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Assignment 4

Part I. Profile

Sex:  Male  Female

 26 to 35 years old
 36 to 45 years old
 46 to 55 years old
 56 years old or over

Number of Years as a School Head:

 5 years or below
 6 to 10 years
 11 to 15 years
 16 to 20 years
 21 years or over

Part II.


Instructions: Indicate your response to each item by checking the corresponding box.

5 = Very true
4 = Somewhat true
3 = Occasionally true
2 = Seldom true
1 = Not true

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. I enjoy getting into the details of how things work.
2. Technical things fascinate me.
3. One of my skills is being good at making things work.
4. Following directions and filling out forms comes easily for me.
5. I am good at completing the things I’ve been assigned to do.
6. I understand how to do the basic things required of me.
1. As a rule, adapting ideas to people’s needs is relatively easy
for me.
2. Being able to understand others is the most important part of
my work.
3. My main concern is to have a supportive communication
4. Understanding the social fabric of the organization is important
to me.
5. Getting all parties to work together is a challenge I enjoy.
6. I am concerned with how my decisions affect the lives of
1. I enjoy working with abstract ideas.
2. Seeing the “big picture” comes easy for me.
3. I am intrigued by complex organizational problems.
4. I would enjoy working out strategies for my organization’s
5. Creating a mission statement is rewarding work.
6. Thinking about organizational values and philosophy appeals
to me.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of school leaders in terms of:
1.1 sex;
1.2 age; and
1.3 number of years as a school head?

2. What is the level of management skills of the school leaders along:

2.1. technical skill;
2.2. human skill; and
2.3. conceptual skill?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of management skills of school leaders

when they are grouped according to profile?

Use the following continuum to interpret the level of management skills.

Scale Continuum Description Interpretation
5 4.20-5.00 Very true High
4 3.40-4.19 Somewhat true Above Average
3 2.60-3.39 Occasionally true Average
2 1.80-2.59 Seldom true Below Average
1 1.00-1.79 Not true Poor

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