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1. A the degree to which the overall task of the org is broken

down and divided into smaller component parts
A. job specialization
B. job rotation
C. job characteristics approach - cách ti¿p c-n ·c iÃm công viÇ
D. Task significance - ý ngh)a

2. B an alternative to job specialization that involves systemat-

ically moving employees from one job to another
A. job enrichment
B. job rotation
C. job specialization
D. job characteristics approach - cách ti¿p c-n ·c iÃm công viÇ

3. C an alt to job specialization that attempts to increase the

total number of tasks workers perform
A. job rotation
B. Autonomy
D. job specialization

4. D increase both the number of tasks a worker does and the

control the worker has over the job
A. job specialization
B. job rotation
D. job enrichment

5. A an alternative to job specialization that suggests that jobs

should be diagnosed and improved along five dimensions
(skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and
A. job characteristics approach - cách ti¿p c-n ·c iÃm công viÇ
B. Skill variety
C. job enrichment
D. job specialization

6. B The number of things a person does in a job

A. job enrichment

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B. Skill variety
C. job specialization
D. job characteristics approach - cách ti¿p c-n ·c iÃm công viÇ

7. C The extent to which the worker does a complete or identi-

fiable portion of the total job
A. job enrichment
B. job characteristics approach - cách ti¿p c-n ·c iÃm công viÇ
C. Task identity - nh-n d¡ng
D. Autonomy

8. D The perceived importance of the task

A. job enrichment
B. work team
C. Feedback
D. Task significance

9. A The degree of control the worker has over how the work
is performed
A. Autonomy
B. Task identity
C. Task significance
D. Skill variety

10. B The extent to which the worker knows how well the job is
being performed
A. Departmentalization
B. Feedback
C. Autonomy
D. Skill variety

11. C an alternative to job specialization that allows an entire

group to design the work system it will use to perform an
interrelated set of tasks
A. Scalar principle
B. Location departmentalization
C. work team
D. functional departmentalization

12. D
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process of grouping jobs according to some logical
A. Unity of command
B. Skill variety
C. Unity of command
D. Departmentalization - phòng ban

13. A grouping jobs involving the same or similar activities

A. functional departmentalization
B. chain of command
C. centralization
D. work team

14. B grouping activities around products or product groups

A. Feedback
B. product departmentalization
C. Location departmentalization
D. Skill variety

15. C Grouping activities to respond to and interact with specific

customers or customer groups
A. functional departmentalization
B. span of management
C. Customer departmentalization
D. authority

16. D grouping jobs on their basis of defined geographical sites

A. Scalar principle
B. decentralization
C. product departmentalization
D. Location departmentalization

17. A a clear and distinct line of authority among positions in an

A. chain of command
B. authority
C. work team
D. centralization

18. D
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Suggests that each person within an organization must
have a clear reporting relationship to one and only one
A. centralization
B. span of management
C. chain of command
D. Unity of command

19. C Suggests that there must be a clear and unbroken line

of authority that extends from the lowest to the highest
position in the organization
A. job enrichment
B. Skill variety
C. Scalar principle
D. span of management

20. D the number of people who report to a particular manage

A. chain of command
B. Unity of command
C. authority
D. span of management

21. A power that has been legitimized by the org

A. authority
B. work team
C. Location departmentalization
D. centralization

22. B process which manager assigns a portion of his work total

load to others
A. The Need for Coordination
B. Delegation - çy quyÁn
C. Scalar principle
D. Bureaucracy - ch¿ Ù quan liêu

23. C process of systematically delegating power and authority

through out the org to middle and lower level managers
A. span of management
B. The Need for Coordination

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C. decentralization
D. chain of command

24. D systematically retaining power and authority in hands of

higher management
A. decentralization
B. Scalar principle
C. authority
D. centralization

25. A process of linking the activities of various department of

the organization
A. Coordination - sñ phÑi hãp
B. Location departmentalization
C. Departmentalization
D. Customer departmentalization

26. B The primary reason for coordination is that departments

and work groups are interdependent— they depend on
one another for information and resources to perform their
respective activities.
A. decentralization
B. The Need for Coordination
C. Bureaucracy
D. Three basic forms of technology

27. C when units operate with little interaction; their output is

pooled at the organizational level
A. centralization
B. Coordination - sñ phÑi hãp
C. pooled interdependence - sñ phå thuÙc l«n nhau gÙp l¡i
D. Delegation - çy quyÁn

