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x —OKE: 7 Nordanvind rds 25:3 The North Wind Proverbs 2523 4 4280 frne Melis ee p——s = F ang talsineSprechyesang 4 Nor aan ‘The north wind, the 2———— 5 =p etaling/Sprechgesang Nor The north suce all tatare, tuccessvely more and more dense a alipoken P nor dan-vind fo der reg The orth wind brings forth 3m. (gone Jomo tereg.) 4 Seanians.3 Sex nro page Copyright © {389'Bdition Reimers! Kopicrng forbjuden elig as! 2013 Gehrmans Musikforlag AB, Stockholm ER 101172 Copying probibited by law! 7 +A op 4 4 at 2 0) Ards 4 ‘Aritinden mel drgentenstecen fnsateravlg) kan vara melan 25 sekuner ‘he duaton betvan te concer ue (rence tp) cn ay betwren 25 ends. ER 101172 18 —OIE: sense wisi ely ayn rn! ans ‘ E a ‘asslande tings Backbitng tongue \ [eee meus {1.81 a tempo( dso) sucess verging tl sexing rorenée rua whipating ‘aj -aken, at voce pp individ rise an india et tal = backbiting tongue mp ta im enim och en as lande ang a 4 ed acklitn ong, mula an sikten, an gry looks ER 101172 Anvisningar fér satserna 7 och 8 J = sch (dusch) —OcC. = 9 (tina) S=s'e) Konsonantljuden ar noterade i tre olika ungefarliga frekvensomraden ("tonhojder”): med fiytande grinser dar emellan (glissandi). Variera ljuden genom att forma mun- nen i olika vokalligen; morka vokaler (a, o etc) for ligre, jusa (¢, i etc) for hagee register. Fyra typer av klickljud anvindes: Fy = bilabialt (lappklick, tonlést b- eller p-ljud) P= dentalt (tung/tandklick, t- eller "smack”-Ijud) (71 = laterale (tungbladsklick, med frimre delen av tungan som klapp mot underkiken) Fr = palatal (gomblick, med bakre deen av rungan mot gommen) ‘Variera tonhéjden med hjalp av olika munstillningar (vokallagen). Klickljuden kan, alltefter sammanhang och krav pa rytmisk exakthet, utforas solistiskt och/eller koriskt. Instructions for the pieces 7 and 8 J = sh (shower) ch (China} = 5 (see) The consonant sounds are notated in three different “pitches”, [== with indifferent limits inbetween (glissandi). Vary the sound by forming the mouth in different vowel positions: dark vowels (a, o ete) for the lower, and light vowels (e, i ete) for the higher register. Four different types of click sounds are used: Fb = bilabial (lip clicks, toneless b or p sound). 1, = dental (tongue/teeth clicks, t or "smacking” sound). [1 = lateral (tomgues clicks, with the fore part of the tongue hitting the lower jaw). Fs = palatal (palate clicks, with the back of the tongue hitting the palate). Vary the pitch by using different mouth positions (for vowel positions, see above). The click sounds can be performed as a solo or by the entire chorus, according to the context and the demand for rhythmic exactness. —COE: . Viento norte - Proverbios 25:23 (original en sueco) ee Arne MelEniis Mage tenho Mawizche 17 de "Tio OrdsprAlt - "Dies Proverbios™ d= tp ee pee alo neti re. sf sreckgeang (ado co ein) fabled to del nor - te, el vien-to del nor-te eh ioc) Zoe © 1989 ny Eton Relmers AB, Stockholm —(COKE: vei- pa la tlu-via ores tng ritmo eg | he |-s [3 Jos [3 [2 sr La a aa” 4 oa ¥ El tlempo entre cada entrada (indlcacién del dvector) puede varia entre 25 segundos. (© 1929 ny Zdtion Reimers AB, Stockholm abi stto cae pp ‘asides, ren isn reo | 18: atempo d=) | senca isu abl ste ace pp indiidatnente, nex wise rico of unsem -blan-te se-ve-ro of lag re ~ pri-me. Iniruecton oh fame “Sebtaberg" 4 alemd) Ge caching) Ses (en) en nentan (oo 4) pee epee tone duets consnanissparace ene: ferenes bere lle (liter Se de vei la rane wiizudosferenes accent raves elute (1 pare clap, Semple en Fh date oe trai come ona“ The ee Che aura con Fre poeta conta part pater de ology epoleser) ties denes de onder chrgvend yt eatoacib) (008 a league Ts dene, pe “eA” a emenirs) lenges con a menditele fren} Se he de vari lotr aon do dfrntspotloncsvecle co omer Selasconsonanies snteriores Ener casesdos pen sor interrtades fone por aint come por lode care dependent dl Sreriddarrnecr pepretoee © 1989 ny Eaton Reimers AB, Stocknolm

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