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Moreover, Hermaphroditus is a representation for the idea that gender can be more complex

than merely "male" or "female," and can even be a combination of the two. Hermaphroditus is a
figure that demonstrates how masculine and feminine traits may coexist in everyone and how
they can enhance one another. While some people may exhibit more masculine characteristics
like strength or assertiveness, others may exhibit more feminine characteristics like nurturing or
sensitivity. But it's common and perfectly acceptable for folks to have a combination of both.
Hermaphroditus demonstrates how these dissimilar traits can coexist together. For example, a
single widowed mother, who also takes the role of being the man or a father for her child. She
demonstrates not only his motherly side but also possesses a father figure. This concept is
crucial because it serves as a reminder that each individual is unique and that there is no one
"correct" way to be a man or a woman. It promotes acceptance and acknowledgement of the
fact that gender is multifaceted and cannot be split into simply two categories. Instead, it
embraces the idea that everyone has a unique way of expressing themselves, and that each of
those ways is legitimate and worthy of respect.

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