of Drilling
14 Deviation of Drill Holes, Directional Drilling, Fishing Operations
Week 4 / 5

Drilling Parameters

The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rocks

 Estimation of Penetration Rate

Drilling Parameters

1-The internal parameters

2-The external parameters
3-Operator efficiency
1-The internal parameters

-Feed or pulldown force on the bit

-Rotational speed
-Bit conditions / wear rate
-Hole diameter
-Flushing mud flow / air flow
2-The external parameters
Physical and mechanical properties of rocks
-Degree of cohesion
Rock Classification according to their origin
1-Igneous rocks (magmatic)
2-Metamorphic rocks
3-Sedimentary rocks
Figure- Geological cycle
Investigations into the pysical and mechanical properties of rocks are
essential for;
1-selecting the method of drilling and type of rock breaking tool
2-designing optimal drilling and casing program
3-securing geological information
Degree of cohesion:
If the rock forming minerals is held together by forces of molecular
attraction or by some cement which is called cohesive if not

-noncohesive (friable)
-flow (running)

It is the total volume of voids (pores, microcracks) it contains. It is
expressed as a fraction of the total rock volume.
Porosity weakens the strength of rocks so it helps the drilling.

The physical and mechanical properties of rocks

depend on their texture and structure. Texture covers
the internal structure of a rocks. This feature is
determined by
-grain shape
-grain size
-relationship between the rock forming minerals
If the mineral composition is the same, fine- granied
rocks are stronger than the coarse-grained.
Structure of rocks
-massive, or compact structure
-Bedded, or stratified structure
-Schistose structure Anisotropy

Strength of rocks
It is the property of rocks to resist destruction under the effect of an
external load, either static or dynamic.
The ultimate, or breaking, stress of a rock is the stress under which the
rock fails in a given type of deformation.
The hardness of a rock is the resistance of its surface layer to
penetration of a harder body (intender). Therefore, that is rock’s local
indentation strength.

Rock hardness is the main strength factor that the rock-breaking tool
in rotary drilling has to overcome when punching in the rock.

It implies its capacity to resist external stresses comprising a
combination of elementary compressive, tensile and shear stresses,
the character of the combination depending on the method of breaking
the rock.
Elasticty of rocks is their property of changing form and volume under
the action of external forces (loads) and then completely resuming their
origional form and volume when the forces acting upon them removed.
-Elastic deformation, Young’s modulus
Plasticity of rocks is their property of deforming irreversibly under the
action of external forces. Plastic deformations which do not disappear
when the loads acting on the rocks are removed and therefore are
referred to as permanent or residual.

Indentation properties
1-Elastic-brittle rocks (granite, quartzite)
2-Elastic-plastic rocks (marble, limestone, sandstone)
3-Highly plastic rocks (clay, pumice)
Abrasiveness of rocks
It is the property of rocks of wearing away the surface of a harder body (a
cutter, cutter tooth, cutting blade etc.) they are in contact with in the
process of friction during relative movement.
In drilling, the body moving over the rock at the bottom of the drill hole
with its diamonds, cutting blades or cutter teeth – depending on the used
bit type.
The higher the abbrasiveness of rock, the more rapid the wear of the bit,
the smaller the footage per bit, and the slower the drilling rate.

The primary abrasive wear is caused by the rock being drilled. It depends
on the abrasive properties of the rock, the wear resistance of the drill bit
used, and parameters governing the drilling regime (bit load, speed,
circulation ratio etc.)
The secondary abrasive wear is caused by the loosened particles (drill
cuttings). It depens on the hardness and abrasive properties of the
cuttings and also on their amount in the zone near the floor of the hole.
Determination of Abrasivity

-Cerchar Abrasivity Index; CAI

(Centre d’Etudes et Recherches des Charbonnages de France), 1971

-Schimazek Wear Index, F

Estimation of Drilling Rate
Operational Parameters
Rotary speed
Operational Parameters
Feed rate (pulldown force)
Estimation of Penetration Rate (Drilling Rate, Drilling Speed)
Emprical Formulas:
(A. Bauer and P. Calder)
Average Drilling Rate

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