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Adilah Sal Sabillah (21006)

Afiifah Bellianda (21009)

Ikasa Nandes Yonanda (21051)
2 A (English For Nurse Dra. Sri Supeni., M.Pd.
Task 2 Group Work. Write a complete sentenceusing theword(s) in brackets.
Don’t write the same sentence as above.

1. (Extend) I Just want you to extend your right hand

2. (Put-Hip) Let me help you put your right hand under your hip
3. (Place-Pillow-Head) Now I need to place this pillow under your head
4. (Side-lying---Edge of bed) Would you change your position into side lying to edge
of bed
5. (Change-Prone-To Side-lying) I want you to change your position in prone
position to lie on side lying position

Task 3. Give the right expressions.

1. Perintahkan pasien anda untuk berbaring di tempat tidur

Answer : I just want you to lie back on your back
2. Dalam posisi tidur. Perintahkan pasien anda untuk bergeser ke tengah tempat
Answer : Now i want you to slide it to the middle of the bed
3. Beritahukan pada pasien anda bahwa anda perlu memindahkan posisinya dari
miring ke telungkup.
Answer : I need you to change your position from sideways to prone
4. Beritahukan anda perlu mengganti sprei. Beritahukan pada pasien anda untuk
berpindah dari posisi terlentang ke posisi miring, ke samping tempat tidur,
berpegangan pada sisi tempat tidur.
Answer : I need to help you to change the linen, Now i want you to roller over
sideways from the back and holding on to the side of the bed
5. Perintahkan pasien anda untuk duduk condong ke depan
Answer : I want you to sit leaning forward
Task 4. Complete the following medical intervention using the words available
below. Change them into the correct froms when necessary.

To be – To meet – To find – To take – To help – To move – Left side – To put

– To wipe – To feel – To wait – To give – Still – This – To bend


Doctor : Now i (1. Am) going to take some fluid from your back (2. To find) out
what (3. Still) giving you (4. Feel) headache. The nurse will (5. Help) me. Now I
want you (6. To move) right to the edge of the bed. That’s it. Right. Lie on your (7.
Left side). Now can you (8. Bend) both your knees up as far as they’ll go ? That’s
great. I’ll just (9. Put) a pillow between your knees to keep you comfortable. There
you go. (Put) your head right down (to meet) your knees. Curl (menggulung) up.
Now i (10. Am) going (11. To wipe) your back with some antiseptic. You’ll (12.
Feel) a bit cold. I’m afraid. Now I’m going to (give) you local anaesthetic so it
wan’t be sore. You’ll feel a slight job, OK ? There. We’ll (wait) for a few minutes
for that (13. Give) effect. Right now, lie (14. And relax) that (15. Will be) very

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