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Nama: Helen tiara sakti

Kelas: MN2B
NIM: 221510051
Resume BI Topic 12

International Business Environments and Operations

Chapter Objectives
• Profile the evolving understanding of organizing a company for international business
•Describe the antecedents and features of traditional structures
•Describe the antecedents and features of contemporary structures
Study the systems used to coordinate and control
international activities
•Profile the role and characteristics of organization culture
• Link the ideas of strategy and organization in the international company

Organizing Operations
Organizing is the process of creating the structure, systems, and culture needed to
implement the company's strategy.

Organization Structure
Structure: formal arrangement of jobs within a company that specifies roles, responsibilities,
and relationships
• Vertical Differentiation
• Horizontal Differentiation

(Vertical Differentiation)
• Centralization versus Decentralization in
Organizational Design
- Centralization: degree to which high-level managers make strategic decisions and delegate
them to lower levels for implementation.
- Decentralization: degree to which lower-level managers make and implement strategic
(Horizontal Differentiation)
• Functional Structure
- Advantages and Disadvantages
• Divisional Structure
- International Division
- Product Division
- Geographic Division
• Matrix Structure
- Unity of Command Principle
• Mixed Structure

Organization Culture
• The Importance of Culture
- Culture and Values
- Culture and the Value Chain
• Challenges and Pitfalls
• Organization Culture and Strategy

Resume: So International Business is different from its domestic business in terms of its
relation to three environments namely domestic, foreign and international. Although the
types of power are the same in domestic and foreign settings, the values are different and
changes in the value of foreign power are sometimes hard to know.

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