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STUDENT'S NAME: Ariel Cajas TEACHER'S NAME: Alice Infante

LEVEL: 6TH C DATE: April 19th, 2023

TOPIC: Complete the following activities

11c Who’s working for who?


1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1) How reliant are you on machines in your work or studies?
I don't use machines. I don't study that.
2) Think of an everyday object (e.g., a car or a newspaper). How much of the work that goes into
creating it is done by machines?
I think it takes months to believe a serious machinas.
3) What jobs can you imagine being done by machines in the future?
The machines would do more work than a person.
2. Read the article and make brief notes on the following. Then compare notes with a partner.
• Sarah O’Connor’s story
Sarah was pretty sure her AI rival would be faster than her.
The show produced the story in about twelve minutes, a third of the time it took Sarah.
• what Sarah’s story tells us
Machines could take over the boring parts of the job, leaving them more time to be
The idea that machines can learn by themselves. Increasingly, engineers are trying to
develop machines that can learn to perform tasks for which they were not specifically
3. Read the article again. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
1) How did Sarah O’Connor feel her job would be affected by intelligent machines?
Financial Times journalist Sarah O'Connor didn't think she was one of these people.
2) What human ability was Emma incapable of?
Where Emma fell short was in the area that separates accurate information from good.
3) When does “technological unemployment” occur? In which sectors has it not yet occurred?
Which means the technology could well replace jobs faster.
The service sector (banks, restaurants, shops), no one has really imagined what all 40
employees will do.
4) What does “machine learning” mean?
The idea that machines can learn by themselves.
5) Why are “crowdworking” jobs done by people rather than machines?
It's the small tasks that computers can't handle are outsourced to human workers online
4. Find words or expressions in the article that mean the following:
1) in danger (para 1) threatened
2) was lacking (para 2) fell short
3) delicacy or sensitivity (para 2) subtlety
4) out of date and of no use (para 3) not smart enough
5) repetitive and boring (para 5) common

Critical thinking analyzing structure

5. Work in pairs. Discursive articles, like this one, discuss problems and solutions. Answer the
1) What problem did the article set out to deal with at the beginning?
The problem was that more and more people feel that their jobs are threatened by
computers or intelligent robots.
2) What possible solution did the article find or propose?
One possibility, group work, is already here and becoming more common.
3) What were the problems with this solution?
They are usually monotonous jobs and these are poorly paid.
4) How did the article conclude: with a different solution or a different problem?
You will be one of those lucky enough to have machines working for you, or you will be
working for them.
6. Work in pairs. Compare your answers from Exercise 5. Refer to the article to show where you
found the answers. Did you think this was an effective structure? Why or why not?

Green is a practical solution. because currently a person seeks to earn money and have a good life.

Word focus beyond

7. Look at this expression with beyond from the article. What does it mean? Complete the other
expressions with beyond using the words in the box.

“Such subtlety was beyond it.” (line 20)

Doubt means me recognition the call of duty

1) I couldn’t believe it when I went back ten years later. The city had changed beyond
2) AI is beyond a Doubt one of the most significant areas of technology in the
21st century.
3) It’s completely beyond the call of duty how they manage to create such
intelligent machines.
4) I had to take a serious look at my lifestyle, because I was living beyond my means
and my debt was growing.
5) Staying a little late to help them out is one thing, but working until 10 p.m. is beyond me.

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