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Laylo, Jeanne Alleah D.

BS Accountancy

1. What is the importance of studying Business Analytics? (5 pts)

Business Analytics is important in the improvement of critical thinking and analyzation

skills. It helps us in making sound and unbiased decisions that will benefit the business

with the use of accurate data and information. Through the use of factual data and

information with consideration of the factors that may influence them, we are able to

become strategic and negotiate the right judgment. The use of statistical data will help to

manage the risks that the business might possibly encounter and foresee the outcomes

that might result from it.

2. Discuss how sports analytics was applied or used in creating a winning team in the film,

"Moneyball." (20 pts)

Sports analytics was used in the film through the theory on baseball statistics which is

called “moneyball.” The concept of moneyball was applied on the team who lost some of

its greatest players due to their cost. It served as the strategy of the team to win the final

competition. Sports analytics entered the strategy when Billy Beane (Brad Pitt)

prioritized the use of statistics through the use of numerical data to choose and manage

the players who will be included in the team. He made use of statistics which involved

the batting and earned-run percentages and averages of the players to identify their

capabilities and skills while considering the budget of the team. Furthermore, sports
analytics was used to foresee the probable outcomes of the games and become objective

in making decisions using statistical measurements to assemble a winning team.

3. Give three examples on how analytics is applied in your day-to-day life. (15 pts)

a. Budgeting monthly allowance as a student – Analytics allows me to compute my

expenses and use these computations to carefully decide which things I should

prioritize in buying and consider to include in my expenses. This helps me to

objectively decide how and when I should spend my money so I can prioritize my


b. Buying food – When buying food such as in a fast food restaurant, I make sure to

compare them considering their prices, ratings, and quality so I can decide whether

I’’ll eat or buy in the same restaurant again.

c. Social media – Usually, I check peoples’ profiles and look at the number of their

followers. I also consider the number of our mutual friends as well as the quality of

their feed and posts before following or adding them back as I believe that a person’s

personality can be known through their posts. This ensures me that their influence on

my feed would align my preference and I would not have to worry about some

stranger being able to see my posts and pictures. Furthermore, the number of our

mutual friends would let me know if I really know him / her and how much do I relate

to him/her.

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