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Lab 3: MongoDB Using MongoDB Compass


MongoDB Compass is the official graphical user interface (GUI) tool provided by MongoDB for
interacting with MongoDB databases. It offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that enables
developers, database administrators, and other stakeholders to explore, query, and manage
MongoDB databases without needing to use the command-line interface.

Features of MongoDB Compass:

1. Visual Database Exploration: MongoDB Compass provides a visual representation of the

database's structure, collections, and documents, making it easier for users to navigate and
understand the data.

2. Query Builder: Users can construct complex MongoDB queries using the Query Builder,
a visual tool that allows the construction of queries without writing any code. It simplifies
the process of filtering and retrieving specific data from the database.

3. Real-time Document View: MongoDB Compass allows users to view and edit individual
documents within collections in real-time. It provides a JSON-like view of the documents,
making it convenient for users to make modifications.

4. Aggregation Pipeline Builder: For advanced data analysis and processing, MongoDB
Compass offers an Aggregation Pipeline Builder. It facilitates the creation and testing of
complex aggregation pipelines, allowing users to perform data transformations and

5. Index Management: Compass allows users to view and manage indexes for collections,
helping optimize query performance.

6. Geospatial Visualization: It provides geospatial support, enabling users to visualize

geospatial data on maps and execute geospatial queries.

7. Validation Rules: MongoDB Compass allows users to define and manage validation rules
for collections, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
8. Performance Monitoring: It offers a performance tab that gives insights into the
database's performance metrics, such as operations execution time, read/write activity, and

Benefits of MongoDB Compass:

1. Ease of Use: MongoDB Compass is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it

accessible to developers and non-technical users alike. The GUI simplifies complex tasks
and eliminates the need to write MongoDB shell commands.

2. Visual Data Exploration: With its visual representation of data, Compass enables users
to quickly grasp the structure and relationships within the database.

3. Faster Query Building: The Query Builder and Aggregation Pipeline Builder streamline
the process of creating and testing queries and aggregation pipelines, saving time and

4. Efficient Index Management: Compass provides a straightforward way to manage

indexes, improving query performance and overall database efficiency.

5. Real-time Document Manipulation: Users can easily inspect and modify individual
documents, aiding in data validation and debugging.

Core functionalities and features provided by MongoDB Compass:

1. Create/Use a Database and Collection:

• Open MongoDB Compass and click on "New Connection."
• Enter the connection details and click on "Connect."
• After connecting, click on "Create Database" and enter the database name and
collection name.

• The database and collection will be created and selected for use.

2. Insert a Document
• Navigate to the collection, click on “Add Data” and then "Insert Document" button.

• Enter the document details for a record.

3. Insert Documents
• Navigate to the collection and click on the "Insert Document" button.
• Enter the details for multiple documents, one at a time, or use the "Add Many"
option to insert multiple documents at once.
4. Query a Document
• Navigate to the collection.
• Use the Filter bar to find documents where age is equal to 28.

5. Update Documents
• Navigate to the collection.
• Find the document with the name "Alice" and click on the "Edit Document" button
to update the "age" field to 26.
6. Delete Document
• Navigate to the collection.
• Find the document with the name "Bob" and click on the "Delete Document" button
to remove it.

7. Create Index
• Navigate to the collection.
• Click on the "Indexes" tab and then the "Add Index" button.
• Set the "name" field as the index and choose ascending order (1).
8. Delete Index
• Navigate to the collection.
• Click on the "Indexes" tab and find the "age_1" index in the list.
• Click on the "Delete Index" button to remove the index.
9. Projection
• Navigate to the collection.
• Use the Project bar to do projection.

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