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My name is Lan Anh.

I’ll continue our presentation with last

part: Other religions, churches and religious movements
In the latter half of the twentieth century, traditional Christian churches in
Britain have experienced a gradual (/ˈɡrædʒ.u.əl/ ) and continuous decline in
their number of followers. In contrast, various other Christian sects and
churches, often referred to as "evangelical ( /ˌiː.vænˈdʒel.ɪ.kəl/,) " have been
on the rise. These evangelical groups are characterized by their energetic
enthusiasm (/ɪnˈθuː.zi.æz.əm/)and efforts to attract new members. They share
similarities with traditional nonconformist groups by avoiding rigid (rɪdʒ.ɪd)
rituals (ˈrɪtʃ.u.əl) and placing a strong emphasis on scripture.
However, the fastest-growing type of evangelical Christianity in Britain
diverges from traditional dogma, sin, and strict behavioral codes. Instead, it
places a focus on the spiritual and miraculous, often involving joyful singing
and a belief in spiritual healing. The oldest of these groups, known as ( /ˌpen.t̬ ɪ
ˈkɑː.stəl.ɪ.zəm/), has had a working-class following for many years, but its
recent growth has been among the middle class. These groups often began with
informal meetings in people's homes, emphasizing minimal formality.
The term 'New Age' is used to cover a very wide range of beliefs which can
involve elements of Christianity, eastern religions, and ancient pagan beliefs.
These beliefs have been present in Britain for a long time, with various
movements like Theosophy (θiˈɒsəfi) , Druidism (Dru I đi dừm) , Buddhism
(/ˈbʊd.ɪ.zəm/), and Christian Science having followers for over a century.
Until the 1960s, New Age beliefs were primarily associated with the upper
middle class, but they have since spread to other segments of society. Despite
their diversity, two common features among New Age beliefs are an emphasis
on personal development and a respect for the natural environment.
Furthermore, the populations of Christian Orthodox (/ˈɔːr.θə.dɑːks/), Sikh,
Hindu, and Muslim ( /ˈmɑː.zlem/) adherents (/ədˈhɪr.ənt/) are on the rise,
primarily attributable to elevated (/ˈel.ə.veɪ.t̬ ɪd/) birth rates within these
communities. Among them, the Muslim community stands as the largest and
exhibits heightened political involvement, driven by factors like socioeconomic
disparities (/dɪˈsper.ə.t̬ i/) , racial ( /ˈreɪ.ʃəl/) discrimination, and confrontations
with authorities. This heightened engagement contributes to a greater likelihood
that young Muslims will remain committed to their faith.
Finally, it is essential to discuss a category known as "cults." The beliefs held
by these groups exhibit such a wide range that generalizing (/ˈdʒen.ər.əl.aɪz/)
about them proves impossible. What appears to be a common thread among
them is their unwavering devotion to and unquestioning allegiance toward the
leader at the center of their beliefs. Cults have garnered a negative reputation
due to their use of mind-control techniques. Their extremist tendencies often
offend the majority of people, and, with few exceptions, each individual cult
remains relatively small in size. Nevertheless, estimates suggest that there are
between 500 and 700 of these groups in the country, collectively boasting
nearly half a million followers.
Our presentation on the topic of religion has ended, Thank you all for listening.

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