28. D when the output of one unit becomes the input for another
in a sequence fashion
A. Bureaucracy - ch¿ Ù quan liêu
B. reciprocal interdependence - sñ phå thuÙc l«n nhau t°¡ng
C. pooled interdependence - sñ phå thuÙc l«n nhau gÙp l¡i
D. sequential interdependence - sñ phå thuÙc l«n nhau tu§n

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29. A when activities flow both ways between units
A. reciprocal interdependence - sñ phå thuÙc l«n nhau t°¡ng
B. Three basic forms of technology
C. Large-batch or mass-production technology
D. Environment

30. B a model of organization design based on a legitimate and

formal system of authority
A. mechanistic organization
B. Bureaucracy - ch¿ Ù quan liêu
C. Unit or small-batch technology
D. Organic organizations

31. C based on the assumption that the optimal design for any
given org depends on a set of relevant situational factors:
Technology, Environment, Organizational size and life cy-
A. Continuous-process technology
B. Large-batch or mass-production technology
C. situational view of organization design
D. mechanistic organization

32. D conversion process used to transform inputs and outputs

A. Continuous-process technology
B. Large-batch or mass-production technology
C. Unit or small-batch technology
D. technology

33. A 1. Unit or small-batch technology

2. Large-batch or mass-production technology
3. Continuous-process technology

A. Three basic forms of technology

B. situational view of organization design
C. sequential interdependence
D. The Need for Coordination

34. B The product is custom-made to customer specifications or

produced in small quantities Công nghÇ ¡n vË ho·c công ngh
hàng lo¡t nhÏ.
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have very little bureaucracy
A. Large-batch or mass-production technology
B. Unit or small-batch technology
C. mechanistic organization
D. Continuous-process technology

35. C The product is manufactured in assembly-line fashion by

combining component parts into another part of finished
product. s£n xu¥t theo kiÃu dây chuyÁn l¯p ráp.
much more bureaucratic and also have a higher level of
A. Integration dimension
B. Unit or small-batch technology
C. Large-batch or mass-production technology
D. Continuous-process technology

36. D Raw materials are transformed to a finished product by a

series of machine or process transformations. Công nghÇ
s£n xu¥t hàng lo¡t.
have very little bureaucracy
A. centralization
B. Unit or small-batch technology
C. Differentiation dimension
D. Continuous-process technology

37. A • Stable environments that remain constant over time

• Unstable environments subject to uncertainty and rapid
A. Environment
B. technology
C. Organizational size
D. Organizational life cycle

38. B similar to bureaucracy or system 1 model, most frequently

found in stable environments
A. Integration dimension
B. mechanistic organization
C. Differentiation dimension
D. Organic organizations

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39. C are most often found in unstable and unpredictable envi-
A. Functional design
B. Organizational life cycle
C. Organic organizations
D. Matrix design

40. D Extent to which the organization is broken down into sub-

A. Organizational size
B. Conglomerate (H-Form) Design
C. Organizational life cycle
D. Differentiation dimension

41. A Degree to which the various subunits must work together

in a coordinated fashion
A. Integration dimension
B. Organic organizations
C. Continuous-process technology
D. Matrix design

42. B Total number of full-time or full-time equivalent employees

A. Organizational life cycle
B. Organizational size
C. Organic organizations
D. mechanistic organization

43. C Progression through which organizations evolve as they

grow and mature—birth, youth, midlife, and maturity.
A. centralization
B. Coordination
C. Organizational life cycle
D. situational view of organization design

44. D The members and units in the organization are grouped

into functional departments. "U-form"
A. Environment
B. Matrix design
C. technology
D. Functional design
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45. A Used by an organization made up of a set of unrelated

A. Conglomerate (H-Form) Design
B. Divisional (M-Form) Design
C. Matrix design
D. Functional design

46. B Based on multiple businesses in related areas operating

within a larger organizational framework
A. Conglomerate (H-Form) Design
B. Divisional (M-Form) Design
C. Matrix design
D. Functional design

47. C A set of product groups, or temporary departments, is

superimposed across the functional departments.
The matrix creates a multiple-commandstructure in which
an employee reports to both a functional supervisor and
one or more project managers.
A. Conglomerate (H-Form) Design
B. Divisional (M-Form) Design
C. Matrix design
D. Functional design


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