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SAMPLE IPEAR for Acts 16:31 (ESV)

I (Introduce) What does the type of work of an ambulance driver, fireman and police officer
have in common? (Allow children to respond). They help save or rescue people when they are in
trouble. Did you know you and I have something we need to be saved from? Our memory verse
today talks about how we can be saved from the worst problem we have.
P (Present) This verse comes from the New Testament in the book of Acts, chapter 16, verse
31 and it says, (read from the Bible but specifically the part of the verse that says), “Believe on
the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” Now read from verse visual and have children say it with
E (Explain) What do you and I need to be saved from? (Allow children to respond. If they
don’t know what they need to be saved from then tell them it is sin.) The Bible tells us that we
are all sinners. Sin is anything you think, say or do that displeases God and the worst part is that
is separates us from Him. According to this Bible verse to be saved which also means to be
forgiven of our sin, we need to believe in the Lord Jesus that He took the punishment for our sin
when He died on the cross. To believe means to completely trust Jesus to forgive your sin and
save you. There is nothing you can do to have your sin forgiven on your own it can only happen
by believing in Jesus and what He did (died on the cross) to forgive your sin.
A (Application for the saved and unsaved child)
Saved: Some of you may have believed on Jesus to forgive your sin and if you have, He wants
you to keep seeking Him (praying, reading the Bible, learning about Him) and spending time
with Him.
Unsaved: Some of you may not have believed on Jesus and asked Him to forgive your sin.
You can do that today. Just tell Jesus you are sorry for your sin and you realize you need to
believe in Him to forgive you.
R (Repeat) Play the review game Pass An Object to music. When the music stops the child
holding the object gets to choose the volume (soft, medium or loud) to repeat the verse. Do
this at least seven times.

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