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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Grade 10
Division Diagnostic Assessment

Name: Date: ________________________

School: Score:________________________

I. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Number one on any list of study habits.

a. Make a schedule
b. Create your environment
c. Study in burst
d. Sleep
2. This study habit is so important while we’re on lockdown.
a. Make a schedule
b. Create your environment
c. Study in burst
d. Sleep
3. Of all the tips on the list of study habits, this could be the most important.
a. Make a schedule
b. Create your environment
c. Study in burst
d. Sleep
4. Treating your brain like a muscle.
a. Make a schedule
b. Create your environment
c. Study in burst
d. Sleep
5. It is definitely not a good practice for someone who wants their thoughts organized.
a. Studying long but still unproductive
b. Organizing all requirements and tasks before you start doing them
c. Dismissing things that you don’t understand
d. Having random notes and confusing learning space
6. Missing the opportunity to clarify or unlock your difficulty that may result in a failing score.
a. Studying long but still unproductive
b. Organizing all requirements and tasks before you start doing them
c. Dismissing things that you don’t understand
d. Having random notes and confusing learning space
7. It actually prevents students from being 100 % focused.
a. Multi-tasking while studying
b. Repeating the ineffective study habits and mistakes
c. Having a crunch time for the exams the next day
d. Studying long but still unproductive
8. It’s like you are getting food that are hard to chew.
a. Having a crunch time for the exams the next day
b. Repeating the ineffective study habits
c. Dismissing things that you don’t understand
d. Studying long but still unproductive
9. Which agency in the national government is mandated to formulate and implement policies and programs, and
serves as the policy-advisory arm in the field of labor and employment?
a. DepEd
10. Which agency is focused on the local employment promotion and administration?
a. Bureau of Local Employment
b. Local Government Unit
c. Rural Health Unit
d. Municipal Social Welfare and Development
11. What is the result of having random notes and confusing learning space?
a. It will give you difficulties to retrieve your lessons and add up to your tasks
b. Studying will only make you boring and tedious
c. You must have felt overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious how to do it all at the same time
d. It will prevent you from being 100 % focused
12. How are you going to be 100 % focused on your studies?
a. Avoid multi-tasking while studying
b. Avoid repeating the ineffective study habits and mistakes
c. Avoid a crunch time for the exams the next day
d. Avoid dismissing things that you don’t understand
13. Which of the following is the most important factor to consider when choosing a career?
a. Job market outlook
b. Your passions and interests
c. Your desired salary
d. Travel requirements
14. How important is taking notes from modules/learning kits as you read?
a. Your notes will help you remember the good points you may need during examinations
b. The more chances of accomplishing it well without feeling too much anxiety
c. It would facilitate your comprehension
d. It pays to be organized and disciplined in carrying out things
15. What makes study meaningful for you?
a. Clarify your intention or even your motivation
b. Ask help from your high performing classmates
c. Remove distractions from your study area
d. Be mindful of what you’re doing
16. Where does change start?
a. By knowing and acknowledging your weaknesses
b. By keeping clear goals and have an action plan
c. By committing to develop self-discipline
d. By learning to avoid destructions
17. It will serve as your guide in planning your actions.
a. Goal
b. Self-discipline
c. Commitment
d. Acknowledgement
18. In the 3Rs of Overcoming Life’s challenges, what R gives your mind an opportunity to pause and sort through your
thoughts and feelings?
a. Refuse
b. Reflect
c. Respond
d. Review
19. This R in Overcoming Life’s challenges refers on the acting on a situation while taking into consideration what is
good for you but for others as well
a. Refuse
b. Reflect
c. Respond
d. Review

