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Chapter 1.

5: How to use and store the files

LO: Learn how to save and copy files on a computer

How to save a file

Saving a file on a computer is like putting your homework or a drawing into a special digital folder so
you can find it later. Here's how you can do it in simple words:

1. Open the Program: First, open the program (like Microsoft Word or Paint) that you're using
to create your file.

2. Create or Edit Your File: Make your project or document. If you're drawing, draw your
picture, or if you're writing a story, type your words.

3. Click on "File": In the top left corner of the program, you'll see a menu called "File." Click on

4. Choose "Save": After clicking on "File," you'll see options like "New," "Open," and "Save."
Click on "Save."

5. Name Your File: A box will pop up asking you to give your file a name. You can type it in and
then click "Save" or "OK."

6. Choose Where to Save It: You can pick a place on your computer where it's easy to find, like
the "Documents" folder.

7. Click "Save" Again: Once you've chosen where to save it, click "Save" one more time.

How to copy the file

Copying a file on a computer is like making a duplicate of a drawing or homework so you can keep
one and share the other. Here's how you can do it in simple words:

1. Find the File: First, find the file you want to copy. It might be a picture, a document, or
anything else you created or downloaded.

2. Right-Click the File: Put your mouse pointer (the arrow) on top of the file, and then press the
right button on your mouse (or the right side of your touchpad).

3. Choose "Copy": After you right-click, a menu will pop up. Find and click on the word "Copy"
in that menu.

4. Go to Where You Want to Put the Copy: Now, go to the place on your computer where you
want to put the copy of your file. This could be in a different folder or on your desktop.

5. Right-Click Again: Once you're in the right place, right-click again just like you did before.

6. Choose "Paste": In the menu that pops up, look for the word "Paste" and click on it.

How to create a folder

1) Go to area where you want to add a new folder

2) Right click using your mouse
3) Select New from the menu that appears, Click Folder.
4) Enter a name for the new folder

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