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Moon to Mars Questions:

Multiple Choice:

1) What is the primary goal of NASA's Artemis program?

A. To send the first woman to Mars.

B. To establish a long-term human presence on the moon.

C. To explore the moon's environment using robotic missions.

D. To build a lunar space station.

2) What is the significance of the name "Artemis" for the program?

A. It refers to the goddess of the sun.

B. It's the name of the first spacecraft used in the program.

C. It relates to the goddess of the moon.

D. It represents the ancient Greek god of war.

3) How does Bally Ribbon Mills contribute to the Artemis program?

A. By manufacturing spacecraft propulsion systems.

B. By supplying gaseous and liquid hydrogen for missions.

C. By developing scientific instruments for lunar exploration.

D. By creating protective materials for the space mission.

Short Answer:

4) Why are the crawler transporters significant to the Artemis mission?

5) Name two additional Lehigh Valley Companies that contribute to NASA’s missions and describe what
they do.

Critical Thinking:

Why is the Artemis program significant, and what are the potential benefits of establishing a human
presence on the moon?


Video questions:

Artemis Overview

• How is the main goal of NASA’s Artemis mission described in this video?
• What is the purpose of Artemis 1 and when did it lift off?
• Why is resource utilization especially important to this mission?
• Explain how NASA’s space exploration contracts with local companies have impacted their
• Imagine you are a NASA scientist working on the Artemis mission. What challenges do you
anticipate in sending humans to the moon to establish a long-term presence?

Astrobotic Technology

• What is the primary mission of Astrobotics?

• How are they working to achieve that goal?
• What types of payloads will Peregrine be delivering on the moon?

Bally Ribbon Mills

• What did Bally Ribbon Mills start producing in 1923?

• What role has Bally Ribbon Mills played in NASA’s Orion spacecraft ?
• How does the innovative weaving technique used by Bally Ribbon Mills differ from traditional
textile weaving?
• What are the primary challenges associated with weaving carbon yarn? Consider the
characteristics of this material.

Bosch Rexroth

• When did Bosch Rexroth establish a facility in Bethlehem, PA?

• What is the focus of Bosch Rexroth’s manufacturing operation?
• Describe the significance of the large crawlers mentioned in the video and how they contribute
to the space mission.

Acopian Technical

• How does Acopian Technical Company contribute to NASA engineers in their work?
• What is described in the video as the basic function of the power supply?

Critical Thinking:

• The Acopian Technical Company has a rich history, starting with Jeff Acopian’s father’s journey
from Iran to the United States and his entrepreneurial spirit. How do personal stories like these
contribute to the broader narrative of innovation and progress in industries like aerospace and

Curriculum Links:

• Science: Space and Motion

• History: Space Exploration

• Technology: Aerospace Engineering

• Language Arts: Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills

• Critical Thinking: Problem-solving, Analytical Skills

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