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Reflection Paper on the Knowledge of God and Election and Covenant (P.

The author treated the existence of God in various view of former theologians and
concluded God as the distinctive God. He is the only source of all living things. Therefore, it
means God is the creator and actually exist. It is fine among the Christian Community. The
Christians are presuppose the existence of God in Myanmar context. Questioning the
existence of God is regarded as sin. It covers a person’s curiosity about God. Its effect
decrease a person’s faithfulness to God. Smith said “to know God” meant to have an
intellectual understanding of who he was, to be related to him personally and emotionally,
and to be obedient to His covenant and commandments. We have to ask questions and find
answers to get close with Him. Smith used the words “personally and emotionally”. Human
beings are rational and relational beings. We mostly learn from our experiences and perform
in action. If a person asks a question like who God is and finds answers in both intellectual
and spiritual way, he will get close with God personally and emotionally. I am totally agree
with the author. God is never totally visible or completely known. If God were completely
known, he would not be God at all. Human beings are limited beings. Therefore, a person
needs God’s revelation about who He is and encounters how great He was. Asking God’s
existence does not mean judging Him if he does not respond to something a person asked. In
addition, “to know God” means not to separate from God because of not answering what we
have asked but to reconcile to him. However, I cannot regard questioning God’s existence as
sin against Him. I am clearly understand the appearance of God; Theophanles and
Epiphanies. When we talk about revelation, I have some questions. Who can get that
revelation? Is God revelation limited to those who do not believe? I recognized the bias of
Christianity. If we said Christians are chosen people and get special revelation, it will be
unfair to others. The theology we have learn is not about the God of Israel and its history. We
are studying the universal God and his divinity. In the Old Testament, God used some
unchosen nations to judge the Israelite. Smith said choosing Israelite nation is to be the light
or example for others. Therefore, choosing does not mean getting more privilege than the
unchosen. Most churches are teaching that the responsibility is ours to get free pass into
heaven. It is more like Buddhist philosophy and teaching. I have learn that salvation cannot
be get by our trying. God alone can give it. Election is not because of we are good enough.
Everyone has his chances. It does not means not need to be a Christian to be save. I truly
believe Only through Christ a person can be save.

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