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cule Presonpuon, THU vant eisy yor a= Consulting room is always ci REGULAR MEDICATION IMPRO fES RESISTANCE POWER : The treatment of Chronic cisease I" Homoeopathy is time-consuming. Dr, Banerjea always tries 10 bring out the latent and principal causes of the disease during the first course of treatment. So it may sometimes happen that no improvement has been observed during the first sit to rine months of the treatment but during that time, the latent or principal causes of the disease have been removed, thus soon after, improvement ensues. The dynamic energy of homoeopathic medicine gently and gradually stimulates the body's own healing power and immunity With elevated immunity, the body begins to overcome deficiencies and the healing process begins. Homoeopathy iniates @ natural healing process using an individual's own energy. This ig a time-tested truth for over 200 years. So patience ‘and co-operation of the patient is, requested. On the other hand, by the side-effects of the allopathic chemical ingridients, there Is so much rise of complex and incurable diseases! FOOD RESTRICTIONS DURING HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT : ‘Afier long experience ‘and discussion with colleagues in the Urited States of ‘America and the United Kingdom, Dr. Banerjee has concluded that he does not require his patients to make any food restrictions during homoeopathic treatment Onion, garlic, wine, fea, coffee, sour foods ele. can be consumed safely, provided it ig taken some hours (atleast one hour) before or after the consumption of medicines. STANDARD DIET CHART: A) Breakfast Mornin “between 6 AM - 8 AM):- i) Fruit juice, boiled chira (puffed rice), curd or yoghurt. OF il) Chapalt! and sabi and half-ooled egg of poached e99. OF ii) Chapatti- sui (semolina) iv) Fruit (water melon, ripe papaya, musk melon, banana, cucumber, seasonal fruits). Itis good to eat fresh fruit juice and banana @s @ start to the day. 8) At 10 AM Fruit biscuits and mik / chhana (if required). ¢) Lunch (14 AMA Rice (wel boiled), raddish, cucumber, tomato, coriander leaf), fish or chicken soup Chapatt, da, sabi, green leafy vegetables, selad, paneer (cottage - curry, curd (or milk and banana). orange, guava, and other PM):- dal, spinach or green leafy vegetables, sabji salad (green peas, beetroot, carrot, or bland curry and curd. Or heese) or soybean oF nutrella D) Tiffin (4PM-5.30PM):- Fruit or chapatti- sabji or chhana. Beel fruit (bonier or wood apple), shaddock, pomegranate, custard apple, cucumber, pear etc. can be taken during this time. E) Dinner (7PM. 8 PM):- (Gastric / Acidity patients should not have late dinners). Rice or chapaiti or khai (parched or fried com), dal, sabji, Kofta / panner curry, salad, fish or chicken stew and fruits. After dinner, any fruit like sweet ‘apple, oranges (not in case of gastric patients), pineapple, ripe papaya can be eaten. After dinner, itis good to walk for about half an hour in an open airy space. in all cases, itis good to avoid sugar, salt, spicy, fried and cily foods as much possible. F) At Bed Time :- a glass of hot drink or milk (ice-cold milk for gastric pationts). FOOD - RESTRICTIONS ACCORDING TO DISEASES 1) For Gastric Patients :- Do's — Drink a glass of room temperature water before meals & only take litle or no sips during meals. Drink 1'/, ~ 2 Liday. Pear & peach juice, Banana with pear or mango juice. Don't - Alcohol, Dairy products, Coffee, Chocolates. ‘Supplements: Fennel, Coriander, parsley in your cooking to aid digestion. Add apple cider vinegar to warm water & sip before meals. Patients should consume, easily digestible foods like double - boiled rice or chira (puffed rice) or soft chapaiti, vegetable or chicken or fish stew. Regular timing and every two - hourly eating (cold milk and biscuits) / (boiled chira and sandesh, chhana) is a must. Stomach should not be left empty for a long time. Half - boiled egg, boiled potato, boiled apple, fibreless boiled vegetable soup, juice can be given. ‘Small amount of haldi (turmeric) and jeera (cumin) can be added but other spices are to be strictly avoided. Spicy, oly, hot / rich and warm foods / drinks, fried foods, smoking and drinking liquor, red meat are to be avoided. Ripe banana, suli (semolina) and fruit juice (not sour) can be given. 