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After Meg and Charles escaped, red-eyed hypnotized Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs.

and Mrs. Who. Calvin was scared and he ran away. Meg and Charles warned the
United Nations about this. After a long research UN has invented a Time Bender.
They warped to Camazotz. Meg and Charles told them not to look at Red-eyed
mans eyes. They pointed powerful lasers at red-eyed mans to weaken his eyes but
this made his eyes even more powerful. They set a trap that pours shampoo all
over him. Red-eyed man fell into this trap got his eyes in shampoo. They covered
his eyes. They took dark control out of the red-eyed man but Darkness was still
controlling Mrs.Whatsit and her friends. UN called this mission: Operation Sphor.
The main goal was simple: To defeat the darkness. But once Darkness found out
that Red-Eyed Man was captured by Team Earth, he sent multiple battle
spaceships that contained 1000 hypnotized soldier each. They were attacking the
planet Earth with huge missiles. The children were trying to find a way to save the
Earth. Charles remembered what Mr.Whatsit said “The Resilience of his
childhood.” He went to fight the darkness and discovered how to metamorphose
like Mrs.Whatsit. But his ability was different. He wasn’t Charles Wallace anymore
he was now the Blue-Eyed Man which can resurrect people who are hypnotized.
He wrinkled and went to Earth to see Meg and Calvin. But what he saw shocked
him. Everything was covered with blood and fire. The “Blue Planet” is now the
“Red Planet.” He quickly spotted the hypnotized soldiers and returned them back
to life. But most of the population was murdered or went off with a bang. He only
knew one way to solve this. He saved his mother from a building, grabbed her
tesseract and promised her to solve everything. He saw Mrs.Whatsit and her
friends which were instantly resurrected. He asked if they can “Residual Strong
Force” (which is a type of dimensional time travel) Mrs.Whatsit said that the
situation must be too outrageous for someone to suggest that. Charles kept
insisting and explaining the situation but it didn’t work. “I can’t risk the whole
universe for a small planet.” Charles had no other choice and he hypnotized
Mrs.Whatsit. Used It to go back to 13.8 Billion years ago prevented “Darkness”
from occuring. Came back but where did all the planets go? Darkness actually is a
reason there are good people on earth. Without it there won’t planets. The Alien
Specie would have been destroyed billions of years ago. Charles had almost given
up but then realized something. If he prevented Red-Eyed Man’s creation by
Darkness he could’ve saved his planet since there will be no hypnotized soldiers
attacking, but he had no idea how to. He thought of ways for a long time in the
further past, the future, the present everywhere. And he knew that he needed
help. He grabbed now dead Meg and Calvin from the past. He asked Calvin to
communicate with Darkness. Calvin tried and succeeded. “Darkness you scared
thing! Why don’t you come close and kill us. I know the answer because YOU
CAN’TTTT” Calvin shouted. Darkness took a human form and looked Charlie right
in the eyes without knowing that he was the Blue-Eyed Man. Darkness got
hypnotized and Charles immediately wrinkled back to present knowing Darkness
could overpower it. Charles had done it. Darkness was beaten in a natural way.
Charles controlled Darkness for years. He should fight with people because if he
doesn’t there won’t be people to fight darkness which means there won’t be any
good people. He couldn’t stand it. He now seen that the previous person
controlling Darkness was just trying to kill himself and get rid of this pressure.
Charles couldn’t stand the deaths, the people he killed for the better good. He
thought he imprisoned Darkness but the only thing he imprisoned was himself.

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