20. A positive characteristic of a person that is mostly admire by others

a. Pessimistic
b. Lazy
c. Weak personality
d. Optimistic
21. Situation that we can apply reviewing?
a. When the teacher asks about the previous topic being discussed
b. Acting on a situation to solve a certain problem
c. Wondering about your past experiences at home
d. Reflecting in the steps in problem solving and decision making
22. This refers to “Genetic Influence” as a factor in Career choices.
a. Inherited interests, skill, and talents from parents.
b. Financial Condition of the family
c. Suggestions and demands of people around you
d. Exposure to your parent’s experiences
23. Identify the factor in Career Choices being described in this statement “Financial conditions, demands, Suggestions
of other people around you and the influence of your peers and social media”.
a. Inherited interests, skill, and talents from parents.
b. Financial Condition of the family
c. Suggestions and demands of people around you
d. Exposure to your parent’s experiences
24. Identify the factor in Sound Decision-Making to be considered in making good choices.
a. Allot a short span of time in evaluating how you solve a problem
b. Take your decisions lightly and not to seriously
c. Identify one option and explore the consequences
d. Be mindful and accurate in recognizing the problems and challenges that you are facing
25. Ana came from a poor family; her parents can barely provide for their daily food. To help her parents, Ana work
during the day and go to school at night until she finished her studies. She found a high paying job in a well-known
company. How did Ana overcome her struggles and became successful?
a. Ana asks support from her parents to finish her studies
b. She begs on the streets for money
c. Ana works during the day to earn money for her studies
d. Her rich friends help Ana
26. One of your classmates cheated on the test and you saw it with your own eyes, as a result he got the
the highest score. You are confused about reporting it to your teacher because your classmate
may get mad on you. What should you do?
a. Talk to your teacher about your cheating classmate because it is the right thing to do
b. Don’t talk about it and keep it a secret
c. Your classmate may get mad on you, so it is better not to talk about it
d. Confront your classmate who cheats because he did a wrong thing
27. From the choices below, which is the most important aspect in sound decision-making?
a. Critical thinking
b. Self-discipline
c. accountability
d. Understanding Yourself
28. Examine the situation and select the best action to be taken: “One night your friend invited you to
hang out with them and told you to grant their invitation because you will be kicked out in their group once you
failed them. You wanted to go because they are your friends, but your parents warned you not to go out during the
night”. What is the best decision you would make?
a. Follow my parent’s order because it is for my own good
b. Go hang out with my friends no matter what
c. I will tell my parents that I am going to spend the night with my friends to make a project
d. I will sneak out of the house when my parents are asleep
29. How can I help my family through my career/profession?
a. Having stable income, I will support my parents and I will send my siblings to school
b. I will help the people who need medical attention
c. I will pay my taxes honestly
d. I will spend my working hours productively
30. Which sector is involved in the extraction of raw materials?
a. Agriculture
b. Manufacturing Industry
c. Education
d. Real estate and Housing
31. Which sector is involved in the production of finished products?
a. Agriculture
b. Manufacturing Industry
c. Finance Industry
d. Education
32. It includes all service provision industries which must be given due consideration in choosing a job or career.
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Education
33. It is important in every society to have a source of growth and development to shape the lives of other individuals
and achieve a better society.
a. Education
b. Financial Industry
c. Agriculture
d. Hospitality Industry
34. It plays a major role in economic growth and development.
a. Education
b. Financial Industry
c. Agriculture
d. Hospitality Industry
35. This is a track in Senior High School that is best for students who are not yet sure which path to take.
a. GAS
b. TVL
36. This strand can lead you to go for a course in one of the fields of Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, AB English, AB
Linguistic and AB Literature.
a. TVL
b. GAS
37. Which of the following choices is a course under the STEM Strand?
a. Bachelor in Secondary Education
b. BS Nutrition and Dietetics
c. AB Islamic Studies
d. Special Education
38. Identify the course which is under the Technical Vocational Livelihood Education (TVL) Track.
a. Agri-Fishery Acts
b. Business
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Preschool Education
39. Who can be a role model, whom learners can look up to in their career decision making?
a. Parents
b. Teachers
c. Significant adults
d. All of the above
40. They are the professionals who work in the forefront during this challenging time?
a. Entrepreneur
b. Lawyers
c. Politicians
d. Front liners
41. A disease prevalent throughout the entire country, continent or the whole world.
a. Malnutrition
b. Sadness
c. Pandemic
d. Empowerment
42. A condition of general emotional dejection, and withdrawal, sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted
by any objective reason.
a. Sadness
b. loneliness
c. Stress
d. Depression
43. The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s right.
a. Mechanism
b. Empowerment
c. Strength
d. Mental Health
44. A potentially severe respiratory illness caused by a corona virus and characterized by fever, coughing and shortness
of breath.
a. Flu
b. Cough
c. Malaria
d. Covid
45. Which is the correct word to complete the statement, “What you sow is what you ___________.”
a. collect
b. get
c. reap
d. gather
46. Which is Newton’s third law of motion?
a. “What goes up, must go down”
b. “In every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”
c. “Whatever you do, comes back to you”
d. “Honesty is the best Policy”
47. At present, there are environmental problems that cause damage in our forest and ocean. Which environmental
concern is caused by production of too much waste and not having proper way of disposing it.
a. Deforestation
b. Genetic Modification of Crops
c. Water Pollution
d. Waste Production
48. Which of the following are effects in the used of Genetic Modification of Crops?
a. Damage to living organism
b. Dying of butterflies and other insects
c. Damaged crops
d. All of the above
49. Which skills are highly valued in both social and work situations?
a. Life skills
b. Intelligences
c. Talents
d. Interests
50. How can resilience helps us in our daily living?
a. Helps us maintain balance in our lives during stressful period
b. Protects us from development of some mental health difficulties
c. Enables us to develop mechanism for protection against overwhelming experiences
d. All of the choices

Prepared by:
Teacher III/JHS Guidance Designate Teacher II/ Grade 10 Adviser

Validated by:


Head Teacher III, EsP



EPS 1, EsP/Guidance
Key Answers

1. A.
2. B.
3. D.
4. C.
5. D.
6. C.
7. A.
8. A.
9. B.
10. A.
11. A.
12. A.
13. A.
14. A.
15. A.
16. A.
17. A.
18. .B
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. A.
30. A.
31. B.
32. C.
33. A.
34. C.
35. A
36. C
37. B
38. A
39. D
40. D
41. C
42. D
43. B
44. D
45. C
46. B
47. D
48. D
49. A
50. D

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