2) FOR CARDIAC AND BLOOD PRESSURE PATIENTS :- Heart Disease Do's ~ Cauliflower. Garlic, Banana, Cranberry, Olveoil, Carrot, walnut, Almond, Raspberry, blackcurrant (antioxidants) Don't ~ Chargriled food, alcohol & cigarettes. Each morning drink a glass of warm water with grated lemon peel High BP: Dos ~ Garlic, Onions, lentils, Bananas (Two a day), Fish Oil (thrice a week) Don't ~ salt 3) Diabetes Patient Sweets (in all forms), vegetables that grow under the soil (ike potato, carrot, beetroot, radish, ripe banana), mango to be strictly avoided, itis better to check the body weight once or twice in a month. Twice or thrice a week, rice (quantity -> 1 small cup) can be taken during lunch, if there is a strong craving (but better to avoid) along with 2 pieces of chapati. It is not advised to consume rice in cases of high blood sugar. 4) For Skin Patients :- Allergy: Do's ~ Red tomatoes-watermelon, pomegranates, green salad & leaves, brocoli, Red Cabbage, Beetroot, Red grapes, Apples. Don't - Tea, Coffee & alcohol Eczema + Psoriasis Do's — (1) Lots of water (2) Olly fish (3) Carrots, Apricots, spinach. Grab, lobster, red meats, brinjal, lady's finger (okra), egg, milk and milk products should be avoided For leucoderma patients, banana (ripe and green, both) and sour (in any form) should be totally avoided River and pond bathing should be avoided. If not possible, then take water from the pond / river and keep it in the sun for about an hour and then bathe in that water. In case of itching, apply plain non perfumed / non-scented coconut oll It is better not to wear silk or synthetic clothing. For example, it is advisable to wear cotton socks rather than nylon socks in case of skin di Polyester, teri - cotton dress materials should be avoided. Glycerine soap should be used. 5) Pationts having Gall Bladdor Stone :. itis advisable to have fat-free and carbohydrate foods. Skimmed milk, glucose (not applicable in case of blood sugar), fruit juice, green leafy vegetables, par boiled rice, light dal (lent), boiled food, ripe banana, boiled apple, sweet orange, grapes, tomato can be consumed.Oi, ghee, spices, sweet, cily fried food are to be strictly avoided. 6) Rheumatic & Gout Patients :- Gout: Do's — (1) 8 glasses of water/day. (2) Vegetable juice (3) Raw fruits & veg. (4) pineapple (5) Fish oil - Omega 3 fatty acid. Don't - Red meat, fried food. Osteoarthritis : Do's — Nuts + Seeds., Fresh pineapple, Fish Oil. Don't - Meat, Dairy Products. Potatoes (white), Chilli, tomatoes, aurbergines, citrusfruits, margarine Red meat, liver, beet, peas, spinach, musoor dal (split red lentil), rajmah should be avoided because they have high purine content which results in increase of uric acid In the days of full moon and new moon, it is advisable not to consume rice. Bathing in river / ponds should be avoided. It is advisable not to bathe in cold water. Hot water should be mixed with cold when bathing. River and pond bathing should be avoided. If not possible, then take water from the pond / river and keep it in the sun for about an hour and then bathe in that water. Damp places should be avoided. 7) For Asthmatic Patients :~ Do's — Red onion, apples, Green leafy vegetables, Fish oils (Thrice a weak) Don't — Dairy products. Massage the chest with 6 drops of encalyptus oil mixed with 2 tsp of almond oll. This can reduce the intensity of asthma Patients must have dinner by 7 p.m. (preferably at sunset) and after sunset only warm / lukewarm water or drinks can be taken. Rice should not be consumed at new moon, full moon and ekadashi (11 day of the waning of the moon), Instead, dry food like chapatt, vegetables, puffed rice can be taken. Don't have bath in pondiriver. Have bath in lukewarm water. Damp places should be avoided 8) Patients with Anaemia Chana, Milk, Spinach, Soyabean, Carrot, Beetrood, Honey, Banana may be allowed. Not allowed tea, coffee 9) Patients having Fever ‘Soft and semi-solid foods should be given. Huge quantity (for adults 312 litres per day) of water should be consumed. Boiled vegetables like potato, beans, green papaya, spinach, other leafy vegetables can bbe made into stew and given. Small fish or country chicken (small sized, ban meat) stew can be given. 