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All living organisms, regardless of their uniqueness, have certain biological, chemical and physical
characteristics in common. For example, they all consist of basic units called cells and similar chemicals
that when analyzed show remarkable similarities, even in organisms as different as bacteria and human.
Additionally, since the functioning of any organism is determined by how its cells interact, and all cells
interact in the same way, the basic functions of all organisms are also similar. same.

There is not only unity in living substances and basic functions, but also unity in the origin of all living
things. According to a theory proposed in 1855 by German pathologist Rudolf Virchow, “all living cells
arise from pre-existing living cells.” This theory seems to be true for all living organisms today, under
current environmental conditions. However, if life has appeared on Earth many times in the past, the fact
that all organisms have identical basic structure, composition, and function seems to indicate that there
is only one The initial type was successful.

A common origin of life would explain why in humans or bacteria – and in all life forms in between – the
same chemical, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), in the form of genes, explains the ability to reproduce.
exact creation of all living matter. and transmitting genetic information from parents to children.
Furthermore, this transmission mechanism follows a similar pattern in all organisms.

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