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Research topics on family nursing process:

 The effectiveness of family nursing interventions in improving the outcomes of

patients with chronic diseases.

- A life-threatening illness can have such an impact on the family that it leads to
destabilization of the family system and family members often experience considerable
physical, social, and emotional burdens. To provide support for families, intervention
informed by Family Systems Nursing have been developed worldwide over the past 30
years. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the implementation
of family nursing care to patients with chronic diseases.

- Nursing programs, procedures or instructions that impact an entire family. These enable
family members to care for an ill family member or support one another. An example of a
family nursing intervention is educating family members on providing care for patients
with chronic conditions.

 The impact of family nursing on the quality of life of patients and their families.

- serve as patient advocates by working to preserve the dignity of their patients. A

nurse can empathize with patients, helping them to feel like they are a person as opposed
to just a diagnosis. Nurses can help patients feel safer and more like a human.

 The role of family nurses in supporting families through difficult life transitions,
such as the birth of a child with a disability or the death of a loved one.

- The role of the nurse can include provision of emotional and spiritual support, ongoing
education about care and management, support during decision making on end-of-life
issues, as well as support after death.

- the multiple and evolving roles of caregivers of older adults and the impact of assuming
these roles on caregivers' health and well-being. It describes caregiver tasks, the dynamic
nature of caregiving over time, the increasing complexity and scope of caregiver
responsibilities, and issues involved in surrogate decision making. Family caregiving is
more intensive, complex, and long lasting than in the past and caregivers rarely receive
adequate preparation for their role.

 The development and implementation of culturally competent family nursing


- To care for patients who are culturally different from them, nurse practitioners should
Consider: Don't make assumptions, Explain every detail, Ask about alternative,
approaches to healing, Withhold judgment, Accommodate and educate.

 The use of technology to improve the delivery of family nursing care.

- Instead of having to search through paper records or manually input data into a system,
nurses can use an EHR to quickly and easily access all patient information from one
central location. This saves time and energy, allowing nurses to spend more time on
providing direct patient care.

By: John Niño B. Casuela

Bsn 2A

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