10) Goitre Patients Bean, beet, cabbages, spinach, and carrot should be strictly avoided. 11) Patients having Obesity Fresh fruits, vegetables, carrot, watermeton, radish, skimmed milk, fat free fish, ban meat can be ‘consumed. Please measure calorie (in the intemet) of each and every food you are eating and the total calorie intake should not exceed 1300 to 1500 calorie per day (all meals). This is the best and safest way of reducing weight. Sweetmeats, nuts, bean, peas, rice, potato, grapes, mango, banana can be taken in small proportions. Ghee, butter, oil, fried oily foods should be strictly avoided. Food intake should be slowly decreased. Regular exercise or workouts should be done. Yoga can be practised. Everyday half an hour walk in open air is advisable. 12) Patients having Gonstipation :- Do's — Brown Rice, oats, apple, caulifiomer, Cabbage, warm water with lemon, pears. Don't - white rice. Fresh vegetables, green leafy vegetables, radish, tomato, carrot, fruits, salads should be consumed In a day, have 2-3 cups of lukewarm water in which limejuice, litle honey and sait is added. Coffee, tea, milk and milk products should not be consumed. 13) Gancer :- Do's ~ (1) Eat eight to nine portions, Five a day is not enough. but plenty of salads & fresh fruits in an uncooked state. (2) Beta-Carotene Rich food-Carrots,spinach. (3) Brown Rice. (4) Raw almonds daily. It contains enti- Cancer properties. (5) Garlic decreases risk of oesophageal, stomach Cancers. (6) Green ica decreases risk of cancers — 10 cupsiday. Don't — Meat, eggs, cheese, butter, milk, alcohol. 14) Cholesterol High :- Do's — Walnut, Fish oil (Omega 3fatty Acid), Oats, Garlic (Taken regularly) il, Olives. Don't ~ Meat, Butter, Cheese. 45) Dandruff :- Do's — Brown Rice, Raw garlic Rub in Natural yoghurt after washing & Rinsing hair. Leave the yoghurt for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, Use neem shampoo. 16) Depression :- Do's — (1) Water ~ 2LIday. (2) Fresh vegetable juice. (3) Mangoes, Green vegetables, (4) Kidney beans, peas, Soyabeans. (5) Chicken, eggs, fish (Boosts serotonin secretion) (6) Eat litle & often. Six meals a day. (8) Exercise, 47) Haemorrhoids :- Do's - Cabbage, Cauliflower, yoghurt, water (1.5 - 2L/day) Sitz Bath ~ sitting in a tub of hot water covering only your hips & Buttocks for upto 20 minutes. 18) Hypothyroidism :- Do's — Oats & Lettuce. Don't — Tea, Coffee, Alcohol 49) Hyperthyroidism :- Do's - Water - 8 glasses / day. Fluoride free toothpaste & fluorine free water. 20) Migraine :- Do's ~ Water (8 glasses/day), Brown Rice, Don't - Chocolate, Cheese, Coffee, Potatoes, tomatoes, Citrus fruits, 21) Prostate:- Do's - Tomatoes, olive oil, water meton. Directions for consuming medicines 4} Please follow the directions mentioned in the envelope containing the medicines. 2) If there are serial numbers on the powders please take them serially. 3). Please take the medicine either empty stomach (one hour before tooth brushing) or in any other time of the day, giving a gap of one hour on either side of taking foods. 4) fit has been directed to consume the medicine either once / twice a week, then please choose a routine which includes a (e.g. Sunday and Thursday or Sunday and Wednesday etc.) '5) Mother tinctures and bio-chemic tablets preferably be taken with lukewarm water, giving a gap of one hour either side of from taking foods. Itis advisable to dissolve the medicine in half or one litre of pure water and sip it through the day. Before consuming, shake the bottle containing the medicine very well 22

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