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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation that I discussed in Module 1 was my past employment need to

change the curriculum to qualify for the new branch of governmental funding for mental
health and behavioral health in child needs. This was a compliancy issue that changed the
entire structure of the framework that was built years prior. My role was working closely
with the program director to develop the new curriculum and implement it directly with
the children in my class.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

The human resources department had a significant impact on the organization due
to the need for open communication between departments. The ultimate goal was to
ensure that the behavioral health department for children was compliant and able to
receive funding. However, the dependency on multiple minds thinking of different ideas
led to conflict and misunderstandings, especially when it came to implementing new
requirements. One of the major challenges was having to test out changes in the
classroom and report back when they didn't work, all within a short time frame. If I had a
greater leadership role in this issue, I would have conducted extensive research before
implementing any changes in the classroom. With a large number of kids, especially
those in need of specific resources, there wasn't much room to experiment with constant

It was important to find a solution that would work for the majority of the
children. The organizational change that took place did not involve the human resources
department. It was mainly driven by the head of management and directors of different
departments who collaborated closely. Given the ongoing pandemic, there was a lot of
effort to reassure students, parents, and teachers that the changes would work. However,
there were concerns about funding the program in the coming months. Unfortunately, the

change did not turn out to be a success. It could have been better if there was a regular
meeting place where everyone could attend and be on the same page. This would have
allowed for more group connections and an opportunity to freely speak.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

If I were to face a similar situation in the future, I would involve the human
resources department in developing stronger teams and finding effective ways to
implement organizational changes. To achieve this, I would divide the team into
department heads who would communicate and lead their respective departments. Since
the issue was an organizational-wide problem affecting all departments, there should
have been more urgency among higher-ups to contribute to the solution.

All the changes being implemented were solely done by the employees and
directors of the kids' club with limited communication to the financial and transportation
departments, who were responsible for connecting with other nonprofit organizations like
us and attending the hearings that gave eligibility requirements. I also believe there
should have been an open line of communication with the parents and group homes
involved to prepare them for the students who would be taken off funding and needed to
find another mental health program to join, as well as the students who would need to
retest once the new program was implemented. To make a consensus on the areas of
focus, I would involve all workers and ask for their feedback since they work directly
with the youth and understand their needs.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

As I further explore the human resource frame, I recognize the importance of

understanding the specific needs of each individual on the team and identifying areas that
require improvement. From my course, I learned that effective communication and
collaboration do not always come naturally, and it is essential to facilitate a process that
allows individuals to leverage their knowledge and experience to develop solutions.While
meeting employee needs does not guarantee success, I believe that it is critical to
consider the needs of those involved, particularly given the limited timeframe and the
direct impact on children in the foster care system with mental health needs.

To ensure that each youth's needs were properly assessed and addressed under the
new curriculum, I would have emphasized the importance of understanding the
department's objectives and the value of continued funding for children's mental health.
Additionally, I would have advocated for more resources and recognition of the
department's contributions and impact on the children's mental health program. Although
I would have maintained communication among all departments, I would have assigned
specific departments to work on prior communicated issues, rather than having the entire

department focus on one area. This would have ensured a more effective and efficient use
of resources and collaboration among departments.

Reference or References

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