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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

As mentioned in module 1, the situation that arose was between my boss/owner of

the medical practice and myself, the medical receptionist. During the morning meeting on
Halloween day, he let us know that we could text our families and let them know that we
would be out two hours earlier than our scheduled time. When that time came around,
with the last patient not showing up, I enforced his own policy on patient lateness in
regards to canceling and rescheduling their appointments. When I did this, he responded
that we needed the patients due to poor retention statistics for the clinic, and that since I
did not have children of my own to celebrate Halloween with, it wasn't important for me
to get out at the time he had promised. After being left to close on my own while the
provider still got out on time, I brought up the issue the next day with him directly and
stated how I felt singled out even though I told him I had plans with my child family
members to take them trick or treating, in which he still responded that since I didn't have
children of my own, I wouldn't understand.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

I feel as though the human resources of the organization actually influenced the
situation in a negative way. As leadership using a human resource frame requires
acknowledging and focusing on employee needs and individual morale (Bolman & Deal,
2021), I feel as though this lack of insight is what caused the issue in the first place. As I
had mentioned previously, we are a small organization consisting of only six other
employees not including my clinic director and secondary provider/boss. Most
conversations on any issues or rewards are addressed as a group in public during our
meetings--including any negatory remarks on our performance.

Simply put, I believe the lack of human resources actually played a large part into
how the situation unfolded. Given that my boss knew there was no upper reporting

structure for me to fall back on, I feel as though he was aware of the power imbalance
that he had in the situation, and used it to his advantage. It felt as though he tried to plot a
“US against you” type of situation because everyone else that wasn't affected by this
situation, benefited--thus they would have no complaints.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

If we were to address the situation alternatively with human resources, I think this
would have first start by reviewing the basic human resource strategies as listed in exhibit
7.1 page 143 in our textbook. While ultimately this is a risky move to present, I do
believe that it would be interesting to see how management would react. If I were to
present these strategies and following information to them in order to further back up my
distaste in how they handled the situation, I feel as though I would be better supported in
a matter where I had no other peer support. Given how when I tried to address my
feelings of discrimination, I was simply ignored, I feel as though this is a somewhat
passive aggressive move to take.

The situation itself is tricky. With being such a small office, there isn't necessarily a
physical entity for human resources that I can report to. All issues run through this clinic
director, and there is no other management hierarchy. By airing my grievances based off
of the presentation of basic human resource strategies, I feel as though I can one, educate
them on successful means for employee retention, but also have a structure to revert back
to in support of why I feel the way I feel. Within the human resources frame,
organizations are meant to empower employees. When employees are invested, they
work harder, are more committed to their development, and feel autonomous with the
organization due to the encouraging environment (Bolman & Deal, 2021). When I first
brought the topic up for discussion, I was dismissed and simply told that--in essence--
that I don't understand because I have a different familial structure than others.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

After learning about this frame, I feel as though I would have tried to reach out to
my peers for support a bit more. Given the social implication of human interaction and
resources, I feel as though there would have been power in numbers if I wasn't so
embarrassed at the time to speak out to others. I keep repeating that it is a small
organization, and I really do think this has an issue to play in the situation at hand. If
there was even one person that was on my side that I would have shared my story with,
that would make up a fourth of our organization alone given our eight person capacity.

Furthermore, i believe that some of the theories mentioned in our textbook can be
reworked in order to work in support of my situation. Such as with the model one theory,
this assumption flow type charge, follows through a predictable set of steps in order to

further influence others. Consisting of 1, assuming that a problem is caused by another
out group member, 2, developing private solutions and diagnosis, 3, push change on the
problem area, 4, if there is resistance—it confirms fault, 5, respond to said resistance
through intensification of pressure and protection, and 6, if the efforts of this process
aren't successful, you can deduce that the initial situation at hand is the other persons fault
and therefore you should not feel a personal guilt or responsibility. If I were to simply go
through this process with myself and then introduce this same process to my peers, I feel
as though it could have influenced more support on my end in order to get a more
desirable outcome when addressing the situation with my boss. Additionally, I think it
may help in providing a deeper sense of awareness of the responsible party, and help
them work through the issues that caused it.

Reference or References
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (7th ed.).

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