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Covid-19 bukan lagi rahsia umum,indonesia dilanda covid-19

sejak tahun 2019. Sejak status pandemi diumumkan oleh WHO

berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia yang
mengalami penurunan, dampak pandemi COVID-19 dirasakan
oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat tanpa memandang status
sosial. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi di
Indonesia sangat lemah akibat adanya pandemi COVID-19,
dimana pada tahun 2019 pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 5,02%
namun sejak pandemi tahun 2020 mengalami penurunan
menjadi 2,97%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti
pemberlakuan PSBB, melemahnya daya konsumtif masyarakat,
dan terjadinya PHK besar-besaran karena perusahaan
mengalami kerugian di masa pandemi. Pemerintah telah
mencanangkan solusi dan berbagai program untuk mengatasi
dampak ekonomi dari pandemi COVID-19, seperti pemberian
dana bantuan dalam beberapa kategori, peningkatan belanja
negara yang ditujukan untuk usaha menengah ke bawah.

Covid-19 is no longer a public secret, Indonesia has been hit by

Covid-19 since 2019. Since the pandemic status was announced
by WHO it has had an impact on economic growth in Indonesia
which has experienced a decline, the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic has been felt by various levels of society regardless of
social status. The results found were that economic growth in
Indonesia was very weak due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
where in 2019 economic growth was 5.02% but since the 2020
pandemic has decreased to 2.97%. This was caused by several
factors such as the
implementation of the PSBB, the weakening of people's
consumptive power, and the occurrence of massive layoffs
because companies suffered losses during the pandemic. The
government has launched various solutions and programs to
overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,
such as providing financial assistance in several categories,
increasing state spending aimed at medium to lower businesses.

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